blob: 5a5d6dc85f3ef442ae596eea40d2266ae95ee7a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package watchable
import (
// This file provides utility methods for tests related to watchable store.
/////// Functions related to creation/cleanup of store instances ///////
// createStore returns a store along with a function to destroy the store
// once it is no longer needed.
func createStore(useMemstore bool) (store.Store, func()) {
var st store.Store
if useMemstore {
st = memstore.New()
return st, func() {
} else {
st = createLevelDB(getPath())
return st, func() {
destroyLevelDB(st, getPath())
func getPath() string {
path, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "syncbase_leveldb")
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("can't create temp dir: %v", err))
return path
func createLevelDB(path string) store.Store {
st, err := leveldb.Open(path)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("can't open db at %v: %v", path, err))
return st
func destroyLevelDB(st store.Store, path string) {
if err := leveldb.Destroy(path); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("can't destroy db at %v: %v", path, err))
/////// Functions related to watchable store ///////
func getSeq(st Store) uint64 {
wst := st.(*wstore)
return wst.seq
func setMockSystemClock(st Store, mockClock clock.SystemClock) {
wst := st.(*wstore)
type LogEntryReader struct {
stream store.Stream
func NewLogEntryReader(st store.Store, seq uint64) *LogEntryReader {
stream := st.Scan([]byte(getLogEntryKeyPrefix(seq)), []byte(getLogEntryKeyPrefix(seq+1)))
return &LogEntryReader{stream: stream}
func (ler *LogEntryReader) Advance() bool {
func (ler *LogEntryReader) GetEntry() (string, LogEntry) {
key := string(
var entry LogEntry = LogEntry{}
if err := vom.Decode(, &entry); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to decode LogEntry for key: %q", key))
return key, entry
/////// Clock related utility code ///////
// Mock Implementation for SystemClock
type MockSystemClock struct {
time time.Time // current time returned by call to Now()
increment time.Duration // how much to increment the clock by for subsequent calls to Now()
func NewMockSystemClock(firstTimestamp time.Time, increment time.Duration) *MockSystemClock {
return &MockSystemClock{
time: firstTimestamp,
increment: increment,
func (sc *MockSystemClock) Now() time.Time {
now := sc.time
sc.time = sc.time.Add(sc.increment)
return now
var _ clock.SystemClock = (*MockSystemClock)(nil)