| ifndef DEVICE_NUM |
| DEVICE_NUM := 1 |
| endif |
| |
| SYNCBASE_DATA_DIR=/data/data/org.chromium.mojo.shell/app_home/syncbasedata |
| DEVICE_NUM_PLUS_ONE := $(shell echo $(DEVICE_NUM) \+ 1 | bc) |
| DEVICE_ID := $(shell adb devices | sed -n $(DEVICE_NUM_PLUS_ONE)p | awk '{ print $$1; }') |
| DEVICE_FLAG := --target-device $(DEVICE_ID) |
| |
| # Currently the only way to pass arguments to the app is by using a file. |
| SETTINGS_FILE := /sdcard/syncslides_settings.json |
| SETTINGS_JSON := {\"deviceid\": \"$(DEVICE_ID)\", \"mounttable\": \"$(MOUNTTABLE_ADDR)\"} |
| |
| ifneq ($(DEVICE_NUM), 1) |
| REUSE_FLAG := --reuse-servers |
| endif |
| |
| ifdef VLOG |
| VLOG_FLAGS = --v=$(VLOG) --logtostderr=true |
| endif |
| |
| SYNCBASE_ARGS := https://syncbase.syncslides.mojo.v.io/syncbase_server.mojo --root-dir=$(SYNCBASE_DATA_DIR) --v23.namespace.root=$(MOUNTTABLE_ADDR) --name=$(DEVICE_ID) $(VLOG_FLAGS) |
| |
| default: run |
| |
| .PHONY: dartanalyzer |
| dartanalyzer: packages |
| dartanalyzer lib/main.dart |
| |
| .PHONY: dartfmt |
| dartfmt: packages |
| dartfmt --overwrite lib |
| |
| packages: pubspec.yaml |
| pub get |
| |
| .PHONY: upgrade-packages |
| upgrade-packages: |
| pub upgrade |
| |
| .PHONY: build |
| build: packages |
| pub run flutter_tools build |
| |
| GS_BUCKET_PATH := gs://mojo_services/syncslides |
| GS_BUCKET_URL := storage.googleapis.com/mojo_services/syncslides |
| SYNCSLIDES_URL = mojo://$(GS_BUCKET_URL)/app.flx |
| |
| APP_FLX_FILE := $(PWD)/build/app.flx |
| SYNCBASE_MOJO_DIR := $(PWD)/packages/syncbase/mojo_services/android |
| DISCOVERY_MOJO_DIR := $(PWD)/packages/v23discovery/mojo_services/android |
| MOJO_SHELL_CMD_PATH := /data/local/tmp/org.chromium.mojo.shell.cmd |
| |
| SYNCSLIDES_ICON := https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/9374332?v=3&s=200 |
| |
| sed -e "s;%GS_BUCKET_URL%;$1;g" -e "s;%SYNCBASE_FLAGS%;$2;g" \ |
| shortcut_template > shortcut_commands |
| endef |
| |
| .PHONY: install |
| install: build deploy |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) push -p shortcut_commands $(MOJO_SHELL_CMD_PATH) |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) shell chmod 555 $(MOJO_SHELL_CMD_PATH) |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) shell 'echo $(SETTINGS_JSON) > $(SETTINGS_FILE)' |
| $(MOJO_DIR)/src/mojo/devtools/common/mojo_run --android $(DEVICE_FLAG) "mojo:shortcut $(SYNCSLIDES_SHORTCUT_NAME) $(SYNCSLIDES_URL) $(SYNCSLIDES_ICON)" |
| |
| .PHONY: uninstall |
| uninstall: |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) uninstall org.chromium.mojo.shell |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) shell rm -f $(MOJO_SHELL_CMD_PATH) |
| # TODO(aghassemi): Is there a way to remove the shortcut via adb? |
| |
| .PHONY: deploy |
| deploy: packages |
| gsutil cp $(APP_FLX_FILE) $(GS_BUCKET_PATH) |
| gsutil cp $(SYNCBASE_MOJO_DIR)/syncbase_server.mojo $(GS_BUCKET_PATH) |
| gsutil cp $(DISCOVERY_MOJO_DIR)/discovery.mojo $(GS_BUCKET_PATH) |
| gsutil -m acl set -R -a public-read $(GS_BUCKET_PATH) |
| |
| # Usage example: |
| # DEVICE_NUM=1 make run |
| # DEVICE_NUM=2 make run |
| run: build |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) shell 'echo $(SETTINGS_JSON) > $(SETTINGS_FILE)' |
| pub run flutter_tools run_mojo \ |
| --mojo-path $(MOJO_DIR)/src \ |
| --android --mojo-debug -- --enable-multiprocess \ |
| --map-origin="https://syncbase.syncslides.mojo.v.io/=$(SYNCBASE_MOJO_DIR)" \ |
| --map-origin="https://discovery.syncslides.mojo.v.io/=$(DISCOVERY_MOJO_DIR)" \ |
| --args-for="$(SYNCBASE_ARGS)" \ |
| $(DEVICE_FLAG) \ |
| $(REUSE_FLAG) \ |
| --no-config-file |
| |
| # Helper targets |
| run1: |
| DEVICE_NUM=1 make run |
| run2: |
| DEVICE_NUM=2 make run |
| run3: |
| DEVICE_NUM=3 make run |
| run4: |
| DEVICE_NUM=4 make run |
| |
| .PHONY: clean |
| clean: |
| rm -f app.flx snapshot_blob.bin |
| rm -rf packages |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) shell run-as org.chromium.mojo.shell rm $(SETTINGS_FILE) settings_commands |
| |
| .PHONY: clean-syncbase |
| clean-syncbase: |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) shell run-as org.chromium.mojo.shell rm -rf $(SYNCBASE_DATA_DIR) |
| |
| .PHONY: very-clean |
| .very-clean: clean clean-syncbase |