blob: 8937610e455843962ee38b70be41953ac79a6173 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Tests the playground builder tool.
# sourced via playground/lib/
# ( has side effects, should not be sourced again)
source "$(go list -f {{.Dir}} playground)/../../../client/lib/shell/"
# Sets up a glob file with the given files, then runs builder.
test_with_files() {
local -r TESTDATA_DIR="$(go list -f {{.Dir}} playground)/testdata"
# Write input file paths to the glob file.
local -r CONFIG_FILE="$(shell::tmp_dir)/test.bundle"
echo "$*" | tr ' ' '\n' > "${CONFIG_FILE}"
test_pg_example "${TESTDATA_DIR}" "${CONFIG_FILE}" "-v=true --includeV23Env=true --runTimeout=5s"
main() {
cd "${shell_test_WORK_DIR}"
echo -e "\n\n>>>>> Test as the same principal\n\n"
test_with_files "src/pong/pong.go" "src/ping/ping.go" "src/pingpong/wire.vdl" || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: basic ping (go -> go)"
grep -q PING builder.out || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: no PING"
grep -q PONG builder.out || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: no PONG"
test_with_files "src/pong/pong.js" "src/ping/ping.js" "src/pingpong/wire.vdl" || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: basic ping (js -> js)"
grep -q PING builder.out || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: no PING"
grep -q PONG builder.out || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: no PONG"
test_with_files "src/pong/pong.go" "src/ping/ping.js" "src/pingpong/wire.vdl" || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: basic ping (js -> go)"
grep -q PING builder.out || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: no PING"
grep -q PONG builder.out || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: no PONG"
test_with_files "src/pong/pong.js" "src/ping/ping.go" "src/pingpong/wire.vdl" || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: basic ping (go -> js)"
grep -q PING builder.out || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: no PING"
grep -q PONG builder.out || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: no PONG"
echo -e "\n\n>>>>> Test with authorized blessings\n\n"
test_with_files "src/pong/pong.go" "src/ping/ping.go" "src/pingpong/wire.vdl" "src/ids/" || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: authorized id (go -> go)"
grep -q PING builder.out || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: no PING"
grep -q PONG builder.out || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: no PONG"
test_with_files "src/pong/pong.js" "src/ping/ping.js" "src/pingpong/wire.vdl" "src/ids/" || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: authorized id (js -> js)"
grep -q PING builder.out || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: no PING"
grep -q PONG builder.out || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: no PONG"
echo -e "\n\n>>>>> Test with expired blessings\n\n"
test_with_files "src/pong/pong.go" "src/ping/ping.go" "src/pingpong/wire.vdl" "src/ids/" || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: expired id (go -> go)"
grep -q "not authorized" builder.out || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: rpc with expired id succeeded (go -> go)"
# TODO(bprosnitz) Re-enable with issue #986 (once javascript supports expired blessings).
# test_with_files "src/pong/pong.js" "src/ping/ping.js" "src/pingpong/wire.vdl" "src/ids/" || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: expired id (js -> js)"
# grep -q "not authorized" builder.out || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: rpc with expired id succeeded (js -> js)"
echo -e "\n\n>>>>> Test with unauthorized blessings\n\n"
test_with_files "src/pong/pong.go" "src/ping/ping.go" "src/pingpong/wire.vdl" "src/ids/" || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: unauthorized id (go -> go)"
grep -q "not authorized" builder.out || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: rpc with unauthorized id succeeded (go -> go)"
test_with_files "src/pong/pong.js" "src/ping/ping.js" "src/pingpong/wire.vdl" "src/ids/" || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: unauthorized id (js -> js)"
grep -q "not authorized" builder.out || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: rpc with unauthorized id succeeded (js -> js)"
main "$@"