blob: e5e64c46c9019106c1e4d5965ea9f2bba94574b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var $ = require('../util/jquery');
var defineClass = require('../util/define-class');
var debug = require('../debug');
var Place = require('../place');
var DestinationSearch = defineClass({
publics: {
clear: function() {
var async = this.setPlace(null);
this.$searchBox.prop('value', '');
return async;
enable: function() {
return Promise.resolve();
disable: function() {
this.$searchBox.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
return Promise.resolve();
focus: function() {
return Promise.resolve();
hasFocus: function() {
return Promise.resolve(this.$.find(':focus').length > 0);
setSearchBounds: function(bounds) {
return Promise.resolve();
select: function() {
return Promise.resolve();
deselect: function() {
var self = this;
return this.isSelected().then(function(isSelected) {
if (isSelected) {
isSelected: function() {
return Promise.resolve(this.$.hasClass('selected'));
getPlace: function() {
return Promise.resolve(;
setPlace: function(place) {
var self = this;
var prev =;
if (!Place.equal(prev, place)) { = place;
var newValue;
if (place) {
newValue = Promise.resolve(place.getSingleLine());
} else {
newValue = this.hasFocus().then(function(hasFocus) {
/* We only want to clear when we don't have focus because if we have
* focus, we're actively editing the text even if it may be
* presently invalid. */
if (!hasFocus) {
return '';
/* Since making all timeline UI asynchronous, we introduce a race
* condition where a destination deselect starts a chain of events to
* clear a place, then a reselect starts a chain of events to set it,
* but since the clear includes an asynchronous focus check, it takes
* longer to complete and can overwrite the effect of the set. So, we
* need to queue the aftereffects. */
this.setValueInProgress = this.setValueInProgress
.then(function() {
return newValue;
.then(function(newValue) {
if (newValue !== undefined) {
self.$searchBox.prop('value', newValue);
self.onPlaceChange(place, prev);
return this.setValueInProgress;
} else {
return Promise.resolve();
setPlaceholder: function(placeholder) {
this.$searchBox.attr('placeholder', placeholder);
return Promise.resolve();
getValue: function() {
return Promise.resolve(this.$searchBox.prop('value'));
privates: {
* This is a bit of a hack; Maps API does not include functionality to
* disable autocomplete.
setAutocomplete: function(autocomplete) {
/* True boolean comparison. We could coerce the input to boolean, but
* this is less impactful. */
/* jshint eqeqeq: false */
if (this.autocomplete != autocomplete) {
/* jshint eqeqeq: true */
this.autocomplete = autocomplete;
var oldBox = this.$searchBox[autocomplete? 1 : 0];
var newBox = this.$searchBox[autocomplete? 0 : 1];
newBox.value = oldBox.value;
var active = global.document &&
global.document.activeElement === oldBox;
/* Restrict selection restoration to active elements because
* setSelectionRange apparently takes keyboard focus away from the
* currently focused element without actually setting it to anything,
* and trying to restore focus afterwards doesn't work. */
if (active && newBox.setSelectionRange) {
//non-universal browser support
newBox.setSelectionRange(oldBox.selectionStart, oldBox.selectionEnd);
if (autocomplete) {
} else {
if (active) {
inputKey: function(e) {
if (e.which === 13) {
events: [
* @param event jQuery Event object for text box focus event.
* @param place
* @param previous
* @param places (array of places)
* Event fired when the enter key is pressed. This is distinct from the
* onSearch event, which is fired when valid location properties are chosen,
* which can happen without onSubmit in the case of an autocomplete.
* @param value the current control text.
constants: ['$'],
init: function(maps) {
var self = this;
this.setValueInProgress = Promise.resolve();
var $searchBox = $.merge($('<input>'), $('<input>'))
.attr('type', 'text')
//to make dummy box consistent with search
.attr('autocomplete', 'off');
this.$searchBox = $searchBox;
$searchBox[0].className = 'autocomplete';
$searchBox.on('input', function() {
this.$ = $('<div>')
.addClass('destination autocomplete')
this.searchBox = new maps.places.SearchBox($searchBox[0]);
this.autocomplete = true;
maps.event.addListener(this.searchBox, 'places_changed', function() {
self.onSearch(self.searchBox.getPlaces().map(function(result) {
return new Place(result);
module.exports = DestinationSearch;