blob: 756308e7e4640ea6ea72b03c8e92d827eadcc0db [file] [log] [blame]
// index=1
package main
import (
vflag ""
// The Fortuned implementation.
type fortuned struct {
// The set of all fortunes.
fortunes []string
// Used to pick a random index in 'fortunes'.
random *rand.Rand
// Initialize server state.
func newFortuned() *fortuned {
return &fortuned{
fortunes: []string{
"You will reach the height of success in whatever you do.",
"You have remarkable power which you are not using.",
"Everything will now come your way.",
random: rand.New(rand.NewSource(99)),
// Methods that get called by RPC requests.
func (f *fortuned) Get(_ ipc.ServerContext) (Fortune string, err error) {
return f.fortunes[f.random.Intn(len(f.fortunes))], nil
func (f *fortuned) Add(_ ipc.ServerContext, Fortune string) error {
f.fortunes = append(f.fortunes, Fortune)
return nil
// Main - Set everything up.
func main() {
// Create the runtime.
r := rt.Init()
// Create a new instance of the runtime's server functionality.
s, err := r.NewServer()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("failure creating server: ", err)
// Create the fortune server stub.
fortuneServer := fortune.FortuneServer(newFortuned())
// Create an endpoint and begin listening.
if endpoint, err := s.Listen(profiles.LocalListenSpec); err == nil {
fmt.Printf("Listening at: %v\n", endpoint)
} else {
log.Fatal("error listening to service: ", err)
// Serve the fortune dispatcher at "fortune".
if err := s.ServeDispatcher("fortune", ipc.LeafDispatcher(fortuneServer, vflag.NewAuthorizerOrDie())); err != nil {
log.Fatal("error serving service: ", err)
// Wait forever.