blob: fb1eb653a9e17ea8e82864064fa76879e67afc88 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import Foundation
internal extension NSNumber {
/// Returns true if value can be cast to NSNumber or NSNumber?
internal static func isNSNumber<V>(value: V) -> Bool {
// Can't do this:
// if value is NSNumber {
// because it will always succeed through type coercion, even if value is an Int.
// Instead we use the dynamic (runtime) type
let type = value.dynamicType
return type is NSNumber.Type || type is NSNumber?.Type
/// Returns true if target can be set/cast from this NSNumber without precision-loss or type
/// conversion. For example ```NSNumber.init(bool: true) as Float``` will return a Swift Float of
/// value 1, where as this function would return false as the types are unrelated -- only
/// casting as Bool would return true. This function checks for 32/64-bit correctness with types.
/// Caveat: Currently this function makes no attempt to determine signed/unsigned correctness of
/// the underlying data, although this is sometimes knowable with NSNumber.objCType.
internal func isTargetCastable<T>(inout target: T?) -> Bool {
// Allow matching types of this size, and bigger. Signed and unsigned of same size are not allowed.
// Swift:
// C types:
switch CFNumberGetType(self as CFNumberRef) {
// Obj-C bool is stored as Char, but if it's a @(YES) or @(NO) they are all a shared instance.
case .CharType where (unsafeAddressOf(self) == unsafeAddressOf(kCFBooleanFalse) ||
unsafeAddressOf(self) == unsafeAddressOf(kCFBooleanTrue)):
// We know we have a bool... make sure it's compatible
let type = target.dynamicType
guard type == Bool?.self || type == NSNumber?.self || type == AnyObject?.self || type == NSObject?.self else {
return false
// Handle fixed lengths on 32/64 bit
case .SInt8Type, .CharType:
let type = target.dynamicType
guard type == Int?.self || type == UInt?.self ||
type == Int8?.self || type == Int16?.self || type == Int32?.self || type == Int64?.self ||
type == UInt8?.self || type == UInt16?.self || type == UInt32?.self || type == UInt64?.self ||
type == CChar?.self || type == CShort?.self || type == CInt?.self || type == CLong?.self || type == CLongLong?.self ||
type == NSNumber?.self || type == AnyObject?.self || type == NSObject?.self else {
return false
case .SInt16Type, .ShortType:
let type = target.dynamicType
guard type == Int?.self || type == UInt?.self ||
type == Int16?.self || type == Int32?.self || type == Int64?.self ||
type == UInt16?.self || type == UInt32?.self || type == UInt64?.self ||
type == CShort?.self || type == CInt?.self || type == CLong?.self || type == CLongLong?.self ||
type == NSNumber?.self || type == AnyObject?.self || type == NSObject?.self else {
return false
case .SInt32Type, .IntType:
let type = target.dynamicType
guard type == Int?.self || type == UInt?.self ||
type == Int32?.self || type == Int64?.self ||
type == UInt32?.self || type == UInt64?.self ||
type == CInt?.self || type == CLong?.self || type == CLongLong?.self ||
type == NSNumber?.self || type == AnyObject?.self || type == NSObject?.self else {
return false
case .SInt64Type, .LongLongType:
let type = target.dynamicType
guard (type == Int?.self && sizeof(Int) == sizeof(CLongLong)) ||
(type == UInt?.self && sizeof(UInt) == sizeof(CLongLong)) ||
type == Int64?.self || type == UInt64?.self ||
type == CLongLong?.self ||
type == NSNumber?.self || type == AnyObject?.self || type == NSObject?.self else {
return false
case .Float32Type, .FloatType:
let type = target.dynamicType
guard type == Float?.self ||
type == Double?.self ||
type == Float32?.self ||
type == Float64?.self ||
type == CFloat?.self || type == CDouble?.self || type == CGFloat?.self ||
type == NSNumber?.self || type == AnyObject?.self || type == NSObject?.self else {
return false
case .Float64Type, .DoubleType: /* 64-bit IEEE 754 */
let type = target.dynamicType
guard type == Double?.self ||
type == Float64?.self ||
type == CDouble?.self || type == CGFloat?.self ||
type == NSNumber?.self || type == AnyObject?.self || type == NSObject?.self else {
return false
// Handle 32/64-bit types
case .LongType, .NSIntegerType:
let type = target.dynamicType
guard type == Int?.self || type == UInt?.self ||
(type == Int32?.self && sizeof(Int32) == sizeof(NSInteger)) ||
(type == UInt32?.self && sizeof(UInt32) == sizeof(NSInteger)) ||
type == Int64?.self || type == UInt64?.self ||
type == NSNumber?.self || type == AnyObject?.self || type == NSObject?.self ||
type == CLong?.self || type == CLongLong?.self else {
return false
case .CGFloatType:
let type = target.dynamicType
guard (type == Float?.self && sizeof(CGFloat) == sizeof(Float)) ||
type == Double?.self ||
(type == Float32?.self && sizeof(CGFloat) == sizeof(Float32)) ||
type == Float64?.self ||
type == NSNumber?.self || type == AnyObject?.self || type == NSObject?.self else {
return false
// Misc
case .CFIndexType:
guard target.dynamicType == CFIndex?.self else {
return false
return true