blob: f750deadb487b8ea42abe3fe2805d7ade9b6718a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package query_checker
import (
const (
MaxRangeLimit = ""
var (
KeyRangeAll = query_db.KeyRange{Start: "", Limit: MaxRangeLimit}
func Check(db query_db.Database, s *query_parser.Statement) error {
switch sel := (*s).(type) {
case query_parser.SelectStatement:
return checkSelectStatement(db, &sel)
return syncql.NewErrCheckOfUnknownStatementType(db.GetContext(), (*s).Offset())
func checkSelectStatement(db query_db.Database, s *query_parser.SelectStatement) error {
if err := checkSelectClause(db, s.Select); err != nil {
return err
if err := checkFromClause(db, s.From); err != nil {
return err
if err := checkWhereClause(db, s.Where); err != nil {
return err
if err := checkLimitClause(db, s.Limit); err != nil {
return err
if err := checkResultsOffsetClause(db, s.ResultsOffset); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Check select clause. Fields can be 'k' and v[{.<ident>}...]
func checkSelectClause(db query_db.Database, s *query_parser.SelectClause) error {
for _, selector := range s.Selectors {
switch selector.Type {
case query_parser.TypSelField:
switch selector.Field.Segments[0].Value {
case "k":
if len(selector.Field.Segments) > 1 {
return syncql.NewErrDotNotationDisallowedForKey(db.GetContext(), selector.Field.Segments[1].Off)
case "v":
// Nothing to check.
case "K":
// Be nice and warn of mistakenly capped 'K'.
return syncql.NewErrDidYouMeanLowercaseK(db.GetContext(), selector.Field.Segments[0].Off)
case "V":
// Be nice and warn of mistakenly capped 'V'.
return syncql.NewErrDidYouMeanLowercaseV(db.GetContext(), selector.Field.Segments[0].Off)
return syncql.NewErrInvalidSelectField(db.GetContext(), selector.Field.Segments[0].Off)
case query_parser.TypSelFunc:
err := query_functions.CheckFunction(db, selector.Function)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Check from clause. Table must exist in the database.
func checkFromClause(db query_db.Database, f *query_parser.FromClause) error {
var err error
f.Table.DBTable, err = db.GetTable(f.Table.Name)
if err != nil {
return syncql.NewErrTableCantAccess(db.GetContext(), f.Table.Off, f.Table.Name, err)
return nil
// Check where clause.
func checkWhereClause(db query_db.Database, w *query_parser.WhereClause) error {
if w == nil {
return nil
return checkExpression(db, w.Expr)
func checkExpression(db query_db.Database, e *query_parser.Expression) error {
if err := checkOperand(db, e.Operand1); err != nil {
return err
if err := checkOperand(db, e.Operand2); err != nil {
return err
// Like expressions require operand2 to be a string literal that must be validated.
if e.Operator.Type == query_parser.Like || e.Operator.Type == query_parser.NotLike {
if e.Operand2.Type != query_parser.TypStr {
return syncql.NewErrLikeExpressionsRequireRhsString(db.GetContext(), e.Off)
prefix, err := computePrefix(db, e.Operand2.Off, e.Operand2.Str)
if err != nil {
return err
e.Operand2.Prefix = prefix
// Compute the regular expression now to to check for errors.
// Save the regex (testing) and the compiled regex (for later use in evaluation).
regex, compRegex, foundWildcard, err := computeRegex(db, e.Operand2.Off, e.Operand2.Str)
if err != nil {
return err
// Optimization: If like/not like argument contains no wildcards, convert the expression to equals/not equals.
if !foundWildcard {
if e.Operator.Type == query_parser.Like {
e.Operator.Type = query_parser.Equal
} else { // not like
e.Operator.Type = query_parser.NotEqual
// Since this is no longer a like expression, we need to unescape
// any escaped chars (i.e., "\\", "\_" and "\%" become
// "\", "_" and "%", respectively).
e.Operand2.Str = unescapeLikeExpression(e.Operand2.Str)
e.Operand2.Regex = regex
e.Operand2.CompRegex = compRegex
// Is/IsNot expressions require operand1 to be a (value or function) and operand2 to be nil.
if e.Operator.Type == query_parser.Is || e.Operator.Type == query_parser.IsNot {
if !IsField(e.Operand1) && !IsFunction(e.Operand1) {
return syncql.NewErrIsIsNotRequireLhsValue(db.GetContext(), e.Operand1.Off)
if e.Operand2.Type != query_parser.TypNil {
return syncql.NewErrIsIsNotRequireRhsNil(db.GetContext(), e.Operand2.Off)
// if an operand is k and the other operand is a literal, that literal must be a string
// literal.
if ContainsKeyOperand(e) && ((isLiteral(e.Operand1) && !isStringLiteral(e.Operand1)) ||
(isLiteral(e.Operand2) && !isStringLiteral(e.Operand2))) {
off := e.Operand1.Off
if isLiteral(e.Operand2) {
off = e.Operand2.Off
return syncql.NewErrKeyExpressionLiteral(db.GetContext(), off)
// If either operand is a bool, only = and <> operators are allowed.
if (e.Operand1.Type == query_parser.TypBool || e.Operand2.Type == query_parser.TypBool) && e.Operator.Type != query_parser.Equal && e.Operator.Type != query_parser.NotEqual {
return syncql.NewErrBoolInvalidExpression(db.GetContext(), e.Operator.Off)
return nil
func checkOperand(db query_db.Database, o *query_parser.Operand) error {
switch o.Type {
case query_parser.TypExpr:
return checkExpression(db, o.Expr)
case query_parser.TypField:
switch o.Column.Segments[0].Value {
case "k":
if len(o.Column.Segments) > 1 {
return syncql.NewErrDotNotationDisallowedForKey(db.GetContext(), o.Column.Segments[1].Off)
case "v":
// Nothing to do.
case "K":
// Be nice and warn of mistakenly capped 'K'.
return syncql.NewErrDidYouMeanLowercaseK(db.GetContext(), o.Column.Segments[0].Off)
case "V":
// Be nice and warn of mistakenly capped 'V'.
return syncql.NewErrDidYouMeanLowercaseV(db.GetContext(), o.Column.Segments[0].Off)
return syncql.NewErrBadFieldInWhere(db.GetContext(), o.Column.Segments[0].Off)
return nil
case query_parser.TypFunction:
// Each of the functions args needs to be checked first.
for _, arg := range o.Function.Args {
if err := checkOperand(db, arg); err != nil {
return err
// Call query_functions.CheckFunction. This will check for correct number of args
// and, to the extent possible, correct types.
// Furthermore, it may execute the function if the function takes no args or
// takes only literal args (or an arg that is a function that is also executed
// early). CheckFunction will fill in arg types, return types and may fill in
// Computed and RetValue.
err := query_functions.CheckFunction(db, o.Function)
if err != nil {
return err
// If function executed early, computed will be true and RetValue set.
// Convert the operand to the RetValue
if o.Function.Computed {
*o = *o.Function.RetValue
return nil
// Only include up to (but not including) a wildcard character ('%', '_').
func computePrefix(db query_db.Database, off int64, s string) (string, error) {
if strings.Index(s, "%") == -1 && strings.Index(s, "_") == -1 && strings.Index(s, "\\") == -1 {
return s, nil
var s2 string
escapedChar := false
for _, c := range s {
if escapedChar {
switch c {
case '\\':
s2 += string(c)
case '%':
s2 += string(c)
case '_':
s2 += string(c)
return "", syncql.NewErrInvalidEscapedChar(db.GetContext(), off)
escapedChar = false
} else {
if c == '%' || c == '_' {
return s2, nil
} else if c == '\\' {
escapedChar = true
} else {
s2 += string(c)
if escapedChar {
return "", syncql.NewErrInvalidEscapedChar(db.GetContext(), off)
return s2, nil
// Convert Like expression to a regex. That is, convert:
// % to .*?
// _ to .
// Unescape '\\', '\%' and '\_' to '\', '%' and '_', respectively.
// Escape everything that would be incorrectly interpreted as a regex.
// The approach this function takes is to collect characters to be escaped
// into toBeEscapedBuf. When a wildcard is encountered, first toBeEscapedBuf
// is escaped and written to the regex buffer, next the wildcard is translated
// to regex (either ".*?" or ".") and written to the regex buffer.
// At the end, any remaining chars in toBeEscapedBuf are written.
// Return values are:
// 1. string: uncompiled regular expression
// 2. *Regexp: compiled regular expression
// 3. bool: true if wildcards were found (if false, like is converted to equal)
// 4. error: non-nil if error encountered
func computeRegex(db query_db.Database, off int64, s string) (string, *regexp.Regexp, bool, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer // buffer for return regex
var toBeEscapedBuf bytes.Buffer // buffer to hold characters waiting to be escaped
buf.WriteString("^") // '^<regex_str>$'
escapedMode := false
foundWildcard := false
for _, c := range s {
switch c {
case '%', '_':
if escapedMode {
} else {
// Write out any chars waiting to be escaped, then
// write ".*?' or '.'.
if c == '%' {
} else {
foundWildcard = true
escapedMode = false
case '\\':
if escapedMode {
escapedMode = !escapedMode
// Write any remaining chars in toBeEscapedBuf.
buf.WriteString("$") // '^<regex_str>$'
regex := buf.String()
compRegex, err := regexp.Compile(regex)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, false, syncql.NewErrErrorCompilingRegularExpression(db.GetContext(), off, regex, err)
return regex, compRegex, foundWildcard, nil
// Unescape '\\', '\%' and '\_' to '\', '%' and '_', respectively.
func unescapeLikeExpression(s string) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer // buffer for returned unescaped string
escapedMode := false
for _, c := range s {
switch c {
case '\\':
if escapedMode {
escapedMode = !escapedMode
escapedMode = false
return buf.String()
func IsLogicalOperator(o *query_parser.BinaryOperator) bool {
return o.Type == query_parser.And || o.Type == query_parser.Or
func IsField(o *query_parser.Operand) bool {
return o.Type == query_parser.TypField
func IsFunction(o *query_parser.Operand) bool {
return o.Type == query_parser.TypFunction
func ContainsKeyOperand(expr *query_parser.Expression) bool {
return IsKey(expr.Operand1) || IsKey(expr.Operand2)
func ContainsFunctionOperand(expr *query_parser.Expression) bool {
return IsFunction(expr.Operand1) || IsFunction(expr.Operand2)
func ContainsValueFieldOperand(expr *query_parser.Expression) bool {
return (expr.Operand1.Type == query_parser.TypField && IsValueField(expr.Operand1.Column)) ||
(expr.Operand2.Type == query_parser.TypField && IsValueField(expr.Operand2.Column))
func isStringLiteral(o *query_parser.Operand) bool {
return o.Type == query_parser.TypStr
func isLiteral(o *query_parser.Operand) bool {
return o.Type == query_parser.TypBigInt ||
o.Type == query_parser.TypBigRat || // currently, no way to specify as literal
o.Type == query_parser.TypBool ||
o.Type == query_parser.TypComplex || // currently, no way to specify as literal ||
o.Type == query_parser.TypFloat ||
o.Type == query_parser.TypInt ||
o.Type == query_parser.TypStr ||
o.Type == query_parser.TypTime || // currently, no way to specify as literal
o.Type == query_parser.TypUint
func IsKey(o *query_parser.Operand) bool {
return IsField(o) && IsKeyField(o.Column)
func IsKeyField(f *query_parser.Field) bool {
return f.Segments[0].Value == "k"
func IsValueField(f *query_parser.Field) bool {
return f.Segments[0].Value == "v"
func IsExpr(o *query_parser.Operand) bool {
return o.Type == query_parser.TypExpr
func afterPrefix(prefix string) string {
// Copied from syncbase.
limit := []byte(prefix)
for len(limit) > 0 {
if limit[len(limit)-1] == 255 {
limit = limit[:len(limit)-1] // chop off trailing \x00
} else {
limit[len(limit)-1] += 1 // add 1
break // no carry
return string(limit)
func computeKeyRangeForLike(prefix string) query_db.KeyRange {
if prefix == "" {
return KeyRangeAll
return query_db.KeyRange{Start: prefix, Limit: afterPrefix(prefix)}
func computeKeyRangesForNotLike(prefix string) *query_db.KeyRanges {
if prefix == "" {
return &query_db.KeyRanges{KeyRangeAll}
return &query_db.KeyRanges{
query_db.KeyRange{Start: "", Limit: prefix},
query_db.KeyRange{Start: afterPrefix(prefix), Limit: ""},
// The limit for a single value range is simply a zero byte appended.
// In this way, only the single 'start' value will be returned (or nothing if that single
// value is not present).
func computeKeyRangeForSingleValue(start string) query_db.KeyRange {
limit := []byte(start)
limit = append(limit, 0)
return query_db.KeyRange{Start: start, Limit: string(limit)}
// Compute a list of key ranges to be used by query_db's Table.Scan implementation.
func CompileKeyRanges(where *query_parser.WhereClause) *query_db.KeyRanges {
if where == nil {
return &query_db.KeyRanges{KeyRangeAll}
return collectKeyRanges(where.Expr)
func computeIntersection(lhs, rhs query_db.KeyRange) *query_db.KeyRange {
// Detect if lhs.Start is contained within rhs or rhs.Start is contained within lhs.
if (lhs.Start >= rhs.Start && compareStartToLimit(lhs.Start, rhs.Limit) < 0) ||
(rhs.Start >= lhs.Start && compareStartToLimit(rhs.Start, lhs.Limit) < 0) {
var start, limit string
if lhs.Start < rhs.Start {
start = rhs.Start
} else {
start = lhs.Start
if compareLimits(lhs.Limit, rhs.Limit) < 0 {
limit = lhs.Limit
} else {
limit = rhs.Limit
return &query_db.KeyRange{Start: start, Limit: limit}
return nil
func keyRangeIntersection(lhs, rhs *query_db.KeyRanges) *query_db.KeyRanges {
keyRanges := &query_db.KeyRanges{}
lCur, rCur := 0, 0
for lCur < len(*lhs) && rCur < len(*rhs) {
// Any intersection at current cursors?
if intersection := computeIntersection((*lhs)[lCur], (*rhs)[rCur]); intersection != nil {
// Add the intersection
addKeyRange(*intersection, keyRanges)
// increment the range with the lesser limit
c := compareLimits((*lhs)[lCur].Limit, (*rhs)[rCur].Limit)
switch c {
case -1:
case 1:
return keyRanges
func collectKeyRanges(expr *query_parser.Expression) *query_db.KeyRanges {
if IsExpr(expr.Operand1) { // then both operands must be expressions
lhsKeyRanges := collectKeyRanges(expr.Operand1.Expr)
rhsKeyRanges := collectKeyRanges(expr.Operand2.Expr)
if expr.Operator.Type == query_parser.And {
// intersection of lhsKeyRanges and rhsKeyRanges
return keyRangeIntersection(lhsKeyRanges, rhsKeyRanges)
} else { // or
// union of lhsKeyRanges and rhsKeyRanges
for _, rhsKeyRange := range *rhsKeyRanges {
addKeyRange(rhsKeyRange, lhsKeyRanges)
return lhsKeyRanges
} else if ContainsKeyOperand(expr) { // true if either operand is 'k'
if IsKey(expr.Operand1) && IsKey(expr.Operand2) {
//k <op> k
switch expr.Operator.Type {
case query_parser.Equal, query_parser.GreaterThanOrEqual, query_parser.LessThanOrEqual:
// True for all keys
return &query_db.KeyRanges{KeyRangeAll}
default: // query_parser.NotEqual, query_parser.GreaterThan, query_parser.LessThan:
// False for all keys
return &query_db.KeyRanges{}
} else if expr.Operator.Type == query_parser.Is {
// k is nil
// False for all keys
return &query_db.KeyRanges{}
} else if expr.Operator.Type == query_parser.IsNot {
// k is not nil
// True for all keys
return &query_db.KeyRanges{KeyRangeAll}
} else if isStringLiteral(expr.Operand2) {
// k <op> <string-literal>
switch expr.Operator.Type {
case query_parser.Equal:
return &query_db.KeyRanges{computeKeyRangeForSingleValue(expr.Operand2.Str)}
case query_parser.GreaterThan:
return &query_db.KeyRanges{query_db.KeyRange{Start: string(append([]byte(expr.Operand2.Str), 0)), Limit: MaxRangeLimit}}
case query_parser.GreaterThanOrEqual:
return &query_db.KeyRanges{query_db.KeyRange{Start: expr.Operand2.Str, Limit: MaxRangeLimit}}
case query_parser.Like:
return &query_db.KeyRanges{computeKeyRangeForLike(expr.Operand2.Prefix)}
case query_parser.NotLike:
return computeKeyRangesForNotLike(expr.Operand2.Prefix)
case query_parser.LessThan:
return &query_db.KeyRanges{query_db.KeyRange{Start: "", Limit: expr.Operand2.Str}}
case query_parser.LessThanOrEqual:
return &query_db.KeyRanges{query_db.KeyRange{Start: "", Limit: string(append([]byte(expr.Operand2.Str), 0))}}
default: // case query_parser.NotEqual:
return &query_db.KeyRanges{
query_db.KeyRange{Start: "", Limit: expr.Operand2.Str},
query_db.KeyRange{Start: string(append([]byte(expr.Operand2.Str), 0)), Limit: MaxRangeLimit},
} else if isStringLiteral(expr.Operand1) {
//<string-literal> <op> k
switch expr.Operator.Type {
case query_parser.Equal:
return &query_db.KeyRanges{computeKeyRangeForSingleValue(expr.Operand1.Str)}
case query_parser.GreaterThan:
return &query_db.KeyRanges{query_db.KeyRange{Start: "", Limit: expr.Operand1.Str}}
case query_parser.GreaterThanOrEqual:
return &query_db.KeyRanges{query_db.KeyRange{Start: "", Limit: string(append([]byte(expr.Operand1.Str), 0))}}
case query_parser.LessThan:
return &query_db.KeyRanges{query_db.KeyRange{Start: string(append([]byte(expr.Operand1.Str), 0)), Limit: MaxRangeLimit}}
case query_parser.LessThanOrEqual:
return &query_db.KeyRanges{query_db.KeyRange{Start: expr.Operand1.Str, Limit: MaxRangeLimit}}
default: // case query_parser.NotEqual:
return &query_db.KeyRanges{
query_db.KeyRange{Start: "", Limit: expr.Operand1.Str},
query_db.KeyRange{Start: string(append([]byte(expr.Operand1.Str), 0)), Limit: MaxRangeLimit},
} else {
// A function or a field s being compared to the key.
return &query_db.KeyRanges{KeyRangeAll}
} else { // not a key compare, so it applies to the entire key range
return &query_db.KeyRanges{KeyRangeAll}
// Helper function to compare start and limit byte arrays taking into account that
// MaxRangeLimit is actually []byte{}.
func compareLimits(limitA, limitB string) int {
if limitA == limitB {
return 0
} else if limitA == MaxRangeLimit {
return 1
} else if limitB == MaxRangeLimit {
return -1
} else if limitA < limitB {
return -1
} else {
return 1
func compareStartToLimit(startA, limitB string) int {
if limitB == MaxRangeLimit {
return -1
} else if startA == limitB {
return 0
} else if startA < limitB {
return -1
} else {
return 1
func compareLimitToStart(limitA, startB string) int {
if limitA == MaxRangeLimit {
return -1
} else if limitA == startB {
return 0
} else if limitA < startB {
return -1
} else {
return 1
func addKeyRange(keyRange query_db.KeyRange, keyRanges *query_db.KeyRanges) {
handled := false
// Is there an overlap with an existing range?
for i, r := range *keyRanges {
// In the following if,
// the first paren expr is true if the start of the range to be added is contained in r
// the second paren expr is true if the limit of the range to be added is contained in r
// the third paren expr is true if the range to be added entirely contains r
if (keyRange.Start >= r.Start && compareStartToLimit(keyRange.Start, r.Limit) <= 0) ||
(compareLimitToStart(keyRange.Limit, r.Start) >= 0 && compareLimits(keyRange.Limit, r.Limit) <= 0) ||
(keyRange.Start <= r.Start && compareLimits(keyRange.Limit, r.Limit) >= 0) {
// keyRange overlaps with existing range at keyRanges[i]
// set newKeyRange to a range that ecompasses both
var newKeyRange query_db.KeyRange
if keyRange.Start < r.Start {
newKeyRange.Start = keyRange.Start
} else {
newKeyRange.Start = r.Start
if compareLimits(keyRange.Limit, r.Limit) > 0 {
newKeyRange.Limit = keyRange.Limit
} else {
newKeyRange.Limit = r.Limit
// The new range may overlap with other ranges in keyRanges
// delete the current range and call addKeyRange again
// This recursion will continue until no ranges overlap.
*keyRanges = append((*keyRanges)[:i], (*keyRanges)[i+1:]...)
addKeyRange(newKeyRange, keyRanges)
handled = true // we don't want to add keyRange below
// no overlap, just add it
if !handled {
*keyRanges = append(*keyRanges, keyRange)
// sort before returning
// Check limit clause. Limit must be >= 1.
// Note: The parser will not allow negative numbers here.
func checkLimitClause(db query_db.Database, l *query_parser.LimitClause) error {
if l == nil {
return nil
if l.Limit.Value < 1 {
return syncql.NewErrLimitMustBeGe0(db.GetContext(), l.Limit.Off)
return nil
// Check results offset clause. Offset must be >= 0.
// Note: The parser will not allow negative numbers here, so this check is presently superfluous.
func checkResultsOffsetClause(db query_db.Database, o *query_parser.ResultsOffsetClause) error {
if o == nil {
return nil
if o.ResultsOffset.Value < 0 {
return syncql.NewErrOffsetMustBeGe0(db.GetContext(), o.ResultsOffset.Off)
return nil