blob: 19b6d88ce782fc4149f744cbd588f222c3da6ded [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import Foundation
/// Principal houses the basic tools for blessing the principal, which is to say it
/// contains the functions needed for authentication between devices/users.
public enum Principal {
/// Sets the blessing for the principal. This blessing must be VOM encoded, and is typically
/// provided by a Vanadium-service over HTTP (for example exchanging an oauth token for a V23
/// blessing).
public static func setBlessings(vomEncodedBlessings:NSData) throws {
let ctx = V23.instance.context
// We can safely force this case because we know that CGO won't actually modify any of the
// NSData's bytes.
let cgoData = unsafeBitCast(vomEncodedBlessings.bytes, UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>.self)
let data = SwiftByteArray(length: UInt64(vomEncodedBlessings.length), data: cgoData)
try SwiftVError.catchAndThrowError { errPtr in
swift_io_v_v23_security_simple_nativeSetBlessings(ctx.handle.goHandle, data, errPtr)
/// Returns a string that encapsulates the current blessing of the principal. It will look
/// something like
public static func blessingsDebugString() throws -> String {
let ctx = V23.instance.context
let cstr = swift_io_v_v23_security_simple_nativeBlessingsDebugString(ctx.handle.goHandle)
let str = String.fromCStringNoCopy(cstr, freeWhenDone: true)
if str == nil {
throw StringErrors.InvalidString
return str!
/// Base64 DER-encoded representation of the auto-generated public-key using Golang's URLEncoding,
/// which is not compatible with NSData's base64 encoder/decoder.
public static func publicKey() throws -> String {
let str:String? = try SwiftVError.catchAndThrowError { errPtr in
let ctx = V23.instance.context
let cstr = swift_io_v_v23_security_simple_nativePublicKey(ctx.handle.goHandle, errPtr)
return String.fromCStringNoCopy(cstr, freeWhenDone: true)
if str == nil {
throw StringErrors.InvalidString
return str!