TODOs: When inviting, give Admin on the Syncgroup

If you give admin on the syncgroup, then others are allowed to join
at you in the neighborhood.

Note: This is meant for the demo, where two same user devices need to
share a shared list between themselves while disconnected from the
original creator.

We have a filter on the creator's email address. We only show the Share
button and create invitation advertisements for the creator, even though
technically, other admins could do it. (In other words, this change only
affects which devices you can use to join the syncgroup.)

Change-Id: I4a0a50dc6f4ed378bfaca9bee9d134244e6736be
diff --git a/app/src/syncbase/java/io/v/todos/persistence/syncbase/ b/app/src/syncbase/java/io/v/todos/persistence/syncbase/
index 2d3f73a..45e1f5f 100644
--- a/app/src/syncbase/java/io/v/todos/persistence/syncbase/
+++ b/app/src/syncbase/java/io/v/todos/persistence/syncbase/
@@ -234,6 +234,11 @@
                 // Modify the syncgroup spec to update the permissions.
                 Permissions perms = spec.getPerms();
                 addPermissions(perms, emails, Constants.READ.getValue());
+                // TODO(alexfandrianto): Revisit whether we should really be adding all invitees to
+                // the list of admins for this syncgroup. Since we manually hide the Share
+                // button from those who aren't the creator, we can leave this for the demo.
+                addPermissions(perms, emails, Constants.ADMIN.getValue());
                 VFutures.sync(sgHandle.setSpec(getVContext(), spec, version));
                 // TODO(alexfandrianto): This should be the right place to send the invite