blob: 258b97afe3aab0a994fe1ebe388cb641fcdd78a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import Foundation
/// Represents a peer found in the neighborhood (via Bluetooth or mDNS) using the discovery APIs.
public struct NeighborhoodPeer {
/// The name of the application advertising itself.
public let appName: String
/// The blessing pattern being advertised.
public let blessings: String
/// If true, then we no longer can see this advertisement. If false, then we have just discovered
/// this advertisement.
public let isLost: Bool
public init(appName: String, blessings: String, isLost: Bool) {
self.appName = appName
self.blessings = blessings
self.isLost = isLost
public class NeighborhoodScanHandler {
public let onPeer: NeighborhoodPeer -> Void
var isStopped = false
let isStoppedMu = NSLock()
public init(onPeer: NeighborhoodPeer -> Void) {
self.onPeer = onPeer
public enum Neighborhood {
public static func startAdvertising(visibility: [BlessingPattern]) throws {
if !Syncbase.didInit {
throw SyncbaseError.NotConfigured
if !Syncbase.isLoggedIn {
throw SyncbaseError.NotLoggedIn
try VError.maybeThrow { errPtr in
v23_syncbase_NeighborhoodStartAdvertising(try v23_syncbase_Strings(visibility), errPtr)
public static func stopAdvertising() throws {
if !Syncbase.didInit {
throw SyncbaseError.NotConfigured
if !Syncbase.isLoggedIn {
throw SyncbaseError.NotLoggedIn
public static func isAdvertising() -> Bool {
if !Syncbase.didInit || !Syncbase.isLoggedIn {
return false
var isAdvertising = false
return isAdvertising
public static func startScan(handler: NeighborhoodScanHandler) throws {
if !Syncbase.didInit {
throw SyncbaseError.NotConfigured
if !Syncbase.isLoggedIn {
throw SyncbaseError.NotLoggedIn
let unmanaged = Unmanaged.passRetained(handler)
let oHandle = UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>(unmanaged.toOpaque())
do {
try VError.maybeThrow { errPtr in
handle: unsafeBitCast(oHandle, UInt.self),
onPeer: { Neighborhood.onPeer($0, peer: $1) }),
} catch {
throw error
static func onPeer(handle: v23_syncbase_Handle, peer: v23_syncbase_AppPeer) {
let handle = Unmanaged<NeighborhoodScanHandler>.fromOpaque(
COpaquePointer(bitPattern: handle)).takeUnretainedValue()
let peer = peer.extract()
public static func stopScan(handler: NeighborhoodScanHandler) {
defer { handler.isStoppedMu.unlock() }
if handler.isStopped {
// Prevent double-free.
let unmanaged = Unmanaged.passUnretained(handler)
let oHandle = UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>(unmanaged.toOpaque())
v23_syncbase_NeighborhoodStopScan(unsafeBitCast(oHandle, UInt.self))
handler.isStopped = true