blob: 0a370340dba6e98ae1effbea7243107427d0e9a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import Foundation
/// Base protocol for iterating through elements of unknown length.
public protocol Stream: SequenceType, GeneratorType {
/// Err returns a non-nil error iff the stream encountered any errors. Err does
/// not block.
func err() -> ErrorType?
/// Cancel notifies the stream provider that it can stop producing elements.
/// The client must call Cancel if it does not iterate through all elements
/// (i.e. until Advance returns false). Cancel is idempotent and can be called
/// concurrently with a goroutine that is iterating via Advance.
/// Cancel causes Advance to subsequently return false. Cancel does not block.
mutating func cancel()
/// Typed-stream backed by anonymous callbacks
public class AnonymousStream<T>: Stream {
public typealias Element = T
public typealias FetchNextFunction = NSTimeInterval? -> (T?, ErrorType?)
let fetchNextFunction: FetchNextFunction
public typealias CancelFunction = Void -> Void
let cancelFunction: CancelFunction
private var lastErr: ErrorType?
private var isDone: Bool = false
init(fetchNextFunction: FetchNextFunction, cancelFunction: CancelFunction) {
self.fetchNextFunction = fetchNextFunction
self.cancelFunction = cancelFunction
/// Advance to the next element and return it, or `nil` if no next
/// element exists. If the stream has not been canceled, this call
/// will block until data is available or an error has occured.
public func next() -> T? {
return next(nil)
/// Advance to the next element and return it, or `nil` if no next
/// element exists. If the stream has not been canceled, this call
/// will block until data is available, an error has occured, or
/// `timeout` seconds have elapsed. If a timeout occurs then the
/// return value will be nil.
public func next(timeout timeout: NSTimeInterval) -> T? {
return next(timeout)
private func next(timeout: NSTimeInterval?) -> T? {
guard !isDone else {
return nil
let (result, err) = fetchNextFunction(timeout)
if let ret = result {
return ret
lastErr = err
isDone = true
return nil
/// Err returns a non-nil error iff the stream encountered any errors. Err does
/// not block.
public func err() -> ErrorType? {
return lastErr
/// Cancel notifies the stream provider that it can stop producing elements.
/// The client must call Cancel if it does not iterate through all elements
/// (i.e. until Advance returns false). Cancel is idempotent and can be called
/// concurrently with a goroutine that is iterating via Advance.
/// Cancel causes Advance to subsequently return false. Cancel does not block.
public func cancel() {
if !isDone {
isDone = true