blob: e00877ab0221724fe20e81c5227add9b6ede2836 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package jobqueue
import (
var (
defaultMaxTime = 10 * time.Second
defaultMaxSize = 1 << 16
defaultMemLimit = 100
func init() {
// Compile builder binary and put in path.
pgDir := os.ExpandEnv("${VANADIUM_ROOT}/release/projects/playground/go")
cmd := exec.Command("make", "builder")
cmd.Dir = path.Join(pgDir, "src", "playground")
if out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error running 'make builder'")
pgBinDir := path.Join(pgDir, "bin")
if err := os.Setenv("PATH", pgBinDir+":"+os.Getenv("PATH")); err != nil {
// mockTestFile is a simple Go progam that will be sent to the dispatcher in the
// test runs.
var mockTestFile = `
package main
func main() {
fmt.Printf("PROGRAM START")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
fmt.Printf("PROGRAM END")
// mockTestBody is a bundle containing the mockTestFile, as it would look if it
// came from an http request from the playground client.
var mockTestBody = []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{
"files": [ {
"name": "src/main/main.go",
"body": %v
} ]
}`, strconv.Quote(mockTestFile)))
// testConfig encapsulates all the parameters and expectations for a single
// test run.
type testConfig struct {
// Number of jobs to enqueue.
jobs int
// Dispatcher configuration.
workers int
jobCap int
// Job configuration.
useDocker bool
maxSize int
maxTime time.Duration
memLimit int
// Test expectations. Default is to expect success.
expectEnqueueFail bool
expectOutputTooLarge bool
expectJobFail bool
func newMockResponseEventSink() *event.ResponseEventSink {
var b bytes.Buffer
return event.NewResponseEventSink(&b, false)
// eventsMatch returns true iff there is an event whose message matches the
// given string.
func eventsMatch(events []event.Event, match string) bool {
for _, e := range events {
if strings.Contains(e.Message, match) {
return true
return false
// assertExpectedResult asserts that the result matches the test expectations
// in the test config.
func assertExpectedResult(t *testing.T, c testConfig, r result) {
expectSuccess := !c.expectJobFail
if expectSuccess != r.Success {
t.Errorf("Expected result.Success to be %v but was %v. Test config: %#v", expectSuccess, r.Success, c)
if !r.Success {
if c.expectOutputTooLarge {
want := "Program output too large, killed."
if !eventsMatch(r.Events, want) {
t.Errorf("Event message %v not found in %#v. Test config: %#v", want, r.Events, c)
// Expect normal program output.
if !eventsMatch(r.Events, want) {
t.Errorf("Event message %v not found in %#v. Test config: %#v", want, r.Events, c)
want = "PROGRAM END"
if !eventsMatch(r.Events, want) {
t.Errorf("Event message %v not found in %#v. Test config: %#v", want, r.Events, c)
// runTest runs a particular test configuration. It starts a dispatcher, queues
// jobs and waits for them to finish, and asserts that they match the
// expectations in the testConfig.
func runTest(t *testing.T, c testConfig) {
fmt.Printf("Testing %v jobs on %v workers with jobCap of %v and useDocker %v\n",, c.workers, c.jobCap, c.useDocker)
d := NewDispatcher(c.workers, c.jobCap)
var enqueueError error
// wg waits for all the jobs to finish.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Start all the jobs.
for i := 0; i <; i++ {
res := newMockResponseEventSink()
job := NewJob(mockTestBody, res, c.maxSize, c.maxTime, c.useDocker, c.memLimit)
resultChan, err := d.Enqueue(job)
if err != nil {
enqueueError = err
go func() {
r := <-resultChan
assertExpectedResult(t, c, r)
if !c.expectEnqueueFail && enqueueError != nil {
t.Fatalf("Enqueue failed: %v. Test config: %#v", enqueueError, c)
if c.expectEnqueueFail && enqueueError == nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected Enqueue to fail but it did not. Test config: %#v", c)
// Test must finish in 30 seconds.
timeout := time.After(30 * time.Second)
jobsFinished := make(chan bool)
go func() {
jobsFinished <- true
// Wait for timeout or all jobs to finish.
select {
case <-timeout:
t.Fatalf("Expected jobs to complete but got timeout. Test config: %#v", c)
case <-jobsFinished:
func TestJobQueue(t *testing.T) {
// Test success cases without docker.
runTest(t, testConfig{
jobs: 1,
workers: 1,
jobCap: 1,
maxSize: defaultMaxSize,
maxTime: defaultMaxTime,
useDocker: false,
runTest(t, testConfig{
jobs: 3,
workers: 1,
jobCap: 3,
maxSize: defaultMaxSize,
maxTime: defaultMaxTime,
useDocker: false,
runTest(t, testConfig{
jobs: 3,
workers: 3,
jobCap: 3,
maxSize: defaultMaxSize,
maxTime: defaultMaxTime,
useDocker: false,
runTest(t, testConfig{
jobs: 6,
workers: 3,
jobCap: 10,
maxSize: defaultMaxSize,
maxTime: defaultMaxTime,
useDocker: false,
// Test success cases with docker.
runTest(t, testConfig{
jobs: 1,
workers: 1,
jobCap: 1,
maxSize: defaultMaxSize,
maxTime: defaultMaxTime,
memLimit: defaultMemLimit,
useDocker: true,
runTest(t, testConfig{
jobs: 3,
workers: 1,
jobCap: 3,
maxSize: defaultMaxSize,
maxTime: defaultMaxTime,
memLimit: defaultMemLimit,
useDocker: true,
runTest(t, testConfig{
jobs: 3,
workers: 3,
jobCap: 3,
maxSize: defaultMaxSize,
maxTime: defaultMaxTime,
memLimit: defaultMemLimit,
useDocker: true,
runTest(t, testConfig{
jobs: 6,
workers: 3,
jobCap: 10,
maxSize: defaultMaxSize,
maxTime: defaultMaxTime,
memLimit: defaultMemLimit,
useDocker: true,
// Test Enqueue should fail when job capacity is exceeded.
runTest(t, testConfig{
jobs: 5,
workers: 2,
jobCap: 2,
maxSize: defaultMaxSize,
maxTime: defaultMaxTime,
useDocker: false,
expectEnqueueFail: true,
runTest(t, testConfig{
jobs: 5,
workers: 2,
jobCap: 2,
maxSize: defaultMaxSize,
maxTime: defaultMaxTime,
memLimit: defaultMemLimit,
useDocker: true,
expectEnqueueFail: true,
// Test job should fail if it exceeds size limit.
runTest(t, testConfig{
jobs: 1,
workers: 1,
jobCap: 1,
maxSize: 100,
maxTime: defaultMaxTime,
useDocker: false,
expectOutputTooLarge: true,
runTest(t, testConfig{
jobs: 1,
workers: 1,
jobCap: 1,
maxSize: 100,
maxTime: defaultMaxTime,
memLimit: defaultMemLimit,
useDocker: true,
expectOutputTooLarge: true,
// Test job should fail if it exceeds max time.
runTest(t, testConfig{
jobs: 1,
workers: 1,
jobCap: 1,
maxSize: defaultMaxSize,
maxTime: 1 * time.Second,
useDocker: false,
expectJobFail: true,
runTest(t, testConfig{
jobs: 1,
workers: 1,
jobCap: 1,
maxSize: defaultMaxSize,
maxTime: 1 * time.Second,
useDocker: true,
expectJobFail: true,
// Test job should fail if it exceeds memory limit (docker only).
runTest(t, testConfig{
jobs: 1,
workers: 1,
jobCap: 1,
maxSize: defaultMaxSize,
maxTime: defaultMaxTime,
memLimit: 5,
useDocker: true,
expectJobFail: true,
func TestJobCancel(t *testing.T) {
d := NewDispatcher(1, 10)
// Create five jobs.
res1 := newMockResponseEventSink()
job1 := NewJob(mockTestBody, res1, defaultMaxSize, defaultMaxTime, false, defaultMemLimit)
res2 := newMockResponseEventSink()
job2 := NewJob(mockTestBody, res2, defaultMaxSize, defaultMaxTime, false, defaultMemLimit)
res3 := newMockResponseEventSink()
job3 := NewJob(mockTestBody, res3, defaultMaxSize, defaultMaxTime, false, defaultMemLimit)
res4 := newMockResponseEventSink()
job4 := NewJob(mockTestBody, res4, defaultMaxSize, defaultMaxTime, false, defaultMemLimit)
res5 := newMockResponseEventSink()
job5 := NewJob(mockTestBody, res5, defaultMaxSize, defaultMaxTime, false, defaultMemLimit)
// Cancel first job right away.
// Queue all jobs.
resultChan1, err := d.Enqueue(job1)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Enqueue failed: %v", err)
resultChan2, err := d.Enqueue(job2)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Enqueue failed: %v", err)
resultChan3, err := d.Enqueue(job3)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Enqueue failed: %v", err)
resultChan4, err := d.Enqueue(job4)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Enqueue failed: %v", err)
resultChan5, err := d.Enqueue(job5)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Enqueue failed: %v", err)
r1 := <-resultChan1
r2 := <-resultChan2
// Cancel second job after it has already run.
// Cancel fourth job after it has been queued, but before it has run.
r3 := <-resultChan3
r4 := <-resultChan4
// Wait half a second to give job 5 a chance to start running, then cancel it.
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
r5 := <-resultChan5
// Check that jobs 1 and 4 failed.
if r1.Success {
t.Errorf("Expected job 1 to fail but it succeeded.")
if r4.Success {
t.Errorf("Expected job 4 to fail but it succeeded.")
// Check that jobs 2, 3, and 5 succeeded.
if !r2.Success {
t.Errorf("Expected job 2 to succeed but it failed.")
if !r3.Success {
t.Errorf("Expected job 3 to succeed but it failed.")
if !r5.Success {
t.Errorf("Expected job 5 to succeed but it failed.")