blob: 2a8153ada38fd207fd0ad00c437408f485e27a3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import Foundation
import VanadiumCore
//public let instance = Syncbase.instance
public struct Syncbase: Service {
// TODO(zinman): Figure out what the local name is supposed to be be
private static let kLocalName = ""
public let fullName: String
private static var _localInstance: Syncbase? = nil
/// The singleton instance of Syncbase that represents the local store. This is the primary
/// Syncbase client you want to work with, unless you explicitly want to connect to a remote
/// Syncbase via RPC (then use the constructor with its object name passed)
/// You won't be able to sync with anybody unless you grant yourself a blessing via the authorize
/// method.
public static var instance: Syncbase {
get {
if (_localInstance == nil) {
do {
_localInstance = try Syncbase(fullName: kLocalName)
} catch let err {
VanadiumCore.log.warning("Couldn't instantiate an instance of Syncbase: \(err)")
return _localInstance!
set {
if (_localInstance != nil) {
fatalError("You cannot create another local instance of Syncbase")
_localInstance = newValue
Returns a new client handle to a syncbase service running at the given name. The common scenario
is to only use Syncbase.instance for the local store -- this constructor is used for connecting
to remote Syncbases.
- Parameter fullName: full (i.e., object) name of the syncbase service
public init(fullName: String) throws {
self.fullName = fullName
/// Create a database using the relative name and user's blessings.
public func database(name: String) throws -> Database {
return database(DatabaseId(name: name, blessing: try Principal.blessingsDebugString()))
/// DatabaseForId returns the Database with the given app blessing and name (from the Id struct).
public func database(databaseId: DatabaseId) -> Database {
preconditionFailure("Implement me")
/// ListDatabases returns a list of all Database ids that the caller is allowed to see.
/// The list is sorted by blessing, then by name.
public func listDatabases() throws -> [DatabaseId] {
preconditionFailure("Implement me")
extension Syncbase: AccessController {
/// setPermissions replaces the current Permissions for an object.
public func setPermissions(perms: Permissions, version: PermissionsVersion) throws {
preconditionFailure("Implement me")
/// getPermissions returns the current Permissions for an object.
/// For detailed documentation, see Object.GetPermissions.
public func getPermissions() throws -> (Permissions, PermissionsVersion) {
preconditionFailure("Implement me")