blob: b1a45656cd78f81f8469c6d305c652c418e63fc5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package localblobstore is the interface to a local blob store.
// Implementations include fs_cablobstore.
package localblobstore
import ""
// A BlobStore represents a simple, content-addressable store.
type BlobStore interface {
// NewBlobReader() returns a pointer to a newly allocated BlobReader on
// the specified blobName. BlobReaders should not be used concurrently
// by multiple threads. Returned handles should be closed with
// Close().
NewBlobReader(ctx *context.T, blobName string) (br BlobReader, err error)
// NewBlobWriter() returns a pointer to a newly allocated BlobWriter on
// a newly created blob name, which can be found using the Name()
// method. BlobWriters should not be used concurrently by multiple
// threads. The returned handle should be closed with either the
// Close() or CloseWithoutFinalize() method to avoid leaking file
// handles.
NewBlobWriter(ctx *context.T) (bw BlobWriter, err error)
// ResumeBlobWriter() returns a pointer to a newly allocated BlobWriter on
// an old, but unfinalized blob name.
ResumeBlobWriter(ctx *context.T, blobName string) (bw BlobWriter, err error)
// DeleteBlob() deletes the named blob from the BlobStore.
DeleteBlob(ctx *context.T, blobName string) (err error)
// GC() removes old temp files and content-addressed blocks that are no
// longer referenced by any blob. It may be called concurrently with
// other calls to GC(), and with uses of BlobReaders and BlobWriters.
GC(ctx *context.T) error
// ListBlobIds() returns an iterator that can be used to enumerate the
// blobs in a BlobStore. Expected use is:
// iter := bs.ListBlobIds(ctx)
// for iter.Advance() {
// // Process iter.Value() here.
// }
// if iter.Err() != nil {
// // The loop terminated early due to an error.
// }
ListBlobIds(ctx *context.T) (iter Iter)
// ListCAIds() returns an iterator that can be used to enumerate the
// content-addressable fragments in a BlobStore. Expected use is:
// iter := bs.ListCAIds(ctx)
// for iter.Advance() {
// // Process iter.Value() here.
// }
// if iter.Err() != nil {
// // The loop terminated early due to an error.
// }
ListCAIds(ctx *context.T) (iter Iter)
// Root() returns the name of the root directory where the BlobStore is stored.
Root() string
// A BlobReader allows a blob to be read using the standard ReadAt(), Read(),
// and Seek() calls. A BlobReader can be created with NewBlobReader(), and
// should be closed with the Close() method to avoid leaking file handles.
type BlobReader interface {
// ReadAt() fills b[] with up to len(b) bytes of data starting at
// position "at" within the blob that the BlobReader indicates, and
// returns the number of bytes read.
ReadAt(b []byte, at int64) (n int, err error)
// Read() fills b[] with up to len(b) bytes of data starting at the
// current seek position of the BlobReader within the blob that the
// BlobReader indicates, and then both returns the number of bytes read
// and advances the BlobReader's seek position by that amount.
Read(b []byte) (n int, err error)
// Seek() sets the seek position of the BlobReader to offset if
// whence==0, offset+current_seek_position if whence==1, and
// offset+end_of_blob if whence==2, and then returns the current seek
// position.
Seek(offset int64, whence int) (result int64, err error)
// Close() indicates that the client will perform no further operations
// on the BlobReader. It releases any resources held by the
// BlobReader.
Close() error
// Name() returns the BlobReader's name.
Name() string
// Size() returns the BlobReader's size.
Size() int64
// IsFinalized() returns whether the BlobReader has been finalized.
IsFinalized() bool
// Hash() returns the BlobReader's hash. It may be nil if the blob is
// not finalized.
Hash() []byte
// A BlockOrFile represents a vector of bytes, and contains either a data
// block (as a []byte), or a (file name, size, offset) triple.
type BlockOrFile struct {
Block []byte // If FileName is empty, the bytes represented.
FileName string // If non-empty, the name of the file containing the bytes.
Size int64 // If FileName is non-empty, the number of bytes (or -1 for "all")
Offset int64 // If FileName is non-empty, the offset of the relevant bytes within the file.
// A BlobWriter allows a blob to be written. If a blob has not yet been
// finalized, it also allows that blob to be extended. A BlobWriter may be
// created with NewBlobWriter(), and should be closed with Close() or
// CloseWithoutFinalize().
type BlobWriter interface {
// AppendBlob() adds a (substring of a) pre-existing blob to the blob
// being written by the BlobWriter. The fragments of the pre-existing
// blob are not physically copied; they are referenced by both blobs.
AppendBlob(blobName string, size int64, offset int64) (err error)
// AppendFragment() appends a fragment to the blob being written by the
// BlobWriter, where the fragment is composed of the byte vectors
// described by the elements of item[]. The fragment is copied into
// the blob store.
AppendFragment(item ...BlockOrFile) (err error)
// Close() finalizes the BlobWriter, and indicates that the client will
// perform no further append operations on the BlobWriter. Any
// internal open file handles are closed.
Close() (err error)
// CloseWithoutFinalize() indicates that the client will perform no
// further append operations on the BlobWriter, but does not finalize
// the blob. Any internal open file handles are closed. Clients are
// expected to need this operation infrequently.
CloseWithoutFinalize() (err error)
// Name() returns the BlobWriter's name.
Name() string
// Size() returns the BlobWriter's size.
Size() int64
// IsFinalized() returns whether the BlobWriter has been finalized.
IsFinalized() bool
// Hash() returns the BlobWriter's hash, reflecting the bytes written so far.
Hash() []byte
// A Iter represents an iterator that allows the client to enumerate
// all the blobs of fragments in a BlobStore.
type Iter interface {
// Advance() stages an item so that it may be retrieved via Value.
// Returns true iff there is an item to retrieve. Advance must be
// called before Value is called.
Advance() (advanced bool)
// Value() returns the item that was staged by Advance. May panic if
// Advance returned false or was not called. Never blocks.
Value() (name string)
// Err() returns any error encountered by Advance. Never blocks.
Err() error