blob: a18fa7742698737838cfb222029543419a632aa2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import Foundation
public enum Security {
/// BlessingPattern is a pattern that is matched by specific blessings.
/// A pattern can either be a blessing (slash-separated human-readable string)
/// or a blessing ending in "/$". A pattern ending in "/$" is matched exactly
/// by the blessing specified by the pattern string with the "/$" suffix stripped
/// out. For example, the pattern "a/b/c/$" is matched by exactly by the blessing
/// "a/b/c".
/// A pattern not ending in "/$" is more permissive, and is also matched by blessings
/// that are extensions of the pattern (including the pattern itself). For example, the
/// pattern "a/b/c" is matched by the blessings "a/b/c", "a/b/c/x", "a/b/c/x/y", etc.
/// TODO(ataly, ashankar): Define a formal BNF grammar for blessings and blessing patterns.
public typealias BlessingPattern = String
static let AllPrincipals = BlessingPattern("...") // Glob pattern that matches all blessings.
public struct Discovery {
internal let context: Context
internal let handle: DiscoveryHandle
internal class DiscoveryHandle: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
internal let goHandle: GoDiscoveryHandle
internal init(_ goHandle: GoDiscoveryHandle) {
self.goHandle = goHandle
deinit {
if goHandle != 0 {
var description: String { return "[DiscoveryHandle \(goHandle)]" }
var debugDescription: String { return "[DiscoveryHandle handle=\(goHandle)]" }
public init?(context: Context) {
do {
let handle = try SwiftVError.catchAndThrowError { err in
return swift_io_v_v23_discovery_new(context.handle.goHandle, err)
self.context = context
self.handle = DiscoveryHandle(handle)
} catch (let e) {
log.warning("Unable to create discovery: \(e)")
return nil
private static let outstandingAdvertisements = GoPromises<Void>(timeout: nil)
/// Called when advertising is done
public typealias OnDone = Void -> Void
/// Advertise broadcasts the advertisement to be discovered by "Scan" operations.
/// visibility is used to limit the principals that can see the advertisement. An
/// empty set means that there are no restrictions on visibility (i.e, equivalent
/// to [Security.AllPrincipals].
/// If the advertisement id is not specified, a random unique a random unique identifier
/// will be assigned. The advertisement should not be changed while it is being advertised.
/// It is an error to have simultaneously active advertisements for two identical
/// instances (Advertisement.Id).
/// Advertising will continue until the context is canceled or exceeds its deadline
/// and then onDone will be called.
/// Will throw a VError if unable to start advertising -- onDone will not be called if thrown.
public func advertise(ad: Advertisement, visibility: [Security.BlessingPattern]?, onDone: OnDone) throws {
let adJsonData = try NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(ad.toJsonable(), options: [])
let adJson = SwiftByteArray(dataNoCopy: adJsonData)
let visibilityStrings: [String] = visibility ?? []
var visibilityArray = SwiftCStringArray(stringsCopied: visibilityStrings)
defer { visibilityArray.dealloc() }
let (asyncId, p) = Discovery.outstandingAdvertisements.newPromise()
p.onResolve { _ in onDone() }
try SwiftVError.catchAndThrowError { err in
asyncId, { asyncId in Discovery.onDoneCallback(asyncId) },
private static func onDoneCallback(asyncId: AsyncCallbackIdentifier) {
if let p = Discovery.outstandingAdvertisements.getAndDeleteRef(asyncId) {
RunOnMain {
do {
try p.resolve()
} catch let e {
log.warning("Unable to resolve onDone: \(e)")
private static let outstandingScans = GoAsyncHandle<OnUpdate>()
/// Callback on discovery updates. When scanning is cancelled the update will be nil and
/// isScanDone will be true.
public typealias OnUpdate = (update: Update?, isScanDone: Bool) -> Void
/// Scan scans advertisements that match the query and returns the channel of updates.
/// Scan excludes the advertisements that are advertised from the same discovery
/// instance.
/// The query is a WHERE expression of a syncQL query against advertisements, where
/// key is Advertisement.Id and value is Advertisement.
/// Will call the JSON update callback with an empty byte arraywhen done, signaling
/// to Swift that it may free the function pointer.
/// Examples
/// v.InterfaceName = ""
/// v.InterfaceName = "" AND v.Attributes["a"] = "v"
/// v.Attributes["a"] = "v1" OR v.Attributes["a"] = "v2"
/// SyncQL tutorial at:
public func scan(query: String, onUpdate: OnUpdate) throws {
var cQuery = SwiftCString(stringCopied: query)
defer { cQuery.dealloc() }
let asyncId = Discovery.outstandingScans.newRef(onUpdate)
try SwiftVError.catchAndThrowError { err in
asyncId, { asyncId, json in Discovery.onUpdateCallback(asyncId, json: json) },
private static func onUpdateCallback(asyncId: AsyncCallbackIdentifier, json: SwiftByteArray) {
if json.length == 0 || == nil {
// We're done
guard let callback = outstandingScans.getAndDeleteRef(asyncId) else {
callback(update: nil, isScanDone: true)
} else {
// We got an update
guard let callback = outstandingScans.getRef(asyncId) else {
guard let data = try? NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(json.toNSDataNoCopyNoFree(), options: []) as? [String: AnyObject],
let update = try? Update.fromJsonable(data!) else {
let str = String(data: json.toNSDataNoCopyNoFree(), encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
log.warning("Unable to json deserialize: \(str)")
RunOnMain { callback(update: update, isScanDone: false) }
/// Update is the struct for a discovery update.
public struct Update {
/// IsLost returns true when this update corresponds to an advertisement
/// that led to a previous update vanishing.
public let isLost: Bool
/// Id returns the universal unique identifier of the advertisement.
public var adId: Advertisement.AdId {
return advertisement.adId!
/// InterfaceName returns the interface name that the service implements.
public var interfaceName: String {
return advertisement.interfaceName
/// Addresses returns the addresses (vanadium object names) that the service
/// is served on.
public var addresses: [String] {
return advertisement.addresses
// Attribute returns the named attribute. An empty string is returned if
// not found.
// public func attribute(name: String) -> String {
// }
// Attachment returns the channel on which the named attachment can be read.
// Nil data is returned if not found.
// This may do RPC calls if the attachment is not fetched yet and fetching
// will fail if the context is canceled or exceeds its deadline.
// Attachments may not be available when this update is for lost advertisement.
// public Attachment(ctx * context.T, name string) <- chan DataOrError
/// Advertisement returns a copy of the advertisement that this update
/// corresponds to.
/// The returned advertisement may not include all attachments.
public let advertisement: Advertisement
public enum JsonErrors: ErrorType {
case InvalidJsonData
internal static func fromJsonable(data: [String: AnyObject]) throws -> Update {
guard let isLost = data["IsLost"] as? Bool,
adObj = data["Ad"] as? [String: AnyObject] else {
throw JsonErrors.InvalidJsonData
let ad = try Advertisement.fromJsonable(adObj)
return Update(isLost: isLost, advertisement: ad)