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// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package nosql_test
import (
wire ""
tu ""
// Tests that SyncGroup.Create works as expected.
func TestCreateSyncGroup(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(perms("root/client"))
defer cleanup()
a := tu.CreateApp(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "a")
d := tu.CreateNoSQLDatabase(t, ctx, a, "d")
// Check if create fails with empty spec.
spec := wire.SyncGroupSpec{}
sg1 := naming.Join(sName, util.SyncbaseSuffix, "sg1")
createSyncGroup(t, ctx, d, sg1, spec, verror.ErrBadArg.ID)
var wantNames []string
verifySyncGroupNames(t, ctx, d, wantNames, verror.ID(""))
// Prefill entries before creating a SyncGroup to exercise the bootstrap
// of a SyncGroup through Snapshot operations to the watcher.
t1 := tu.CreateTable(t, ctx, d, "t1")
for _, k := range []string{"foo123", "foobar123", "xyz"} {
if err := t1.Put(ctx, k, "value@"+k); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("t1.Put() of %s failed: %v", k, err)
// Create successfully.
// TODO(rdaoud): switch prefixes to (table, prefix) tuples.
spec = wire.SyncGroupSpec{
Description: "test syncgroup sg1",
Perms: nil,
Prefixes: []string{"t1:foo"},
createSyncGroup(t, ctx, d, sg1, spec, verror.ID(""))
// Verify SyncGroup is created.
wantNames = []string{sg1}
verifySyncGroupNames(t, ctx, d, wantNames, verror.ID(""))
verifySyncGroupInfo(t, ctx, d, sg1, spec, 1)
// Check if creating an already existing syncgroup fails.
createSyncGroup(t, ctx, d, sg1, spec, verror.ErrExist.ID)
verifySyncGroupNames(t, ctx, d, wantNames, verror.ID(""))
// Create a peer syncgroup.
spec.Description = "test syncgroup sg2"
sg2 := naming.Join(sName, util.SyncbaseSuffix, "sg2")
createSyncGroup(t, ctx, d, sg2, spec, verror.ID(""))
wantNames = []string{sg1, sg2}
verifySyncGroupNames(t, ctx, d, wantNames, verror.ID(""))
verifySyncGroupInfo(t, ctx, d, sg2, spec, 1)
// Create a nested syncgroup.
spec.Description = "test syncgroup sg3"
spec.Prefixes = []string{"t1:foobar"}
sg3 := naming.Join(sName, util.SyncbaseSuffix, "sg3")
createSyncGroup(t, ctx, d, sg3, spec, verror.ID(""))
wantNames = []string{sg1, sg2, sg3}
verifySyncGroupNames(t, ctx, d, wantNames, verror.ID(""))
verifySyncGroupInfo(t, ctx, d, sg3, spec, 1)
// Check that create fails if the perms disallow access.
perms := perms("root/client")
perms.Blacklist("root/client", string(access.Read))
if err := d.SetPermissions(ctx, perms, ""); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.SetPermissions() failed: %v", err)
spec.Description = "test syncgroup sg4"
sg4 := naming.Join(sName, util.SyncbaseSuffix, "sg4")
createSyncGroup(t, ctx, d, sg4, spec, verror.ErrNoAccess.ID)
verifySyncGroupNames(t, ctx, d, nil, verror.ErrNoAccess.ID)
// Tests that SyncGroup.Join works as expected for the case with one Syncbase
// and 2 clients. One client creates the SyncGroup, while the other attempts to
// join it.
func TestJoinSyncGroup(t *testing.T) {
// Create client1-server pair.
ctx, ctx1, sName, rootp, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDieCustom("client1", "server", perms("root/client1"))
defer cleanup()
a1 := tu.CreateApp(t, ctx1, syncbase.NewService(sName), "a")
d1 := tu.CreateNoSQLDatabase(t, ctx1, a1, "d")
specA := wire.SyncGroupSpec{
Description: "test syncgroup sgA",
Perms: perms("root/client1"),
Prefixes: []string{"t1:foo"},
sgNameA := naming.Join(sName, util.SyncbaseSuffix, "sgA")
createSyncGroup(t, ctx1, d1, sgNameA, specA, verror.ID(""))
// Check that creator can call join successfully.
joinSyncGroup(t, ctx1, d1, sgNameA, verror.ID(""))
// Create client2.
ctx2 := tu.NewCtx(ctx, rootp, "client2")
a2 := syncbase.NewService(sName).App("a")
d2 := a2.NoSQLDatabase("d", nil)
// Check that client2's join fails if the perms disallow access.
joinSyncGroup(t, ctx2, d2, sgNameA, verror.ErrNoAccess.ID)
verifySyncGroupNames(t, ctx2, d2, nil, verror.ErrNoAccess.ID)
// Client1 gives access to client2.
if err := d1.SetPermissions(ctx1, perms("root/client1", "root/client2"), ""); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.SetPermissions() failed: %v", err)
// Verify client2 has access.
if err := d2.SetPermissions(ctx2, perms("root/client1", "root/client2"), ""); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.SetPermissions() failed: %v", err)
// Check that client2's join still fails since the SG ACL disallows access.
joinSyncGroup(t, ctx2, d2, sgNameA, verror.ErrNoAccess.ID)
// Create a different SyncGroup.
specB := wire.SyncGroupSpec{
Description: "test syncgroup sgB",
Perms: perms("root/client1", "root/client2"),
Prefixes: []string{"t1:foo"},
sgNameB := naming.Join(sName, util.SyncbaseSuffix, "sgB")
createSyncGroup(t, ctx1, d1, sgNameB, specB, verror.ID(""))
// Check that client2's join now succeeds.
joinSyncGroup(t, ctx2, d2, sgNameB, verror.ID(""))
// Verify SyncGroup state.
wantNames := []string{sgNameA, sgNameB}
verifySyncGroupNames(t, ctx1, d1, wantNames, verror.ID(""))
verifySyncGroupNames(t, ctx2, d2, wantNames, verror.ID(""))
verifySyncGroupInfo(t, ctx1, d1, sgNameA, specA, 1)
verifySyncGroupInfo(t, ctx1, d1, sgNameB, specB, 1)
verifySyncGroupInfo(t, ctx2, d2, sgNameB, specB, 1)
// Tests that SyncGroup.SetSpec works as expected.
func TestSetSpecSyncGroup(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(perms("root/client"))
defer cleanup()
a := tu.CreateApp(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "a")
d := tu.CreateNoSQLDatabase(t, ctx, a, "d")
// Create successfully.
sgName := naming.Join(sName, util.SyncbaseSuffix, "sg1")
spec := wire.SyncGroupSpec{
Description: "test syncgroup sg1",
Perms: nil,
Prefixes: []string{"t1:foo"},
createSyncGroup(t, ctx, d, sgName, spec, verror.ID(""))
// Verify SyncGroup is created.
wantNames := []string{sgName}
verifySyncGroupNames(t, ctx, d, wantNames, verror.ID(""))
verifySyncGroupInfo(t, ctx, d, sgName, spec, 1)
spec.Prefixes = []string{"t1:foo", "t2:bar"}
spec.Description = "test syncgroup sg1 update"
spec.Perms = perms("root/client1")
sg := d.SyncGroup(sgName)
if err := sg.SetSpec(ctx, spec, ""); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("sg.SetSpec failed: %v", err)
verifySyncGroupInfo(t, ctx, d, sgName, spec, 1)
// Helpers.
func createSyncGroup(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, d nosql.Database, sgName string, spec wire.SyncGroupSpec, errID verror.ID) nosql.SyncGroup {
sg := d.SyncGroup(sgName)
info := wire.SyncGroupMemberInfo{8}
if err := sg.Create(ctx, spec, info); verror.ErrorID(err) != errID {
tu.Fatalf(t, "Create SG %q failed: %v", sgName, err)
return sg
func joinSyncGroup(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, d nosql.Database, sgName string, wantErr verror.ID) nosql.SyncGroup {
sg := d.SyncGroup(sgName)
info := wire.SyncGroupMemberInfo{10}
if _, err := sg.Join(ctx, info); verror.ErrorID(err) != wantErr {
tu.Fatalf(t, "Join SG %v failed: %v", sgName, err)
return sg
func verifySyncGroupNames(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, d nosql.Database, wantNames []string, wantErr verror.ID) {
gotNames, gotErr := d.GetSyncGroupNames(ctx)
if verror.ErrorID(gotErr) != wantErr || !reflect.DeepEqual(gotNames, wantNames) {
t.Fatalf("d.GetSyncGroupNames() failed, got %v, want %v, err %v", gotNames, wantNames, gotErr)
func verifySyncGroupInfo(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, d nosql.Database, sgName string, wantSpec wire.SyncGroupSpec, wantMembers int) {
sg := d.SyncGroup(sgName)
gotSpec, _, err := sg.GetSpec(ctx)
if err != nil || !reflect.DeepEqual(gotSpec, wantSpec) {
t.Fatalf("sg.GetSpec() failed, got %v, want %v, err %v", gotSpec, wantSpec, err)
members, err := sg.GetMembers(ctx)
if err != nil || len(members) != wantMembers {
t.Fatalf("sg.GetMembers() failed, got %v, want %v, err %v", members, wantMembers, err)
// TODO(sadovsky): This appears to be identical to tu.DefaultPerms(). We should
// just use that.
func perms(bps ...string) access.Permissions {
perms := access.Permissions{}
for _, bp := range bps {
for _, tag := range access.AllTypicalTags() {
perms.Add(security.BlessingPattern(bp), string(tag))
return perms