blob: 76dc6062a96a10c8a01a00d56f9ef3e2515af410 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import '../stores/store.dart';
import '../styles/common.dart' as style;
import '../utils/image_provider.dart' as imageProvider;
import 'askquestion.dart';
import 'questionlist.dart';
import 'slideshow_fullscreen.dart';
import 'syncslides_page.dart';
final GlobalKey _scaffoldKey = new GlobalKey();
final Logger log = new Logger('components/slideshow');
class SlideshowPage extends SyncSlidesPage {
final String _deckId;
Widget build(BuildContext context, AppState appState, AppActions appActions) {
if (!appState.decks.containsKey(_deckId)) {
// TODO(aghassemi): Proper error page with navigation back to main view.
return new Text('Deck no longer exists.');
return new Scaffold(
key: _scaffoldKey,
body: new Material(
new SlideShow(appActions, appState, appState.decks[_deckId])));
class SlideShow extends StatelessComponent {
AppActions _appActions;
AppState _appState;
DeckState _deckState;
int _currSlideNum;
SlideShow(this._appActions, this._appState, this._deckState);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
if (_deckState.slides.length == 0) {
// TODO(aghassemi): Proper error page with navigation back to main view.
return new Text('No slide to show.');
if (_deckState.presentation != null &&
_deckState.presentation.isFollowingPresentation) {
_currSlideNum = _deckState.presentation.currSlideNum;
} else {
_currSlideNum = _deckState.currSlideNum;
if (_currSlideNum >= _deckState.slides.length) {
// TODO(aghassemi): Can this ever happen?
// -What if slide number set by another peer is synced before the actual slides?
// -What if we have navigated to a particular slide on our own and peer deletes that slide?
// I think without careful batching and consuming watch events as batches, this could happen
// maybe for a split second until rest of data syncs up.
// UI needs to be bullet-roof, a flicker in the UI is better than an exception and crash.
'Current slide number $_currSlideNum is greater than the number of slides ${_deckState.slides.length}.');
// TODO(aghassemi): Proper error page with navigation back to main view.
return new Text('Slide does not exist.');
if (MediaQuery.of(context).orientation == Orientation.landscape) {
return _buildLandscapeLayout(context);
} else {
return _buildPortraitLayout(context);
Widget _buildPortraitLayout(BuildContext context) {
var image = new Flexible(child: _buildImage(context), flex: 5);
var actions = new Flexible(child: _buildActions(context), flex: 0);
var notes = new Flexible(child: _buildNotes(), flex: 3);
var nav =
new Flexible(child: new Row(children: _buildThumbnailNavs()), flex: 3);
var items = [image, actions, notes, nav];
var footer = _buildFooter();
if (footer != null) {
var layout =
new Column(children: items, alignItems: FlexAlignItems.stretch);
return layout;
Widget _buildLandscapeLayout(BuildContext context) {
var notes = new Flexible(child: _buildNotes(), flex: 5);
var nav = new Flexible(
child: new Column(children: _buildThumbnailNavs()), flex: 8);
var image = new Flexible(child: _buildImage(context), flex: 11);
var actions = new Flexible(child: _buildActions(context), flex: 0);
var notesAndNavColumn = new Flexible(
child: new Column(
children: [notes, nav], alignItems: FlexAlignItems.stretch),
flex: 4);
var imageAndActionsColumn = new Flexible(
child: new Column(
children: [image, actions], alignItems: FlexAlignItems.stretch),
flex: 16);
var layout = new Row(
children: [notesAndNavColumn, imageAndActionsColumn],
alignItems: FlexAlignItems.stretch);
var footer = _buildFooter();
if (footer != null) {
layout = new Column(
children: [new Flexible(child: layout, flex: 8), footer],
alignItems: FlexAlignItems.stretch);
return layout;
List<Widget> _buildThumbnailNavs() {
return <Widget>[
_buildThumbnailNav(_currSlideNum - 1, 'Previous'),
_buildThumbnailNav(_currSlideNum + 1, 'Next')
Widget _buildImage(BuildContext context) {
var provider = imageProvider.getSlideImage(
_deckState.deck.key, _deckState.slides[_currSlideNum]);
var image = new AsyncImage(provider: provider, fit: ImageFit.scaleDown);
// If not driving the presentation, tapping the image navigates to fullscreen mode.
if (_deckState.presentation == null ||
!_deckState.presentation.isDriving(_appState.user)) {
image = new InkWell(child: image, onTap: () {
new MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (context) =>
new SlideshowFullscreenPage(_deckState.deck.key)));
var counter = _buildBubbleOverlay(
'${_currSlideNum + 1} of ${_deckState.slides.length}', 0.5, 0.98);
image = new Stack(children: [image, counter]);
return new ClipRect(child: image);
Widget _buildNotes() {
var notes =
new Text('Notes (only you see these)', style: style.Text.subtitleStyle);
var container = new Container(
child: notes,
padding: style.Spacing.normalPadding,
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
border: new Border(
bottom: new BorderSide(color: style.theme.dividerColor))));
return container;
Widget _buildThumbnailNav(int slideNum, String label) {
var container;
if (slideNum >= 0 && slideNum < _deckState.slides.length) {
var thumbnail = new AsyncImage(
provider: imageProvider.getSlideImage(
_deckState.deck.key, _deckState.slides[slideNum]),
height: style.Size.thumbnailNavHeight,
fit: ImageFit.scaleDown);
container = new InkWell(child: thumbnail, onTap: () {
_appActions.setCurrSlideNum(_deckState.deck.key, slideNum);
} else {
// Empty grey placeholder.
container = new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: style.theme.primarySwatch[100]));
var nextPreviousBubble = _buildBubbleOverlay(label, 0.5, 0.05);
container = new Stack(children: [container, nextPreviousBubble]);
container = new ClipRect(child: container);
return new Flexible(child: container, flex: 1);
Widget _buildActions(BuildContext context) {
// It collects a list of action widgets for the action bar and fabs.
// Left contains items that are in-line on the left side of the UI.
// Right contains the FABs that hover over the right side of the UI.
List<Widget> left = [];
List<Widget> right = [];
_buildActions_prev(left, right);
_buildActions_slidelist(left, right, context);
_buildActions_question(left, right, context);
_buildActions_next(left, right);
_buildActions_followPresentation(left, right);
return new ToolBar(
left: new Row(children: _buildActions_addMargin(left)), right: right);
void _buildActions_prev(List<Widget> left, List<Widget> right) {
if (_currSlideNum == 0) {
var prev =
new InkWell(child: new Icon(icon: 'navigation/arrow_back'), onTap: () {
_appActions.setCurrSlideNum(_deckState.deck.key, _currSlideNum - 1);
void _buildActions_slidelist(
List<Widget> left, List<Widget> right, BuildContext context) {
var slideList =
new InkWell(child: new Icon(icon: 'maps/layers'), onTap: () {
void _buildActions_question(
List<Widget> left, List<Widget> right, BuildContext context) {
if (_deckState.presentation == null) {
// Presentation over is taken to a list of questions view.
if (_deckState.presentation.isOwner) {
var numQuestions = new FloatingActionButton(
child: new Text(_deckState.presentation.questions.length.toString(),
style: style.theme.primaryTextTheme.title));
// TODO(aghassemi): Find a better way. Scaling down a FAB and
// using transform to position it does not seem to be the best approach.
final Matrix4 moveUp = new Matrix4.identity().translate(-95.0, 25.0);
final Matrix4 scaleDown = new Matrix4.identity().scale(0.3);
numQuestions = new Transform(child: numQuestions, transform: moveUp);
numQuestions = new Transform(child: numQuestions, transform: scaleDown);
var questions = new InkWell(
child: new Icon(icon: 'communication/live_help'), onTap: () {
new MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (context) =>
new QuestionListPage(_deckState.deck.key)));
} else {
// Audience is taken to ask a question view.
var route = new MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (context) =>
new AskQuestionPage(_deckState.deck.key, _currSlideNum));
var askQuestion = new InkWell(
child: new Icon(icon: 'communication/live_help'), onTap: () {
Navigator.push(context, route);
final Matrix4 moveUpFabTransform =
new Matrix4.identity().translate(0.0, -27.5);
void _buildActions_next(List<Widget> left, List<Widget> right) {
if (_currSlideNum >= (_deckState.slides.length - 1)) {
var nextOnTap = () {
_appActions.setCurrSlideNum(_deckState.deck.key, _currSlideNum + 1);
// If driving the presentation, show a bigger FAB next button on the right side,
// otherwise a regular next button on the left side.
if (_deckState.presentation != null &&
_deckState.presentation.isDriving(_appState.user)) {
var next = new FloatingActionButton(
child: new Icon(icon: 'navigation/arrow_forward'),
onPressed: nextOnTap);
var container =
new Container(child: next, margin: style.Spacing.fabMargin);
next = new Transform(transform: moveUpFabTransform, child: container);
} else {
var next = new InkWell(
child: new Icon(icon: 'navigation/arrow_forward'), onTap: nextOnTap);
void _buildActions_followPresentation(List<Widget> left, List<Widget> right) {
if (_deckState.presentation == null ||
_deckState.presentation.isFollowingPresentation) {
var syncNav = new FloatingActionButton(
child: new Icon(icon: 'notification/sync'), onPressed: () async {
syncNav =
new Container(child: syncNav, margin: style.Spacing.actionsMargin);
syncNav = new Transform(transform: moveUpFabTransform, child: syncNav);
Widget _buildFooter() {
if (_deckState.presentation == null) {
return null;
// Owner and not driving?
if (_deckState.presentation.isOwner &&
!_deckState.presentation.isDriving(_appState.user)) {
SnackBarAction resume =
new SnackBarAction(label: 'RESUME', onPressed: () {
_appActions.setDriver(_deckState.deck.key, _appState.user);
return _buildSnackbarFooter('You have handed off control.',
action: resume);
// Driving but not the owner?
if (!_deckState.presentation.isOwner &&
_deckState.presentation.isDriving(_appState.user)) {
return _buildSnackbarFooter('You are now driving the presentation.');
return null;
_buildActions_addMargin(List<Widget> actions) {
return actions
(w) => new Container(child: w, margin: style.Spacing.actionsMargin))
Widget _buildBubbleOverlay(String text, double xOffset, double yOffset) {
return new Align(
child: new Container(
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
child: new Text(text), style: Typography.white.body1),
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: 50.0, // Make the bubble round.
style.Box.bubbleOverlayBackground), // Transparent gray.
padding: new EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 5.0, vertical: 2.0)),
alignment: new FractionalOffset(xOffset, yOffset));
_buildSnackbarFooter(String lable, {SnackBarAction action}) {
var text = new Text(lable);
text = new DefaultTextStyle(style: Typography.white.subhead, child: text);
List<Widget> children = <Widget>[
new Flexible(
child: new Container(
margin: style.Spacing.footerVerticalMargin,
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: Typography.white.subhead, child: text)))
if (action != null) {
var clipper = new ClipRect(
child: new Material(
elevation: 6,
color: style.Box.footerBackground,
child: new Container(
margin: style.Spacing.footerHorizontalMargin,
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: new TextStyle(color: style.theme.accentColor),
child: new Row(children: children)))));
return new Flexible(child: clipper, flex: 1);