blob: 84acc799b6481a11e8baee685c33839191c4a06a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Class to hold onto promises that get referenced by AsyncId between Go and Swift.
/// The larger motivation is closures that get passed as function pointers have to be 'context-free'
/// so we can't closure on a reference to a given future. By allowing the end user to hold onto
/// this in various places (strongly typed to the appropriate ResloveType) then we can pass a handle
/// back and forth safely.
internal class GoPromises<ResolveType> : Lockable {
typealias AsyncId = Int32
private (set) var lastId:AsyncId = 0
private var promises = [AsyncId:Promise<ResolveType>]()
private let timeoutDelay:NSTimeInterval?
internal init(timeout:NSTimeInterval?) {
timeoutDelay = timeout
internal func newPromise() -> (AsyncId, Promise<ResolveType>) {
let p = Promise<ResolveType>()
if let timeout = timeoutDelay { p.rejectAfterDelay(delay: timeout) }
let asyncId = OSAtomicIncrement32(&lastId)
lock { self.promises[asyncId] = p }
p.always { _ in
// Guaruntee we delete the ref on resolution
// (can happen on delayed timeout that it wouldn't get cleaned)
self.lock { self.promises[asyncId] = nil }
return (asyncId, p)
internal func getAndDeleteRef(asyncId:AsyncId) -> Promise<ResolveType>? {
guard let p = promises[asyncId] else { return nil }
lock { self.promises[asyncId] = nil }
return p