blob: f7a3831b6817d0eed0866145cd125d68689dd06f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import Foundation
public typealias GranterHandle = Int32
public enum RpcClientOption {
// TODO(zinman): Uncomment when VDL generation is baked in to build process
// case AllowedServersPolicy(polices:[BlessingPattern])
case RetryTimeout(timeout:NSTimeInterval)
case Granter(granter:GranterHandle)
public struct Client {
internal let defaultContext:Context
internal init(defaultContext:Context) {
self.defaultContext = defaultContext
internal func ctxHandle(ctx:Context?) -> ContextHandle {
return (ctx ?? defaultContext).handle
public func startCall(ctx:Context?=nil, name:String, method:String, args:[AnyObject]?=nil, returnArgsLength:Int,
skipServerAuth:Bool=false) -> Promise<ClientCall> {
let vomArgs = SwiftByteArrayArray(length: 0, data: nil)
let (asyncId, handleP) = Client.outstandingHandles.newPromise()
{ asyncId, handle in Client.callDidSucceed(asyncId, handle: handle) },
{ asyncId, err in Client.callDidFail(asyncId, err: err) })
return handleP.then { handle throws in
return try ClientCall(
ctxHandle: self.ctxHandle(ctx), callHandle: handle, returnArgsLength: returnArgsLength)
private static let outstandingHandles = GoPromises<GoClientCallHandle>(timeout: nil)
public func call(ctx:Context?=nil, name:String, method:String, args:[AnyObject]?=nil, returnArgsLength:Int,
skipServerAuth:Bool=false) -> Promise<[AnyObject]?> {
return startCall(
name: name,
method: method,
args: args,
returnArgsLength: returnArgsLength,
skipServerAuth: skipServerAuth)
.then { call throws -> Promise<[AnyObject]?> in
return try call.finish()
internal static func callDidSucceed(asyncId:AsyncCallbackIdentifier, handle:_GoHandle) {
if let p = Client.outstandingHandles.getAndDeleteRef(asyncId) {
RunOnMain {
do {
try p.resolve(handle)
} catch let e {
log.warning("Unable to resolve asyncCall start with handle \(handle): \(e)")
internal static func callDidFail(asyncId:AsyncCallbackIdentifier, err:SwiftVError) {
let verr = err.toSwift()
if let p = Client.outstandingHandles.getAndDeleteRef(asyncId) {
RunOnMain {
do {
try p.reject(verr)
} catch let e {
log.warning("Unable to reject asyncCall start with err \(verr): \(e)")
public func close(ctx:Context?=nil) {
public enum ClientCallErrors: ErrorType {
case NilHandlerOnInit
public class ClientCall {
internal let ctxHandle:ContextHandle
internal let callHandle:GoClientCallHandle
internal let returnArgsLength:Int
internal init(ctxHandle:ContextHandle, callHandle:GoClientCallHandle, returnArgsLength:Int) throws {
self.ctxHandle = ctxHandle
self.callHandle = callHandle
self.returnArgsLength = returnArgsLength
guard callHandle != 0 else {
throw ClientCallErrors.NilHandlerOnInit
deinit {
if callHandle != 0 {
public func closeSend() throws {
try SwiftVError.catchAndThrowError { errPtr in
swift_io_v_impl_google_rpc_ClientCallImpl_nativeCloseSend(ctxHandle.goHandle, callHandle, errPtr)
private static let outstandingFinishes = GoPromises<[AnyObject]?>(timeout: nil)
public func finish() throws -> Promise<[AnyObject]?> {
let (asyncId, p) = ClientCall.outstandingFinishes.newPromise()
ctxHandle.goHandle, callHandle, returnArgsLength.toGo(), asyncId,
{ asyncId, byteArrayArray in ClientCall.finishDidSucceed(asyncId, byteArrayArray: byteArrayArray) },
{ asyncId, err in ClientCall.finishDidFail(asyncId, err: err) })
return p
internal static func finishDidSucceed(asyncId:AsyncCallbackIdentifier, byteArrayArray:SwiftByteArrayArray) {
guard let p = ClientCall.outstandingFinishes.getAndDeleteRef(asyncId) else {
log.warning("Couldn't find associated promise for finish succeeding on asyncId \(asyncId)")
// Deallocate associated bytes malloc'd in Go
// VOM decode in background to let Go get free'd up and to not block main
RunInBackground {
// Deallocate associated bytes malloc'd in Go
defer { byteArrayArray.dealloc() }
do {
// TODO Decode via VOM
// log.debug("Got back byteArrayArray \(byteArrayArray) and data \(")
// var i = 0
// for byteArray in byteArrayArray {
// log.debug("Byte array \(i): \(byteArray)")
// i += 1
// }
} catch let e {
do { try p.reject(e) } catch {}
do {
try p.resolve(nil)
} catch let e {
log.warning("Unable to resolve finish promise: \(e)")
internal static func finishDidFail(asyncId:AsyncCallbackIdentifier, err:SwiftVError) {
let verr = err.toSwift()
if let p = ClientCall.outstandingFinishes.getAndDeleteRef(asyncId) {
RunOnMain {
do {
try p.reject(verr)
} catch let e {
log.warning("Unable to reject finish with err \(verr): \(e)")
// public func remoteBlessings() -> (blessings:[String], cryptoBlessings:[Blessings]) {
// fatalError("Unimplemented")
// }