blob: 0e3d43adcbcc7de50959dd2a8085c108b8f3ce00 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Starts an instance of master device syncbased and required services.
set -eu
source "${JIRI_ROOT}/experimental/projects/sensorlog_lite/src/"
# Must be run with V23_CREDENTIALS set or through the agent.
# Optional environment variables: SL_PREFIX, SL_DEVID, SL_IPADDR_PORT, SL_TMPDIR
function main() {
local -r PREFIX="${SL_PREFIX:-sl/client}"
local -r DEVID="${SL_DEVID:-$(gen_uuid)}"
local -r NAME="${PREFIX}/${DEVID}"
local -r IPADDR_PORT="${SL_IPADDR_PORT:-$(dig $(hostname) +short):8707}"
local -r TMPDIR="${SL_TMPDIR:-sltmp}/${NAME}"
mkdir -p "${TMPDIR}"
trap "kill_child_processes; exit 1" ERR EXIT
run_mounttabled "${NAME}" "${IPADDR_PORT}"
run_syncbased "/${IPADDR_PORT}" "${NAME}" "${TMPDIR}"
# Wait for signal.
while true; do
sleep 10
main "$@"