blob: 2bc214fac72e09bb2a9bbb2f83cd5b328dacdd12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import Foundation
// Define protocols
public protocol VdlTypeProtocol {
static var vdlTypeName: String { get }
// TODO(zinman): vdlType
// static var vdlType: VdlType { get }
// TODO(zinman) Re-implement hashable once vdlType is implemented with unique
public struct VdlTypeObject /*: Hashable*/ {
let type:VdlType?
public static var vdlTypeName: String {
return "vdl.TypeObject"
// public var hashValue: Int {
// return type?.hashValue ?? 0
// }
public var description: String {
return "[VdlTypeObject type=\(type)]"
public var debugDescription: String {
return description
//public func ==(lhs: VdlTypeObject, rhs: VdlTypeObject) -> Bool {
// return lhs.type == rhs.type
// These will later help with VOM reflection once further flushed out
public protocol VdlUnion : VdlTypeProtocol {
var vdlName: String { get }
public protocol VdlStruct : VdlTypeProtocol{ }
public protocol VdlPrimitive : VdlTypeProtocol, RawRepresentable { }
extension VdlPrimitive {
public var description: String {
return "\(self.rawValue)"
public protocol VdlEnum : Hashable, VdlTypeProtocol {
var vdlName: String { get }
public enum VdlTypeKind {
// Variant kinds
case Any, // any type
Optional, // value might not exist
// Scalar kinds
Bool, // boolean
Byte, // 8 bit unsigned integer
Uint16, // 16 bit unsigned integer
Uint32, // 32 bit unsigned integer
Uint64, // 64 bit unsigned integer
Int8, // 8 bit signed integer
Int16, // 16 bit signed integer
Int32, // 32 bit signed integer
Int64, // 64 bit signed integer
Float32, // 32 bit IEEE 754 floating point
Float64, // 64 bit IEEE 754 floating point
String, // unicode string (encoded as UTF-8 in memory)
Enum, // one of a set of labels
TypeObject, // type represented as a value
// Composite kinds
Array, // fixed-length ordered sequence of elements
List, // variable-length ordered sequence of elements
Set, // unordered collection of distinct keys
Map, // unordered association between distinct keys and values
Struct, // conjunction of an ordered sequence of (name,type) fields
Union, // disjunction of an ordered sequence of (name,type) fields
// Internal kinds; they never appear in a *Type returned to the user.
internalNamed // placeholder for named types while they're being built.
// We have Bol, Set and String already in our enum which overrides the Swift versions.
// Typealias the Swift structs to overcome this issue.
public typealias SwiftBool = Bool
public typealias SwiftString = String
public typealias SwiftVdlSet = Set<VdlTypeKind>
//: The code below is starter code for vdlType. Note that we can't actually use an enum here
/// because we need to be able to support cyclic types that can refer to themselves (not just
/// another node of the same type like a LinkedList which indrect enums support), but two types that
/// refer to each other. The issue is that enums are immutable structures, so temporary declarations
/// aren't possible.
/// unique type is represented by exactly one VdlType instance, so to test for type
/// equality you just compare the VdlType instances.
/// Not all methods apply to all kinds of types. Restrictions are noted in the
/// documentation for each method. Calling a method inappropriate to the kind of
/// type causes a run-time panic.
/// Cyclic types are supported in VDL; e.g. you can represent a tree via:
/// type Node struct {
/// Val string
/// Children []Node
/// }
public indirect enum VdlType /* : Hashable, CustomStringConvertible*/ {
// Field describes a single field in a Struct or Union.
public struct Field {
let name:SwiftString
let type:VdlType
// Variant kinds
// case Any(name:SwiftString?, labels:[SwiftString]?, len:Int?, key:VdlType?,
// elem:VdlType?, fields:[Field]?) // any type
case Any(name:SwiftString)
/// value might not exist
case Optional(name:SwiftString?, elem:VdlType?)
//// Scalar kinds
/// boolean
case Bool(name:SwiftString?)
/// 8 bit unsigned integer
case Byte(name:SwiftString?)
/// 16 bit unsigned integer
case Uint16(name:SwiftString?)
/// 32 bit unsigned integer
case Uint32(name:SwiftString?)
/// 64 bit unsigned integer
case Uint64(name:SwiftString?)
/// 8 bit signed integer
case Int8(name:SwiftString?)
/// 16 bit signed integer
case Int16(name:SwiftString?)
/// 32 bit signed integer
case Int32(name:SwiftString?)
/// 64 bit signed integer
case Int64(name:SwiftString?)
/// 32 bit IEEE 754 floating point
case Float32(name:SwiftString?)
/// 64 bit IEEE 754 floating point
case Float64(name:SwiftString?)
/// unicode string (encoded as UTF-8 in memory)
case String(name:SwiftString?)
/// one of a set of labels
case Enum(name:SwiftString?, labels:[SwiftString]?)
/// type represented as a value
case TypeObject(name:SwiftString?)
//// Composite kinds
/// fixed-length ordered sequence of elements
case Array(name:SwiftString?, len:Int?, elem:VdlType?)
/// variable-length ordered sequence of elements
case List(name:SwiftString?, elem:VdlType?)
/// unrdered collection of distinct keys
case Set(name:SwiftString?, key:VdlType?)
/// unordered association between distinct keys and values
case Map(name:SwiftString?, key:VdlType?, elem:VdlType?)
/// conjunction of an ordered sequence of (nametype) fields
case Struct(name:SwiftString?, fields:[Field]?)
/// disjunction of an ordered sequence of (nametype) fields
case Union(name:SwiftString?, fields:[Field]?)
//// Internal kinds; they never appear in a *Type returned to the user.
/// placeholder for named types while they're being built.
case internalNamed(name:SwiftString?, labels:[SwiftString]?, len:Int?, elem:VdlTypeKind?, key:VdlTypeKind?,
fields:[Field]?) // any type
// Kind returns the kind of type t.
var kind:VdlTypeKind {
switch self {
case Any: return VdlTypeKind.Any
case Optional: return VdlTypeKind.Optional
case Bool: return VdlTypeKind.Bool
case Byte: return VdlTypeKind.Byte
case Uint16: return VdlTypeKind.Uint16
case Uint32: return VdlTypeKind.Uint32
case Uint64: return VdlTypeKind.Uint64
case Int8: return VdlTypeKind.Int8
case Int16: return VdlTypeKind.Int16
case Int32: return VdlTypeKind.Int32
case Int64: return VdlTypeKind.Int64
case Float32: return VdlTypeKind.Float32
case Float64: return VdlTypeKind.Float64
case String: return VdlTypeKind.String
case Enum: return VdlTypeKind.Enum
case TypeObject: return VdlTypeKind.TypeObject
case Array: return VdlTypeKind.Array
case List: return VdlTypeKind.List
case Set: return VdlTypeKind.Set
case Map: return VdlTypeKind.Map
case Struct: return VdlTypeKind.Struct
case Union: return VdlTypeKind.Union
case internalNamed: return VdlTypeKind.internalNamed
// Name returns the name of type t. Nil names are allowed.
var name:SwiftString? {
switch self {
case let .Any(name): return name
case let .Optional(name, _): return name
case let .Bool(name): return name
case let .Byte(name): return name
case let .Uint16(name): return name
case let .Uint32(name): return name
case let .Uint64(name): return name
case let .Int8(name): return name
case let .Int16(name): return name
case let .Int32(name): return name
case let .Int64(name): return name
case let .Float32(name): return name
case let .Float64(name): return name
case let .String(name): return name
case let .Enum(name, _): return name
case let .TypeObject(name): return name
case let .Array(name, _, _): return name
case let .List(name, _): return name
case let .Set(name, _): return name
case let .Map(name, _, _): return name
case let .Struct(name, _): return name
case let .Union(name, _): return name
default: fatalError("Unknown VDL kind")
// CanBeNil returns true iff values of t can be nil.
// Any and Optional values can be nil.
var canBeNil:SwiftBool {
switch (self) {
case .Any, .Optional: return true
default: return false
// CanBeNamed returns true iff t can be made into a named type.
// Any and TypeObject cannot be named.
var canBeNamed:SwiftBool {
switch (self) {
case .Any, .Optional: return false
default: return true
// CanBeOptional returns true iff t can be made into an optional type.
// Only named structs can be optional.
var canBeOptional:SwiftBool {
// Our philosophy is that we should retain the full type information in our
// generated code, and generating annotations to distinguish optional from
// non-optional types is awkward for unnamed types.
// Allowing optionality for named types other than structs is also awkward.
// E.g. if we allowed optional named maps, it's unclear how we'd generate it
// in Go. We might just generate a map, which is already a reference type and
// may be nil, but then we can't distinguish optional map types from
// non-optional map types.
switch self {
case .Struct where != nil: return true
default: return false
// IsBytes returns true iff the kind of type is []byte or [N]byte.
var isBytes:SwiftBool {
switch self {
case let .List(_, elem) where elem?.kind == VdlTypeKind.Byte: return true
case let .Array(_, _, elem) where elem?.kind == VdlTypeKind.Byte: return true
default: return false
// public var hashValue: Int {
// return unique.hashValue
// }
//public func ==(lhs: VdlType, rhs: VdlType) -> Bool {
// return lhs.unique == rhs.unique