blob: c81832ccd7361681cc75f8a8ba5f2489c72b1d82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import Foundation
public enum Batch {
public typealias BatchCompletionHandler = ErrorType? -> Void
public typealias Operation = BatchDatabase throws -> Void
Runs the given batch operation, managing retries and BatchDatabase's commit() and abort()s.
This is run in a background thread and calls back on main.
- Parameter retries: number of retries attempted before giving up. defaults to 3
- Parameter db: database on which the batch operation is to be performed
- Parameter opts: batch configuration
- Parameter op: batch operation
- Parameter completionHandler: future result called when runInBatch finishes
public static func runInBatch(retries: Int = 3,
db: Database,
opts: BatchOptions?,
op: Operation,
completionHandler: BatchCompletionHandler) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
for _ in 0 ... retries {
// TODO(sadovsky): Commit() can fail for a number of reasons, e.g. RPC
// failure or ErrConcurrentTransaction. Depending on the cause of failure,
// it may be desirable to retry the Commit() and/or to call Abort().
var err: ErrorType? = nil
do {
try attemptBatch(db, opts: opts, op: op)
err = nil
} catch SyncbaseError.ConcurrentBatch {
} catch let e {
log.warning("Unable to complete batch operation: \(e)")
err = e
dispatch_async(Syncbase.queue) {
// We never were able to do it without error
dispatch_async(Syncbase.queue) {
Runs the given batch operation, managing retries and BatchDatabase's commit() and abort()s.
This is run in a background thread and calls back on main.
- Parameter retries: number of retries attempted before giving up. defaults to 3
- Parameter db: database on which the batch operation is to be performed
- Parameter opts: batch configuration
- Parameter op: batch operation
- Parameter completionHandler: future result called when runInBatch finishes
public static func runInBatchSync(retries: Int = 3,
db: Database,
opts: BatchOptions?,
op: Operation) throws {
for _ in 0 ... retries {
// TODO(sadovsky): Commit() can fail for a number of reasons, e.g. RPC
// failure or ErrConcurrentTransaction. Depending on the cause of failure,
// it may be desirable to retry the Commit() and/or to call Abort().
do {
try attemptBatch(db, opts: opts, op: op)
} catch SyncbaseError.ConcurrentBatch {
} catch let e {
log.warning("Unable to complete batch operation: \(e)")
throw e
// We never were able to do it without error.
throw SyncbaseError.ConcurrentBatch
private static func attemptBatch(db: Database, opts: BatchOptions?, op: Operation) throws {
let batchDb = try db.beginBatch(opts)
// Use defer for abort to make sure it gets called in case op throws.
var commitCalled = false
defer {
if !commitCalled {
do {
try batchDb.abort()
} catch let e {
log.warning("Unable abort the non-comitted batch: \(e)")
// Attempt operation
try op(batchDb)
// A readonly batch should be Aborted; Commit would fail.
if opts?.readOnly ?? false {
// Commit is about to be called, do not call Abort.
commitCalled = true
do {
try batchDb.commit()
} catch SyncbaseError.UnknownBatch {
// Occurs if op called batchDb.abort() or batchDb.commit() -- ignore the unknown batch
// at this point.
public struct BatchOptions {
/// Arbitrary string, typically used to describe the intent behind a batch.
/// Hints are surfaced to clients during conflict resolution.
/// TODO(sadovsky): Use "any" here?
public let hint: String?
/// ReadOnly specifies whether the batch should allow writes.
/// If ReadOnly is set to true, Abort() should be used to release any resources
/// associated with this batch (though it is not strictly required), and
/// Commit() will always fail.
public let readOnly: Bool
public init(hint: String? = nil, readOnly: Bool = false) {
self.hint = hint
self.readOnly = readOnly
public class BatchDatabase: Database {
/// Commit persists the pending changes to the database.
/// If the batch is readonly, Commit() will fail with ErrReadOnlyBatch; Abort()
/// should be used instead.
public func commit() throws {
guard let cHandle = try batchHandle?.toCgoString() else {
throw SyncbaseError.UnknownBatch
try VError.maybeThrow { errPtr in
try encodedDatabaseName.toCgoString(),
/// Abort notifies the server that any pending changes can be discarded.
/// It is not strictly required, but it may allow the server to release locks
/// or other resources sooner than if it was not called.
public func abort() throws {
guard let cHandle = try batchHandle?.toCgoString() else {
throw SyncbaseError.UnknownBatch
try VError.maybeThrow { errPtr in
try encodedDatabaseName.toCgoString(),