blob: 06eadfd837d5a12f04325c21427cac9de8a20d10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import '../models/all.dart' as model;
import 'store_factory.dart' as storeFactory;
// TODO(aghassemi): Make all store operation synchronous.
// Current pattern of components needing to call async methods and keep and
// update their own state is already becoming messy. When store becomes
// synchronous, then these components can simply use _store.getSlides(),
// _store.getCurrSlide(), etc.. directly in their renderer and do not need to
// keep any state of their own.
// Provides APIs for reading and writing app-related data.
abstract class Store {
static Store _singletonStore;
factory Store.singleton() {
if (_singletonStore == null) {
_singletonStore = storeFactory.create();
return _singletonStore;
/// Decks
// Returns all the existing decks.
Future<List<model.Deck>> getAllDecks();
// Adds a new deck.
Future addDeck(model.Deck deck);
// Removed a deck given its key.
Future removeDeck(String key);
// Event that fires when deck are added or removed.
// The up-to-date list of decks with be sent to listeners.
Stream<List<model.Deck>> get onDecksChange;
/// Slides
// Returns the list of all slides for a deck.
Future<List<model.Slide>> getAllSlides(String deckKey);
// Sets the slides for a deck.
Future setSlides(String deckKey, List<model.Slide> slides);
// Slideshow
Future<int> getCurrSlideNum(String deckId);
Future setCurrSlideNum(String deckId, int slideNum);
Stream<int> onCurrSlideNumChange(String deckId);