blob: 96f496f7c04cd4606bca2d86274d6465939e5f57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import Foundation
import SyncbaseCore
/// Represents an ordered set of key-value pairs.
/// To get a Collection handle, call `Database.collection`.
public class Collection {
let coreCollection: SyncbaseCore.Collection
let databaseHandle: DatabaseHandle
func createIfMissing() throws {
do {
try SyncbaseError.wrap {
try self.coreCollection.create(defaultCollectionPerms())
} catch SyncbaseError.Exist {
// Collection already exists.
init(coreCollection: SyncbaseCore.Collection, databaseHandle: DatabaseHandle) {
self.coreCollection = coreCollection
self.databaseHandle = databaseHandle
/// Returns the id of this collection.
public var collectionId: Identifier {
return Identifier(coreId: coreCollection.collectionId)
/// Shortcut for `Database.getSyncgroup(collection.collectionId)`, helpful for the common case
/// of one syncgroup per collection.
public func syncgroup() throws -> Syncgroup {
switch databaseHandle {
case is BatchDatabase: throw SyncbaseError.BatchError(detail: "Must not call getSyncgroup within batch")
case let h as Database: return h.syncgroup(collectionId)
default: fatalError("Unexpected type")
/// Returns the value associated with `key`.
public func get<T: SyncbaseCore.SyncbaseConvertible>(key: String) throws -> T? {
return try SyncbaseError.wrap {
let value: T? = try self.coreCollection.get(key)
return value
/// Returns true if there is a value associated with `key`.
public func exists(key: String) throws -> Bool {
return try SyncbaseError.wrap {
return try self.coreCollection.exists(key)
/// Puts `value` for `key`, overwriting any existing value. This call is idempotent, meaning
/// you can safely call it multiple times in a row with the same values.
public func put<T: SyncbaseCore.SyncbaseConvertible>(key: String, value: T) throws {
try SyncbaseError.wrap {
try self.coreCollection.put(key, value: value)
/// Deletes the value associated with `key`. If the row does not exist for the associated key,
/// this call is a no-op. That is to say, `delete` is idempotent.
public func delete(key: String) throws {
try SyncbaseError.wrap {
try self.coreCollection.delete(key)
/// **FOR ADVANCED USERS**. Returns the `AccessList` for this collection. Users should
/// typically manipulate access lists via `collection.syncgroup()`.
public func accessList() throws -> AccessList {
return try SyncbaseError.wrap {
return try AccessList(perms: try self.coreCollection.getPermissions())
/// **FOR ADVANCED USERS**. Updates the `AccessList` for this collection. Users should
/// typically manipulate access lists via `collection.syncgroup()`}.
public func updateAccessList(delta: AccessList) throws {
let op = { (db: BatchDatabase) in
try SyncbaseError.wrap {
let vCx = try db.collection(self.collectionId).coreCollection
let perms = try vCx.getPermissions()
AccessList.applyDelta(perms, delta: delta)
try vCx.setPermissions(perms)
// Create a batch if we're not already in a batch.
if let batchDb = databaseHandle as? BatchDatabase {
try op(batchDb)
} else {
try (databaseHandle as! Database).runInBatch(op: op)