blob: 72e0668b0ffa6458a71fa98311c80fe5053320b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show shell;
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:v23discovery/discovery.dart' as v23discovery;
import '../models/all.dart' as model;
import '../utils/asset.dart' as assetutil;
final Logger log = new Logger('discovery/client');
const String v23DiscoveryMojoUrl =
// TODO(aghassemi): We should make this the same between Flutter and Java apps when
// they can actually talk to each other.
const String presentationInterfaceName =
StreamController<model.PresentationAdvertisement> _onFoundEmitter =
new StreamController.broadcast();
StreamController<String> _onLostEmitter = new StreamController.broadcast();
Stream onFound =;
Stream onLost =;
// TODO(aghassemi): v23discovery could really use a Dart client library.
// Keep proxy, handle pairs so we can cancel calls later.
v23discovery.ScannerScanResponseParams> _scanCall;
v23discovery.AdvertiserAdvertiseResponseParams>> _advertiseCalls =
new Map();
Future advertise(model.PresentationAdvertisement presentation) async {'Started advertising ${}.');
if (_advertiseCalls.containsKey(presentation.key)) {
// We are already advertising for this presentation.
return _advertiseCalls[presentation.key].responseFuture;
Map<String, String> serviceAttrs = new Map();
serviceAttrs['deckid'] = presentation.deck.key;
serviceAttrs['name'] =;
v23discovery.Service serviceInfo = new v23discovery.Service()
..instanceId = presentation.key
..interfaceName = presentationInterfaceName
..instanceName = presentation.key
..attrs = serviceAttrs
..addrs = [presentation.syncgroupName];
v23discovery.AdvertiserProxy advertiser =
new v23discovery.AdvertiserProxy.unbound();
shell.connectToService(v23DiscoveryMojoUrl, advertiser);
Future advertiseResponseFuture = advertiser.ptr.advertise(serviceInfo, null);
_advertiseCalls[presentation.key] =
new ProxyResponseFuturePair(advertiser, advertiseResponseFuture);
await advertiseResponseFuture;'Advertised ${} under ${presentation.key}.');
// Tracks advertisements that are in the middle of being stopped.
Map<String, Future> _stoppingAdvertisingCalls = new Map<String, Future>();
Future stopAdvertising(String presentationId) async {
if (!_advertiseCalls.containsKey(presentationId)) {
// Not advertised, nothing to stop.
return new Future.value();
if (_stoppingAdvertisingCalls.containsKey(presentationId)) {
// Already stopping, return the exiting call future.
return _stoppingAdvertisingCalls[presentationId];
stop() async {
v23discovery.AdvertiserAdvertiseResponseParams advertiserResponse =
await _advertiseCalls[presentationId].responseFuture;
await _advertiseCalls[presentationId]
await _advertiseCalls[presentationId].proxy.close();
Future stoppingCall = stop();
_stoppingAdvertisingCalls[presentationId] = stoppingCall;
stoppingCall.then((_) {
_advertiseCalls.remove(presentationId);'Stopped advertising ${presentationId}.');
}).catchError((e) {
throw e;
Future startScan() async {
if (_scanCall != null) {
// We are already scanning.
return _scanCall.responseFuture;
var scanner = new v23discovery.ScannerProxy.unbound();
shell.connectToService(v23DiscoveryMojoUrl, scanner);
v23discovery.ScanHandlerStub handlerStub =
new v23discovery.ScanHandlerStub.unbound();
handlerStub.impl = new ScanHandler();
var query = 'v.InterfaceName = "$presentationInterfaceName"';
var scannerResponseFuture = scanner.ptr.scan(query, handlerStub);
_scanCall = new ProxyResponseFuturePair(scanner, scannerResponseFuture);
await scannerResponseFuture;'Scan started.');
// Tracks whether we are already in the middle of stopping scan.
Future _stoppingScanCall;
Future stopScan() async {
if (_scanCall == null) {
// No scan call has been made before or scan is already being stopped.
return new Future.value();
if (_stoppingScanCall != null) {
// Already stopping, return the exiting call future.
return _stoppingScanCall;
stop() async {
v23discovery.ScannerScanResponseParams scannerResponse =
await _scanCall.responseFuture;
await _scanCall.proxy.ptr.stop(scannerResponse.handle);
await _scanCall.proxy.close();
_stoppingScanCall = stop();
_stoppingScanCall.then((_) {
_scanCall = null;'Scan stopped.');
}).catchError((e) {
_stoppingScanCall = null;
throw e;
class ScanHandler extends v23discovery.ScanHandler {
found(v23discovery.Service s) async {
String key = s.instanceId;'Found presentation ${s.attrs['name']} under $key.');
// Ignore our own advertised services.
if (_advertiseCalls.containsKey(key)) {
'Presentation ${s.attrs['name']} was advertised by this device itself, ignoring it.');
// TODO(aghassemi): For now we use the default thumbnail. We need to find a way
// to fetch the actual thumbnail from the other side.
var thumbnail =
await assetutil.getRawBytes(assetutil.defaultThumbnailAssetKey);
model.Deck deck =
new model.Deck(s.attrs['deckid'], s.attrs['name'], thumbnail.toList());
var syncgroupName = s.addrs[0];
model.PresentationAdvertisement presentation =
new model.PresentationAdvertisement(key, deck, syncgroupName);
lost(String presentationId) {
// Ignore our own advertised services.'Lost presentation $presentationId.');
class ProxyResponseFuturePair<T1, T2> {
final T1 proxy;
final Future<T2> responseFuture;
ProxyResponseFuturePair(this.proxy, this.responseFuture);