blob: b1b6bf9dda33577e10bdbd114b7b9e9ebd460d38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import Foundation
public let log = VLogger()
public struct VLogger {
public func debug(@autoclosure closure: () -> String, functionName: String = #function, fileName: String = #file, lineNumber: Int = #line) {
log("DEBUG", str: closure(), functionName: functionName, fileName: fileName, lineNumber: lineNumber)
public func info(@autoclosure closure: () -> String, functionName: String = #function, fileName: String = #file, lineNumber: Int = #line) {
log("INFO", str: closure(), functionName: functionName, fileName: fileName, lineNumber: lineNumber)
public func warning(@autoclosure closure: () -> String, functionName: String = #function, fileName: String = #file, lineNumber: Int = #line) {
log("WARN", str: closure(), functionName: functionName, fileName: fileName, lineNumber: lineNumber)
public func error(@autoclosure closure: () -> String, functionName: String = #function, fileName: String = #file, lineNumber: Int = #line) {
log("ERROR", str: closure(), functionName: functionName, fileName: fileName, lineNumber: lineNumber)
public func fatal(@autoclosure closure: () -> String, functionName: String = #function, fileName: String = #file, lineNumber: Int = #line) {
log("FATAL", str: closure(), functionName: functionName, fileName: fileName, lineNumber: lineNumber)
private func log(level:String, str:String, functionName: String = #function, fileName: String = #file, lineNumber: Int = #line) {
if let threadName = NSThread.currentThread().name where threadName != "" {
print("[", level, "] ", (fileName as NSString).lastPathComponent, ":", lineNumber, " (", threadName, ") ", str, separator: "")
} else {
print("[", level, "] ", (fileName as NSString).lastPathComponent, ":", lineNumber, " ", str, separator: "")
public enum VLogLevel: Int {
case Info = 0
case Warning = 1
case Error = 2
case Fatal = 3
public struct VLoggingOptions {
/// Enable V-leveled logging at the specified level.
let level: VLogLevel
/// The syntax of the argument is a comma-separated list of pattern=N,
/// where pattern is a literal file name (minus the ".go" suffix) or
/// "glob" pattern and N is a V level. For instance, gopher*=3
/// sets the V level to 3 in all Go files whose names begin "gopher".
let moduleSpec: String?
// We only log to disk on OS X
#if os(OSX)
/// If true, logs are written to standard error instead of to files
let logToStderrOnly: Bool
/// Log files will be wirtten to this directory instead of the default temp dir
let logDir: String?
#if os(OSX)
public init(level:VLogLevel=VLogLevel.Info,
logDir:String?=nil) {
self.level = level
self.moduleSpec = moduleSpec
self.logToStderrOnly = logToStderrOnly
self.logDir = logDir
if (self.logToStderrOnly && self.logDir != nil) {
NSLog("WARNING: logToStderrOnly set to true and logDir was set -- only logging to stderr and not to disk.")
public init(level:VLogLevel=VLogLevel.Info, moduleSpec:String?=nil) {
self.level = level
self.moduleSpec = moduleSpec
/// Call the init logging function in go -- INTERNAL ONLY
internal func initGo() throws {
#if os(OSX)
try SwiftVError.catchAndThrowError({ errPtr in
logDir?.toGo() ?? nil,
moduleSpec?.toGo() ?? nil,
try SwiftVError.catchAndThrowError({ errPtr in
swift_io_v_v23_V_nativeInitLogging(nil, 0, // no logging to disk
level.rawValue.toGo(), moduleSpec?.toGo() ?? nil, errPtr)