blob: 3b0e2dc78c64439277230c523decccdef7640dcc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import XCTest
@testable import Syncbase
import enum Syncbase.Syncbase
@testable import SyncbaseCore
let testQueue = dispatch_queue_create("SyncbaseQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL)
class BasicDatabaseTests: XCTestCase {
override class func setUp() {
configureDb(disableUserdataSyncgroup: true, disableSyncgroupPublishing: true)
override class func tearDown() {
func testDatabaseInit() {
withDb { db in
// Must be idempotent.
try db.createIfMissing()
try db.createIfMissing()
func testCollection() {
withDb { db in
var collections = try db.collections()
XCTAssertEqual(collections.count, 0)
let collection = try db.collection("collection1")
// Must be idempotent.
try collection.createIfMissing()
try collection.createIfMissing()
collections = try db.collections()
XCTAssertEqual(collections.count, 1)
// Should be empty.
XCTAssertFalse(try collection.exists("a"))
try collection.destroy()
collections = try db.collections()
XCTAssertEqual(collections.count, 0)
// TODO(zinman): Add more unit tests.
class AdvertiseScanTests: XCTestCase {
override class func setUp() {
configureDb(disableUserdataSyncgroup: true, disableSyncgroupPublishing: true)
override class func tearDown() {
func testAdvertise() {
withDb { _ in
// Just a simple test of the API as a sanity check -- we'd need an integration test across
// devices or multiple simulators to make sure advertising properly worked. Testing within one
// process inside the simulator doesn't allow us to test Bluetooth (not possible anyway on the
// simulator -- see ) or mDNS across a real
// network. Luckily the Go code has integration tests for discovery already.
try Syncbase.startAdvertisingPresenceInNeighborhood()
try Syncbase.stopAdvertisingPresenceInNeighborhood()
try Syncbase.startAdvertisingPresenceInNeighborhood([User(alias: "")])
try Syncbase.stopAdvertisingPresenceInNeighborhood()
func testScan() {
withDb { _ in
let handler = ScanNeighborhoodForUsersHandler(
onFound: { user in
XCTFail("Unexpected onFound user during unit test: \(user)")
onLost: { user in
XCTFail("Unexpected onLost user during unit test: \(user)")
try Syncbase.startScanForUsersInNeighborhood(handler)
XCTAssertEqual(Syncbase.neighborhoodScans.count, 1)
XCTAssertEqual(Syncbase.neighborhoodScans.count, 0)
try Syncbase.startScanForUsersInNeighborhood(handler)
class SyncgroupTests: XCTestCase {
override class func setUp() {
configureDb(disableUserdataSyncgroup: false, disableSyncgroupPublishing: true)
override class func tearDown() {
func testUserdata() {
withDb { db in
let coreCollections = try db.coreDatabase.listCollections()
XCTAssertEqual(coreCollections.count, 1)
XCTAssertEqual(coreCollections[0].name, Syncbase.USERDATA_SYNCGROUP_NAME)
// Expect filtered from HLAPI
let collections = try db.collections()
XCTAssertEqual(collections.count, 0)
let coreSyncgroups = try db.coreDatabase.listSyncgroups()
XCTAssertEqual(coreSyncgroups.count, 1)
XCTAssertEqual(coreSyncgroups[0].name, Syncbase.USERDATA_SYNCGROUP_NAME)
// Expect filtered from HLAPI
let syncgroups = try db.syncgroups()
XCTAssertEqual(syncgroups.count, 0)
let verSpec = try db.coreDatabase.syncgroup(Syncbase.USERDATA_SYNCGROUP_NAME).getSpec()
XCTAssertEqual(verSpec.spec.collections.count, 1)
// TODO(razvanm): Make the userdata syncgroup private.
XCTAssertEqual(verSpec.spec.isPrivate, false)
func testAddingSyncgroup() {
withDb { db in
let initialSemaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0)
let changeSemaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0)
let sg1 = Identifier(coreId: SyncbaseCore.Identifier(name: "sg1", blessing: "..."))
var didChange = false
try db.addUserDataWatchChangeHandler(handler: WatchChangeHandler(
onInitialState: { _ in
onChangeBatch: { changes in
XCTAssertEqual(changes.count, 1)
let change = changes.first!
XCTAssertEqual(change.row, try? sg1.encode())
XCTAssertEqual(change.changeType, WatchChange.ChangeType.Put)
XCTAssertEqual(change.value, NSData())
didChange = true
onError: failOnNonContextError))
if dispatch_semaphore_wait(initialSemaphore, secondsGCD(1)) != 0 {
XCTFail("Timed out")
try Syncbase.addSyncgroupToUserData(sg1)
if dispatch_semaphore_wait(changeSemaphore, secondsGCD(1)) != 0 {
XCTFail("Timed out")
XCTAssertEqual(didChange, true)
func testWatchIgnoresUserData() {
withDb { db in
var semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0)
// Nothing for a generic watch.
try db.addWatchChangeHandler(handler: WatchChangeHandler(
onInitialState: { changes in
XCTAssertEqual(changes.count, 0)
onChangeBatch: { changes in
XCTFail("Unexpected changes: \(changes)")
onError: failOnNonContextError))
if dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, secondsGCD(1)) != 0 {
XCTFail("Timed out")
// TODO(zinman): Add this when we support canceling watches.
// db.removeAllWatchChangeHandlers()
// Userdata only appears when explicitly asking for it.
semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0)
try db.addUserDataWatchChangeHandler(
handler: WatchChangeHandler(
onInitialState: { changes in
for change in changes {
XCTAssert(change.collectionId?.name == Syncbase.USERDATA_SYNCGROUP_NAME)
onChangeBatch: { changes in
XCTFail("Unexpected changes: \(changes)")
onError: failOnNonContextError))
if dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, secondsGCD(1)) != 0 {
XCTFail("Timed out")