blob: 7ddcabc14749a33bb8f8c2e0365f7fd545179041 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import '../models/all.dart' as model;
import '../stores/store.dart';
import '../styles/common.dart' as style;
import '../utils/image_provider.dart' as imageProvider;
import 'syncslides_page.dart';
import 'toast.dart' as toast;
final GlobalKey _scaffoldKey = new GlobalKey();
class QuestionListPage extends SyncSlidesPage {
final String _deckId;
Widget build(BuildContext context, AppState appState, AppActions appActions) {
if (!appState.decks.containsKey(_deckId)) {
// TODO(aghassemi): Proper error page with navigation back to main view.
return new Text('Deck no longer exists.');
var deckState = appState.decks[_deckId];
var presentationState = deckState.presentation;
if (presentationState == null) {
// TODO(aghassemi): Proper error page with navigation back to main view.
return new Text('Not in a presentation.');
if (!presentationState.isOwner) {
// TODO(aghassemi): Proper error page with navigation back to main view.
return new Text('Only presentation owner can see the list of questions.');
return new Scaffold(
key: _scaffoldKey,
toolBar: new ToolBar(
left: new IconButton(
icon: 'navigation/arrow_back',
onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop()),
center: new Text('Answer questions')),
body: new Material(
child: new QuestionList(_deckId, presentationState,
deckState.slides, appActions, appState)));
class QuestionList extends StatelessComponent {
String _deckId;
PresentationState _presentationState;
List<model.Slide> _slides;
AppActions _appActions;
AppState _appState;
QuestionList(this._deckId, this._presentationState, this._slides,
this._appActions, this._appState);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
List<Widget> questionCards = _presentationState.questions
.map((model.Question q) => _buildQuestionCard(context, q))
return new ScrollableViewport(child: new Block(questionCards));
Widget _buildQuestionCard(BuildContext context, model.Question q) {
List<Widget> titleChildren = [
new Text('Slide ${q.slideNum + 1}', style: style.Text.titleStyle)
Widget jumpToSlide;
if (_presentationState.isDriving(_appState.user)) {
jumpToSlide = new IconButton(icon: 'av/loop', onPressed: () async {
await _appActions.setCurrSlideNum(_deckId, q.slideNum);, 'Jumped to slide ${q.slideNum + 1}');
Widget title = new Column([
new Text('${} asked about',
style: style.Text.subtitleStyle),
new Row(titleChildren)
], alignItems: FlexAlignItems.start);
Widget thumbnail = new Container(
child: new AsyncImage(
width: style.Size.questionListThumbnailWidth,
imageProvider.getSlideImage(_deckId, _slides[q.slideNum])));
Widget titleAndThumbnail = new Row([
new Flexible(child: title, flex: 2),
new Flexible(child: thumbnail, flex: 1)
], alignItems: FlexAlignItems.start);
Widget question = new Container(
child: new BlockBody([titleAndThumbnail, new Text(q.text)]),
padding: style.Spacing.normalPadding);
Widget handoff = new GestureDetector(onTap: () async {
await _appActions.setDriver(_deckId, q.questioner);
}, child: new Container(child: new Text('HAND OFF')));
Widget actions = new Container(
padding: style.Spacing.normalPadding,
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
border: new Border(
top: new BorderSide(color: style.theme.dividerColor))),
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: new TextStyle(color: style.theme.accentColor),
child: new Row([handoff], justifyContent: FlexJustifyContent.end)));
return new Card(
child: new Container(
child: new BlockBody([question, actions]),
margin: style.Spacing.listItemMargin));