blob: 963a00d509fd8c5bbce8c190a5044f188c7046e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
type demoDB struct {
tables []table
type table struct {
name string
rows []kv
type keyValueStreamImpl struct {
table table
cursor int
prefixes []string
prefixCursor int
func (kvs *keyValueStreamImpl) Advance() bool {
for true {
kvs.cursor++ // initialized to -1
if kvs.cursor >= len(kvs.table.rows) {
return false
for kvs.prefixCursor < len(kvs.prefixes) {
// does it match any prefix
if kvs.prefixes[kvs.prefixCursor] == "" || strings.HasPrefix(kvs.table.rows[kvs.cursor].key, kvs.prefixes[kvs.prefixCursor]) {
return true
// Keys and prefixes are both sorted low to high, so we can increment
// prefixCursor if the prefix is < the key.
if kvs.prefixes[kvs.prefixCursor] < kvs.table.rows[kvs.cursor].key {
if kvs.prefixCursor >= len(kvs.prefixes) {
return false
} else {
return false
func (kvs *keyValueStreamImpl) KeyValue() (string, interface{}) {
return kvs.table.rows[kvs.cursor].key, kvs.table.rows[kvs.cursor].value
func (kvs *keyValueStreamImpl) Err() error {
return nil
func (kvs *keyValueStreamImpl) Cancel() {
func (t table) Scan(prefixes []string) (query_db.KeyValueStream, error) {
var keyValueStreamImpl keyValueStreamImpl
keyValueStreamImpl.table = t
keyValueStreamImpl.cursor = -1
keyValueStreamImpl.prefixes = prefixes
return &keyValueStreamImpl, nil
func (db demoDB) GetTable(table string) (query_db.Table, error) {
for _, t := range db.tables {
if == table {
return t, nil
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("No such table: %s.", table))
type AddressInfo struct {
Street string
City string
State string
Zip string
type Customer struct {
Name string
ID int64
Active bool
Rating rune
Address AddressInfo
type Invoice struct {
CustID int64
InvoiceNum int64
Amount int64
ShipTo AddressInfo
type Numbers struct {
B byte
UI16 uint16
UI32 uint32
UI64 uint64
I16 int16
I32 int32
I64 int64
BI big.Int
F32 float32
F64 float64
BR big.Rat
type kv struct {
key string
value interface{}
func createDB() query_db.Database {
var db demoDB
var custTable table = "Customer"
custTable.rows = []kv{
Customer{"John Smith", 1, true, 'A', AddressInfo{"1 Main St.", "Palo Alto", "CA", "94303"}},
Invoice{1, 1000, 42, AddressInfo{"1 Main St.", "Palo Alto", "CA", "94303"}},
Invoice{1, 1003, 7, AddressInfo{"2 Main St.", "Palo Alto", "CA", "94303"}},
Invoice{1, 1005, 88, AddressInfo{"3 Main St.", "Palo Alto", "CA", "94303"}},
Customer{"Bat Masterson", 2, true, 'B', AddressInfo{"777 Any St.", "Collins", "IA", "50055"}},
Invoice{2, 1001, 166, AddressInfo{"777 Any St.", "collins", "IA", "50055"}},
Invoice{2, 1002, 243, AddressInfo{"888 Any St.", "collins", "IA", "50055"}},
Invoice{2, 1004, 787, AddressInfo{"999 Any St.", "collins", "IA", "50055"}},
Invoice{2, 1006, 88, AddressInfo{"101010 Any St.", "collins", "IA", "50055"}},
db.tables = append(db.tables, custTable)
var numTable table = "Numbers"
numTable.rows = []kv{
Numbers{byte(12), uint16(1234), uint32(5678), uint64(999888777666), int16(9876), int32(876543), int64(128), *big.NewInt(1234567890), float32(3.14159), float64(2.71828182846), *big.NewRat(123, 1)},
Numbers{byte(9), uint16(99), uint32(999), uint64(9999999), int16(9), int32(99), int64(88), *big.NewInt(9999), float32(1.41421356237), float64(1.73205080757), *big.NewRat(999999, 1)},
db.tables = append(db.tables, numTable)
return db
func dumpDB(db query_db.Database) {
switch db := db.(type) {
case demoDB:
for _, t := range db.tables {
fmt.Printf("table: %s\n",
for _, row := range t.rows {
fmt.Printf("key: %s, value: ", row.key)
switch v := row.value.(type) {
case Customer:
fmt.Printf("type:Customer Name:%v,ID:%v,Active:%v,Rating:%v,Address{%v}\n", v.Name, v.ID, v.Active, v.Rating, dumpAddress(&v.Address))
case Invoice:
fmt.Printf("type:Invoice CustID:%v,InvoiceNum:%v,Amount:%v,ShipTo:{%v}\n", v.CustID, v.InvoiceNum, v.Amount, dumpAddress(&v.ShipTo))
case Numbers:
fmt.Printf("type:Numbers B:%v,UI16:%v,UI32:%v,UI64:%v,I16:%v,I32:%v,I64:%v,BI:%v,F32:%v,F64:%v,BR:%v\n", v.B, v.UI16, v.UI32, v.UI64, v.I16, v.I32, v.I64, v.BI, v.F32, v.F64, v.BR)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", row.value)
func dumpAddress(a *AddressInfo) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Street:%v,City:%v,State:%v,Zip:%v", a.Street, a.City, a.State, a.Zip)
func queryExec(db query_db.Database, q string) {
if rs, err := query.Exec(db, q); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", q)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s^\n", strings.Repeat(" ", int(err.Off)))
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: %s\n", err.Error())
} else {
for rs.Advance() {
for i, column := range rs.Result() {
if i != 0 {
fmt.Printf("%v", column)
if err := rs.Err(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: %s\n", err.Error())
func main() {
db := createDB()
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
for true {
fmt.Printf("Enter query (or 'dump' or 'exit')? ")
q, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, fmt.Sprintf("Input error: %s\n", err.Error()))
} else {
// kill the newline
q = q[0 : len(q)-1]
if q == "" || strings.ToLower(q) == "exit" {
} else if strings.ToLower(q) == "dump" {
} else {
queryExec(db, q)