blob: fd454d73084fde558349d5d6b49a3c82d5fefa6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import Foundation
public func configure(loggingOptions:VLoggingOptions?=nil) throws {
try V23.configure(loggingOptions)
public let instance = V23.instance
public class V23 {
private static var _instance: V23? = nil
private var rootContext:Context
/// The singleton instance of V23 that you use to create and configure any clients/servers.
/// **Warning:** You must first call configure before you can grab an instance. It will
/// crash with a fatalError otherwise.
public static var instance: V23 {
get {
if (_instance == nil) {
fatalError("You must first call V23.configure before you can use an instance")
return _instance!
set {
if (_instance != nil) {
fatalError("You cannot create another instance of V23")
_instance = newValue
/// Private constructor for V23.
private init(loggingOptions:VLoggingOptions) throws {
// We must have all variables initialized before we can throw
rootContext = Context(handle: ContextHandle(0))
let appSupportUrl = NSURL(fileURLWithPath:
NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.ApplicationSupportDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true)[0])
let v23Url = appSupportUrl.URLByAppendingPathComponent("Vanadium")
let credentialsPath = v23Url.path!
log.debug("Using credentials path \(credentialsPath)")
if !NSFileManager.defaultManager().fileExistsAtPath(credentialsPath) {
// Create it
let attrs = [NSFileProtectionKey: NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication]
try NSFileManager.defaultManager().createDirectoryAtPath(
credentialsPath, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: attrs)
try SwiftVError.catchAndThrowError { errPtr in
swift_io_v_v23_V_nativeInitGlobal(credentialsPath.toGo(), errPtr)
try loggingOptions.initGo()
rootContext = Context(handle: ContextHandle(swift_io_v_impl_google_rt_VRuntimeImpl_nativeInit()))
deinit {
/// You must call configure before using Vanadium or grabbing an instance.
/// This is where you pass any logging options... (TBD)
/// **Warning:** You may only call this once. It will otherwise crash with a fatalError.
/// :param: loggingOptions Logging options used by the Vandadium internals.
/// See documentation on VLoggingOptions for more information
public class func configure(loggingOptions:VLoggingOptions?=nil) throws {
if _instance == nil {
instance = try V23(loggingOptions: loggingOptions ?? VLoggingOptions())
public var context: Context {
get {
return rootContext
/// Shutdown will shutdown the root V23 context and runtime, removing the instance from memory.
public func shutdown() {
V23._instance = nil