blob: 8513b0686e1ace567a870a6ca6a0166be707676c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of syncbase_store;
class _AppActions extends AppActions {
_AppState _state;
Function _emitChange;
_AppActions(this._state, this._emitChange);
// Decks
Future addDeck(model.Deck deck) async {"Adding deck ${}...");
sb.SyncbaseTable tb = await _getDecksTable();
await tb.put(deck.key, UTF8.encode(deck.toJson()));"Deck ${} added.");
Future removeDeck(String deckKey) async {
sb.SyncbaseTable tb = await _getDecksTable();
tb.deleteRange(new sb.RowRange.prefix(deckKey));
Future setSlides(String deckKey, List<model.Slide> slides) async {
sb.SyncbaseTable tb = await _getDecksTable();
slides.forEach((slide) async {
// TODO(aghassemi): Use batching.
await tb.put(
keyutil.getSlideKey(deckKey, slide.num), UTF8.encode(slide.toJson()));
Future setCurrSlideNum(String deckId, int slideNum) async {
var deckState = _state._getOrCreateDeckState(deckId);
if (slideNum < 0 || slideNum >= deckState.slides.length) {
throw new ArgumentError.value(slideNum,
"Slide number out of range. Only ${deckState.slides.length} slides exist.");
// TODO(aghassemi): Have a session table to persist UI state such as
// local slide number within a deck, whether user is navigating a presentation
// on their own, and similar UI state that is desirable to be persisted.
deckState._currSlideNum = slideNum;
// Is slide number change happening within a presentation?
if (deckState.presentation != null) {
// Is the current user driving the presentation?
if (deckState.presentation.isDriving(_state.user)) {
// Update the common slide number for the presentation.
sb.SyncbaseTable tb = await _getPresentationsTable();
await tb.put(
deckId, deckState.presentation.key),
} else {
// User is not driving the presentation so they are navigating on their own.
deckState.presentation._isFollowingPresentation = false;
Future loadDemoDeck() {
return new Loader.demo().loadDeck();
Future loadDeckFromSdCard() {
return new Loader.demo().loadDeck();
// Presentation
Future<model.PresentationAdvertisement> startPresentation(
String deckId) async {
var alreadyAdvertised = _state._advertisedPresentations
.any((model.PresentationAdvertisement p) => p.deck.key == deckId);
if (alreadyAdvertised) {
throw new ArgumentError.value(deckId,
'Cannot simultaneously present the same deck. Presentation already in progress.');
if (!_state._decks.containsKey(deckId)) {
throw new ArgumentError.value(deckId, 'Deck no longer exists.');
String uuid = uuidutil.createUuid();
String syncgroupName = _getPresentationSyncgroupName(_state.settings, uuid);
model.Deck deck = _state._getOrCreateDeckState(deckId)._deck;
var presentation =
new model.PresentationAdvertisement(uuid, deck, syncgroupName);
await sb.createSyncgroup(_state.settings.mounttable, syncgroupName, [
sb.SyncbaseClient.syncgroupPrefix(decksTableName, deckId),
sb.SyncbaseClient.syncgroupPrefix(presentationsTableName, deckId)
await discovery.advertise(presentation);
// Set the presentation state for the deck.
_DeckState deckState = _state._getOrCreateDeckState(deckId);
_PresentationState presentationstate =
presentationstate._isOwner = true;
setDefaultsAndJoin() async {
// Set the current slide number to 0.
sb.SyncbaseTable tb = await _getPresentationsTable();
await tb.put(
keyutil.getPresentationCurrSlideNumKey(deckId, presentation.key),
// Set the current user as the driver.
await _setPresentationDriver(deckId, presentation.key, _state.user);
// Also join the presentation.
await joinPresentation(presentation);
try {
// Wait for join. If it fails, remove the presentation state from the deck.
await setDefaultsAndJoin();
} catch (e) {
deckState._presentation = null;
throw e;
return presentation;
Future joinPresentation(model.PresentationAdvertisement presentation) async {
String deckId = presentation.deck.key;
// Set the presentation state for the deck.
_DeckState deckState = _state._getOrCreateDeckState(deckId);
// Wait until at least the current slide number, driver and the slide for current slide number is synced.
join() async {
bool isMyOwnPresentation =
_state._advertisedPresentations.any((p) => p.key == presentation.key);
if (!isMyOwnPresentation) {
await sb.joinSyncgroup(presentation.syncgroupName);
Completer completer = new Completer();
new Timer.periodic(new Duration(milliseconds: 30), (Timer timer) {
if (_state._decks.containsKey(deckId) &&
_state._decks[deckId].deck != null &&
_state._decks[deckId].slides.length >
_state._decks[deckId].currSlideNum &&
_state._decks[deckId].presentation != null &&
_state._decks[deckId].presentation.driver != null &&
!completer.isCompleted) {
await completer.future.timeout(new Duration(seconds: 20));
try {
// Wait for join. If it fails, remove the presentation state from the deck.
await join();
} catch (e) {
deckState._presentation = null;
throw e;
}'Joined presentation ${presentation.key}');
Future stopPresentation(String presentationId) async {
await discovery.stopAdvertising(presentationId);
_state._advertisedPresentations.removeWhere((p) => p.key == presentationId);
_state._decks.values.forEach((_DeckState deck) {
if (deck.presentation != null &&
deck.presentation.key == presentationId) {
deck._presentation = null;
});'Presentation $presentationId stopped');
Future stopAllPresentations() async {
// Stop all presentations in parallel.
return Future.wait(_state._advertisedPresentations
.map((model.PresentationAdvertisement p) {
return stopPresentation(p.key);
Future followPresentation(String deckId) async {
var deckState = _state._getOrCreateDeckState(deckId);
if (deckState.presentation == null) {
throw new ArgumentError.value(deckId, 'Deck is not being presented.');
// Set the current slide number to the presentation's current slide number.
await setCurrSlideNum(deckId, deckState.presentation.currSlideNum);
deckState.presentation._isFollowingPresentation = true;
Future askQuestion(String deckId, int slideNum, String questionText) async {
var deckState = _state._getOrCreateDeckState(deckId);
if (deckState.presentation == null) {
throw new ArgumentError.value(deckId,
'Cannot ask a question because deck is not part of a presentation');
sb.SyncbaseTable tb = await _getPresentationsTable();
String questionId = uuidutil.createUuid();
model.Question question = new model.Question(
questionId, questionText, slideNum, _state.user, new;
var key = keyutil.getPresentationQuestionKey(
deckId, deckState.presentation.key, questionId);
await tb.put(key, UTF8.encode(question.toJson()));
Future setDriver(String deckId, model.User driver) async {
var deckState = _state._getOrCreateDeckState(deckId);
if (deckState.presentation == null) {
throw new ArgumentError.value(deckId,
'Cannot set the driver because deck is not part of a presentation');
await _setPresentationDriver(deckId, deckState.presentation.key, driver);
// Utilities
Future _setPresentationDriver(
String deckId, String presentationId, model.User driver) async {
sb.SyncbaseTable tb = await _getPresentationsTable();
await tb.put(keyutil.getPresentationDriverKey(deckId, presentationId),
String _getPresentationSyncgroupName(
model.Settings settings, String presentationId) {
return '${settings.mounttable}/${settings.deviceId}/%%sync/$presentationId';
Future<sb.SyncbaseTable> _getTable(String tableName) async {
sb.SyncbaseDatabase sbDb = await sb.getDatabase();
sb.SyncbaseTable tb = sbDb.table(tableName);
try {
await tb.create(sb.createOpenPerms());
} catch (e) {
if (!errorsutil.isExistsError(e)) {
throw e;
return tb;
Future<sb.SyncbaseTable> _getDecksTable() {
return _getTable(decksTableName);
Future<sb.SyncbaseTable> _getPresentationsTable() {
return _getTable(presentationsTableName);