blob: 986a10e1a150a7c94117ae139f44ce655f568ebb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import Foundation
import Alamofire
public protocol VanadiumBlesser {
func blessingsFromGoogle(googleOauthToken: String, callback: (NSData?, ErrorType?) -> Void)
enum VanadiumUrls: String, URLStringConvertible {
case DevBlessings = ""
var URLString: String {
return self.rawValue.URLString
enum BlessingOutputFormat: String {
case Base64VOM = "base64vom"
public enum VanadiumBlesserError: ErrorType {
case EmptyResult
case NotBase64Encoded(invalid: String)
public extension VanadiumBlesser {
public func blessingsFromGoogle(googleOauthToken: String, callback: (NSData?, ErrorType?) -> Void) {
// Make sure the Syncbase instance exists, which inits V23
let _ = Syncbase.instance
do {
let params: [String: AnyObject] = [
"token": googleOauthToken,
"public_key": try Principal.publicKey(),
"output_format": BlessingOutputFormat.Base64VOM.rawValue]
let request = Alamofire.request(.GET,
parameters: params,
encoding: ParameterEncoding.URLEncodedInURL,
headers: nil)
request.responseString { resp in
guard let base64 = resp.result.value else {
if let err = resp.result.error {
callback(nil, err)
} else {
callback(nil, VanadiumBlesserError.EmptyResult)
// The base64 values are encoded using Go's URL-variant of base64 encoding, which is not
// compatible with Apple's base64 encoder/decoder. So we call out to to Go directly to
// decode this value into the vom-encoded byte array.
// TODO(zinman): Fix this once we have unified our types for the CGO bridge
preconditionFailure("Implement me")
// let swiftArray = swift_io_v_swift_impl_util_type_nativeBase64UrlDecode(base64.toGo())
// if swiftArray.length == 0 {
// callback(nil, VanadiumBlesserError.NotBase64Encoded(invalid: base64))
// return
// }
// let data = swiftArray.toNSDataNoCopyFreeWhenDone()
// callback(data, nil)
} catch let err {
callback(nil, err)
public protocol OAuthCredentials {
var oauthToken: String { get }
public struct GoogleCredentials: OAuthCredentials, VanadiumBlesser {
public let oauthToken: String
public init(oauthToken: String) {
self.oauthToken = oauthToken
public func authorize(callback: ErrorType? -> Void) {
blessingsFromGoogle(oauthToken) { (blessings, errOpt) in
if let err = errOpt {
} else {
do {
try Principal.setBlessings(blessings!)
} catch (let e) {