blob: dced5d7abba495c8bdfd911fa7edc32aef85646c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package query_test
import (
type mockDB struct {
type customerTable struct {
type keyValueStreamImpl struct {
cursor int
prefixes []string
prefixCursor int
customerRows []customerKV
func (kvs *keyValueStreamImpl) Advance() bool {
for true {
kvs.cursor++ // initialized to -1
if kvs.cursor >= len(kvs.customerRows) {
return false
for kvs.prefixCursor < len(kvs.prefixes) {
// does it match any prefix
if kvs.prefixes[kvs.prefixCursor] == "" || strings.HasPrefix(kvs.customerRows[kvs.cursor].key, kvs.prefixes[kvs.prefixCursor]) {
return true
// Keys and prefixes are both sorted low to high, so we can increment
// prefixCursor if the prefix is < the key.
if kvs.prefixes[kvs.prefixCursor] < kvs.customerRows[kvs.cursor].key {
if kvs.prefixCursor >= len(kvs.prefixes) {
return false
} else {
return false
func (kvs *keyValueStreamImpl) KeyValue() (string, interface{}) {
return kvs.customerRows[kvs.cursor].key, kvs.customerRows[kvs.cursor].value
func (kvs *keyValueStreamImpl) Err() error {
return nil
func (kvs *keyValueStreamImpl) Cancel() {
func (customerTable customerTable) Scan(prefixes []string) (query_db.KeyValueStream, error) {
var keyValueStreamImpl keyValueStreamImpl
keyValueStreamImpl.cursor = -1
keyValueStreamImpl.prefixes = prefixes
keyValueStreamImpl.customerRows = customerRows
return &keyValueStreamImpl, nil
func (db mockDB) GetTable(table string) (query_db.Table, error) {
if table == "Customer" {
var customerTable customerTable
return customerTable, nil
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("No such table: %s.", table))
type Nest2 struct {
Foo string
Bar bool
Baz int64
type Nest1 struct {
FooBarBaz Nest2
type Customer struct {
Name string
ID int64
Active bool
Rating rune
Street string
City string
State string
Zip string
GratuituousBigInt *big.Int
GratuituousBigRat *big.Rat
GratuituousByte byte
GratuituousUint16 uint16
GratuituousUint32 uint32
GratuituousUint64 uint64
GratuituousInt16 int16
GratuituousInt32 int32
Foo Nest1
type Invoice struct {
CustID int64
InvoiceNum int64
Amount int64
var db mockDB
var sampleRow Customer
var sampleRow123 Customer
type customerKV struct {
key string
value interface{}
var customerRows []customerKV
func init() {
sampleRow = Customer{"John Smith", 123456, true, 'A', "1 Main St.", "Palo Alto", "CA", "94303", big.NewInt(1234567890), big.NewRat(123, 1), byte(12), uint16(1234), uint32(5678), uint64(999888777666), int16(9876), int32(876543), Nest1{Nest2{"foo", true, 42}}}
sampleRow123 = Customer{"John Smith", 123, true, 123, "1 Main St.", "Palo Alto", "CA", "94303", big.NewInt(123), big.NewRat(123, 1), byte(123), uint16(123), uint32(123), uint64(123), int16(123), int32(123), Nest1{Nest2{"foo", true, 123}}}
sampleRow = Customer{"John Smith", 123456, true, 'A', "1 Main St.", "Palo Alto", "CA", "94303", big.NewInt(1234567890), big.NewRat(123, 1), byte(12), uint16(1234), uint32(5678), uint64(999888777666), int16(9876), int32(876543), Nest1{Nest2{"foo", true, 42}}}
customerRows = []customerKV{
Customer{"John Smith", 1, true, 'A', "1 Main St.", "Palo Alto", "CA", "94303", big.NewInt(1234567890), big.NewRat(123, 1), byte(12), uint16(1234), uint32(5678), uint64(999888777666), int16(9876), int32(876543), Nest1{Nest2{"foo", true, 42}}},
Invoice{1, 1000, 42},
Invoice{1, 1003, 7},
Invoice{1, 1005, 88},
Customer{"Bat Masterson", 2, true, 'B', "777 Any St.", "collins", "IA", "50055", big.NewInt(9999), big.NewRat(999999, 1), byte(9), uint16(99), uint32(999), uint64(9999999), int16(9), int32(99), Nest1{Nest2{"bar", false, 84}}},
Invoice{2, 1001, 166},
Invoice{2, 1002, 243},
Invoice{2, 1004, 787},
Invoice{2, 1006, 88},
type keyPrefixesTest struct {
query string
keyPrefixes []string
err *query.QueryError
type evalWhereUsingOnlyKeyTest struct {
query string
key string
result query.EvalWithKeyResult
type evalTest struct {
query string
k string
v interface{}
result bool
type projectionTest struct {
query string
k string
v interface{}
result []interface{}
type execSelectTest struct {
query string
r []interface{}
type execSelectSingleRowTest struct {
query string
k string
v interface{}
result interface{}
type execSelectErrorTest struct {
query string
err *query.QueryError
func TestQueryExec(t *testing.T) {
basic := []execSelectTest{
// Select values for all customer records.
"select v from Customer where t = \"Customer\"",
// Select keys & values for all customer records.
"select k, v from Customer where t = \"Customer\"",
[]interface{}{customerRows[0].key, customerRows[0].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[4].key, customerRows[4].value},
// Select keys & names for all customer records.
"select k, v.Name from Customer where t = \"Customer\"",
[]interface{}{customerRows[0].key, "John Smith"},
[]interface{}{customerRows[4].key, "Bat Masterson"},
// Select both customer and invoice records.
// Customer records have ID.
// Invoice records have CustID.
"select v.ID, v.CustID from Customer",
[]interface{}{int64(1), nil},
[]interface{}{nil, int64(1)},
[]interface{}{nil, int64(1)},
[]interface{}{nil, int64(1)},
[]interface{}{int64(2), nil},
[]interface{}{nil, int64(2)},
[]interface{}{nil, int64(2)},
[]interface{}{nil, int64(2)},
[]interface{}{nil, int64(2)},
// Select keys & values fo all invoice records.
"select k, v from Customer where t = \"Invoice\"",
[]interface{}{customerRows[1].key, customerRows[1].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[2].key, customerRows[2].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[3].key, customerRows[3].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[5].key, customerRows[5].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[6].key, customerRows[6].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[7].key, customerRows[7].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[8].key, customerRows[8].value},
// Select key, cust id, invoice number and amount for $88 invoices.
"select k, v.CustID, v.InvoiceNum, v.Amount from Customer where t = \"Invoice\" and v.Amount = 88",
[]interface{}{customerRows[3].key, int64(1), int64(1005), int64(88)},
[]interface{}{customerRows[8].key, int64(2), int64(1006), int64(88)},
// Select keys & values for all records with a key prefix of "001".
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"001%\"",
[]interface{}{customerRows[0].key, customerRows[0].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[1].key, customerRows[1].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[2].key, customerRows[2].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[3].key, customerRows[3].value},
// Select keys & values for all records with a key prefix of "001".
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"002%\"",
[]interface{}{customerRows[4].key, customerRows[4].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[5].key, customerRows[5].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[6].key, customerRows[6].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[7].key, customerRows[7].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[8].key, customerRows[8].value},
// Select keys & values for all records with a key prefix of "001".
// or a key prefix of "002".
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"001%\" or k like \"002%\"",
[]interface{}{customerRows[0].key, customerRows[0].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[1].key, customerRows[1].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[2].key, customerRows[2].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[3].key, customerRows[3].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[4].key, customerRows[4].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[5].key, customerRows[5].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[6].key, customerRows[6].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[7].key, customerRows[7].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[8].key, customerRows[8].value},
// Select keys & values for all records with a key prefix of "001".
// or a key prefix of "002".
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"002%\" or k like \"001%\"",
[]interface{}{customerRows[0].key, customerRows[0].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[1].key, customerRows[1].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[2].key, customerRows[2].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[3].key, customerRows[3].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[4].key, customerRows[4].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[5].key, customerRows[5].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[6].key, customerRows[6].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[7].key, customerRows[7].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[8].key, customerRows[8].value},
// Let's play with whitespace and mixed case.
" sElEcT k, v from \n Customer WhErE k lIkE \"002%\" oR k LiKe \"001%\"",
[]interface{}{customerRows[0].key, customerRows[0].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[1].key, customerRows[1].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[2].key, customerRows[2].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[3].key, customerRows[3].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[4].key, customerRows[4].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[5].key, customerRows[5].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[6].key, customerRows[6].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[7].key, customerRows[7].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[8].key, customerRows[8].value},
// Add in a like clause that accepts all strings.
" sElEcT k, v from \n Customer WhErE k lIkE \"002%\" oR k LiKe \"001%\" or k lIkE \"%\"",
[]interface{}{customerRows[0].key, customerRows[0].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[1].key, customerRows[1].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[2].key, customerRows[2].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[3].key, customerRows[3].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[4].key, customerRows[4].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[5].key, customerRows[5].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[6].key, customerRows[6].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[7].key, customerRows[7].value},
[]interface{}{customerRows[8].key, customerRows[8].value},
// Select id, name for customers whose last name is Masterson.
"select v.ID, v.Name from Customer where t = \"Customer\" and v.Name like \"%Masterson\"",
[]interface{}{int64(2), "Bat Masterson"},
// Select records where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz is 84 or type is Invoice.
"select v from Customer where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz = 84 or t = \"Invoice\"",
// Select customer name for customer ID (i.e., key) "001".
"select v.Name from Customer where t = \"Customer\" and k = \"001\"",
[]interface{}{"John Smith"},
// Select records where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Bar is true.
"select v from Customer where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Bar = true",
// Select records where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz is 84 or type is Invoice.
// Limit 3
"select v from Customer where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz = 84 or t = \"Invoice\" limit 3",
// Select records where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz is 84 or type is Invoice.
// Offset 5
"select v from Customer where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz = 84 or t = \"Invoice\" offset 5",
// Select records where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz is 199.
"select v from Customer where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz = 199",
// Select records where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz is 84 or type is Invoice.
// Offset 8
"select v from Customer where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz = 84 or t = \"Invoice\" offset 8",
// Select records where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz is 84 or type is Invoice.
// Offset 23
"select v from Customer where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz = 84 or t = \"Invoice\" offset 23",
// Select records where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz is 84 or type is Invoice.
// Limit 3 Offset 2
"select v from Customer where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz = 84 or t = \"Invoice\" limit 3 offset 2",
for _, test := range basic {
rs, err := query.Exec(db, test.query)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want nil", test.query, err)
} else {
// Collect results.
r := []interface{}{}
for rs.Advance() {
r = append(r, rs.Result())
if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.r, r) {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want %v", test.query, r, test.r)
func TestKeyPrefixes(t *testing.T) {
basic := []keyPrefixesTest{
// Need all keys (single prefix of "").
"select k, v from Customer",
// All selected rows will have key prefix of "abc".
"select k, v from Customer where t = \"Foo.Bar\" and k like \"abc%\"",
// Need all keys (single prefix of "").
"select k, v from Customer where t = \"Foo.Bar\" or k like \"abc%\"",
// Need all keys (single prefix of "").
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"abc%\" or = \"94303\"",
// All selected rows will have key prefix of "foo".
"select k, v from Customer where t = \"Foo.Bar\" and k like \"foo_bar\"",
// All selected rows will have key prefix of "baz" or "foo".
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"foo_bar\" or k = \"baz\"",
[]string{"baz", "foo"},
// All selected rows will have key prefix of "fo".
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"foo_bar\" or k = \"fo\"",
// All selected rows will have key prefix of "foo".
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"foo%bar\"",
// All selected rows will have key prefix of "foo\bar".
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"foo\\\\bar\"",
// All selected rows will have key prefix of "foo%bar".
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"foo\\%bar\"",
// All selected rows will have key prefix of "foo\%bar".
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"foo\\\\\\%bar\"",
// Need all keys (single prefix of "").
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"%foo\"",
// Need all keys (single prefix of "").
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"_foo\"",
// All selected rows will have key prefix of "foo_bar".
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"foo\\_bar\"",
// All selected rows will have key prefix of "foobar%".
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"foobar\\%\"",
// All selected rows will have key prefix of "foobar_".
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"foobar\\_\"",
// All selected rows will have key prefix of "\%_".
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"\\\\\\%\\_\"",
// All selected rows will have key prefix of "%_abc\".
"select k, v from Customer where k = \"%_abc\\\"",
for _, test := range basic {
s, synErr := query_parser.Parse(test.query)
if synErr != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want nil", test.query, synErr)
if synErr == nil {
semErr := query_checker.Check(db, s)
if semErr != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want nil", test.query, semErr)
if semErr == nil {
switch sel := (*s).(type) {
case query_parser.SelectStatement:
keyPrefixes := query.CompileKeyPrefixes(sel.Where)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.keyPrefixes, keyPrefixes) {
t.Errorf("query: %s;\nGOT %v\nWANT %v", test.query, keyPrefixes, test.keyPrefixes)
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want query_parser.SelectStatement", test.query, reflect.TypeOf(*s))
func TestEvalWhereUsingOnlyKey(t *testing.T) {
basic := []evalWhereUsingOnlyKeyTest{
// Row will be selected using only the key.
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"abc%\"",
// Row will be rejected using only the key.
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"abc\"",
// Need value to determine if row should be selected.
"select k, v from Customer where k = \"abc\" or = \"94303\"",
// Need value (i.e., its type) to determine if row should be selected.
"select k, v from Customer where k = \"xyz\" or t = \"foo.Bar\"",
// Although value is in where clause, it is not needed to reject row.
"select k, v from Customer where k = \"abcd\" and = \"94303\"",
for _, test := range basic {
s, synErr := query_parser.Parse(test.query)
if synErr != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want nil", test.query, synErr)
if synErr == nil {
semErr := query_checker.Check(db, s)
if semErr != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want nil", test.query, semErr)
if semErr == nil {
switch sel := (*s).(type) {
case query_parser.SelectStatement:
result := query.EvalWhereUsingOnlyKey(&sel, test.key)
if result != test.result {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want %v", test.query, result, test.result)
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want query_parser.SelectStatement", test.query, reflect.TypeOf(*s))
func TestEval(t *testing.T) {
basic := []evalTest{
"select k, v from Customer where t = \"\"",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where t = \"Customer\"",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v.Name = \"John Smith\"",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v.Name = v.Name",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v = v",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v > v",
"123456", sampleRow, false,
"select k, v from Customer where v < v",
"123456", sampleRow, false,
"select k, v from Customer where v >= v",
"123456", sampleRow, false,
"select k, v from Customer where v <= v",
"123456", sampleRow, false,
"select k, v from Customer where v.Rating = 'A'",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v.Rating <> 'A'",
"123456", sampleRow, false,
"select k, v from Customer where v.Rating >= 'B'",
"123456", sampleRow, false,
"select k, v from Customer where v.Rating <= 'B'",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v.Active = true",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v.Active = false",
"123456", sampleRow, false,
"select k, v from Customer where v.GratuituousBigInt > 100",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v.GratuituousBigInt = 1234567890",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where 9876543210 < v.GratuituousBigInt",
"123456", sampleRow, false,
"select k, v from Customer where 12 = v.GratuituousByte",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where 11 < v.GratuituousByte",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v.GratuituousByte > 10",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v.GratuituousByte >= 14",
"123456", sampleRow, false,
"select k, v from Customer where v.GratuituousByte >= 11.0",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v.GratuituousUint64 = 999888777666",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v.GratuituousUint64 < 999888777666",
"123456", sampleRow, false,
"select k, v from Customer where v.GratuituousByte < v.GratuituousUint64",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v.GratuituousBigRat = 123",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v.GratuituousUint16 = 1234",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v.GratuituousUint32 = 5678",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v.GratuituousInt16 = 9876",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
"select k, v from Customer where v.GratuituousInt32 = 876543",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
// Deeply nested string.
"select v from Customer where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Foo = \"foo\"",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
// Deeply nested bool.
"select v from Customer where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Bar = true",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
// Deeply nested int64.
"select v from Customer where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz = 42",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
// Convert int64 to string
"select v from Customer where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz = \"42\"",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
// Convert bool to string
"select v from Customer where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Bar = \"true\"",
"123456", sampleRow, true,
// Bool can't convert to other types.
"select v from Customer where v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Bar = 1",
"123456", sampleRow, false,
// Test that all numeric types can compare to a big.Rat
"select v from Customer where v.GratuituousBigRat = v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz and v.GratuituousBigRat = v.ID and v.GratuituousBigRat = v.Rating and v.GratuituousBigRat = v.GratuituousBigInt and v.GratuituousBigRat = v.GratuituousByte and v.GratuituousBigRat = v.GratuituousUint16 and v.GratuituousBigRat = v.GratuituousUint32 and v.GratuituousBigRat = v.GratuituousUint64 and v.GratuituousBigRat = v.GratuituousInt16 and v.GratuituousBigRat = v.GratuituousInt32",
"123", sampleRow123, true,
// Test that all numeric types can compare to a big.Int
"select v from Customer where v.GratuituousBigInt = v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz and v.GratuituousBigInt = v.ID and v.GratuituousBigRat = v.Rating and v.GratuituousBigInt = v.GratuituousBigInt and v.GratuituousBigInt = v.GratuituousByte and v.GratuituousBigInt = v.GratuituousUint16 and v.GratuituousBigInt = v.GratuituousUint32 and v.GratuituousBigInt = v.GratuituousUint64 and v.GratuituousBigInt = v.GratuituousInt16 and v.GratuituousBigInt = v.GratuituousInt32",
"123", sampleRow123, true,
// Test that all numeric types can compare to an int32
"select v from Customer where v.GratuituousInt32 = v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz and v.GratuituousInt32 = v.ID and v.GratuituousBigRat = v.Rating and v.GratuituousInt32 = v.GratuituousInt32 and v.GratuituousInt32 = v.GratuituousByte and v.GratuituousInt32 = v.GratuituousUint16 and v.GratuituousInt32 = v.GratuituousUint32 and v.GratuituousInt32 = v.GratuituousUint64 and v.GratuituousInt32 = v.GratuituousInt16 and v.GratuituousInt32 = v.GratuituousBigInt",
"123", sampleRow123, true,
// Test that all numeric types can compare to an int16
"select v from Customer where v.GratuituousInt16 = v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz and v.GratuituousInt16 = v.ID and v.GratuituousBigRat = v.Rating and v.GratuituousInt16 = v.GratuituousInt16 and v.GratuituousInt16 = v.GratuituousByte and v.GratuituousInt16 = v.GratuituousUint16 and v.GratuituousInt16 = v.GratuituousUint32 and v.GratuituousInt16 = v.GratuituousUint64 and v.GratuituousInt16 = v.GratuituousInt32 and v.GratuituousInt16 = v.GratuituousBigInt",
"123", sampleRow123, true,
// Test that all numeric types can compare to an uint64
"select v from Customer where v.GratuituousUint64 = v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz and v.GratuituousUint64 = v.ID and v.GratuituousBigRat = v.Rating and v.GratuituousUint64 = v.GratuituousUint64 and v.GratuituousUint64 = v.GratuituousByte and v.GratuituousUint64 = v.GratuituousUint16 and v.GratuituousUint64 = v.GratuituousUint32 and v.GratuituousUint64 = v.GratuituousUint16 and v.GratuituousUint64 = v.GratuituousInt32 and v.GratuituousUint64 = v.GratuituousBigInt",
"123", sampleRow123, true,
// Test that all numeric types can compare to an uint32
"select v from Customer where v.GratuituousUint32 = v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz and v.GratuituousUint32 = v.ID and v.GratuituousBigRat = v.Rating and v.GratuituousUint32 = v.GratuituousUint32 and v.GratuituousUint32 = v.GratuituousByte and v.GratuituousUint32 = v.GratuituousUint16 and v.GratuituousUint32 = v.GratuituousUint64 and v.GratuituousUint32 = v.GratuituousUint16 and v.GratuituousUint32 = v.GratuituousInt32 and v.GratuituousUint32 = v.GratuituousBigInt",
"123", sampleRow123, true,
// Test that all numeric types can compare to an uint16
"select v from Customer where v.GratuituousUint16 = v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz and v.GratuituousUint16 = v.ID and v.GratuituousBigRat = v.Rating and v.GratuituousUint16 = v.GratuituousUint16 and v.GratuituousUint16 = v.GratuituousByte and v.GratuituousUint32 = v.GratuituousUint16 and v.GratuituousUint16 = v.GratuituousUint64 and v.GratuituousUint16 = v.GratuituousUint16 and v.GratuituousUint16 = v.GratuituousInt32 and v.GratuituousUint16 = v.GratuituousBigInt",
"123", sampleRow123, true,
for _, test := range basic {
s, synErr := query_parser.Parse(test.query)
if synErr != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want nil", test.query, synErr)
if synErr == nil {
semErr := query_checker.Check(db, s)
if semErr != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want nil", test.query, semErr)
if semErr == nil {
switch sel := (*s).(type) {
case query_parser.SelectStatement:
result := query.Eval(test.k, test.v, sel.Where.Expr)
if result != test.result {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want %v", test.query, result, test.result)
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want query_parser.SelectStatement", test.query, reflect.TypeOf(*s))
func TestProjection(t *testing.T) {
basic := []projectionTest{
"select k, v from Customer where t = \"Customer\"",
"123456", sampleRow,
"select k, v, v.Name, v.ID, v.Active, v.Rating, v.Street, v.City, v.State, v.Zip, v.GratuituousBigInt, v.GratuituousBigRat, v.GratuituousByte, v.GratuituousUint16, v.GratuituousUint32, v.GratuituousUint64, v.GratuituousInt16, v.GratuituousInt32, v.Foo, v.Foo.FooBarBaz, v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Foo, v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Bar, v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz from Customer where t = \"Customer\"",
"123456", sampleRow,
"John Smith",
"1 Main St.",
"Palo Alto",
big.NewRat(123, 1),
Nest1{Nest2{"foo", true, int64(42)}},
Nest2{"foo", true, int64(42)},
for _, test := range basic {
s, synErr := query_parser.Parse(test.query)
if synErr != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want nil", test.query, synErr)
if synErr == nil {
semErr := query_checker.Check(db, s)
if semErr != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want nil", test.query, semErr)
if semErr == nil {
switch sel := (*s).(type) {
case query_parser.SelectStatement:
result := query.ComposeProjection(test.k, test.v, sel.Select)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, test.result) {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want %v", test.query, result, test.result)
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want query_parser.SelectStatement", test.query, reflect.TypeOf(*s))
func TestExecSelectSingleRow(t *testing.T) {
basic := []execSelectSingleRowTest{
"select k, v from Customer where t = \"Customer\"",
"123456", sampleRow,
"select k, v from Customer where t = \"Customer\" and k like \"123%\"",
"123456", sampleRow,
"select k, v from Customer where t = \"Invoice\" and k like \"123%\"",
"123456", sampleRow,
"select k, v from Customer where t = \"Customer\" and k like \"456%\"",
"123456", sampleRow,
"select v from Customer where v.Name = \"John Smith\"",
"123456", sampleRow,
"select v from Customer where v.Name = \"John Doe\"",
"123456", sampleRow,
"select k, v, v.Name, v.ID, v.Active, v.Rating, v.Street, v.City, v.State, v.Zip, v.GratuituousBigInt, v.GratuituousBigRat, v.GratuituousByte, v.GratuituousUint16, v.GratuituousUint32, v.GratuituousUint64, v.GratuituousInt16, v.GratuituousInt32, v.Foo, v.Foo.FooBarBaz, v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Foo, v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Bar, v.Foo.FooBarBaz.Baz from Customer where t = \"Customer\"",
"123456", sampleRow,
"John Smith",
"1 Main St.",
"Palo Alto",
big.NewRat(123, 1),
Nest1{Nest2{"foo", true, int64(42)}},
Nest2{"foo", true, int64(42)},
for _, test := range basic {
s, synErr := query_parser.Parse(test.query)
if synErr != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want nil", test.query, synErr)
if synErr == nil {
semErr := query_checker.Check(db, s)
if semErr != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want nil", test.query, semErr)
if semErr == nil {
switch sel := (*s).(type) {
case query_parser.SelectStatement:
result := query.ExecSelectSingleRow(test.k, test.v, &sel)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, test.result) {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want %v", test.query, result, test.result)
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want query_parser.SelectStatement", test.query, reflect.TypeOf(*s))
// TODO(jkline): More negative tests here (even though they are tested elsewhere)?
func TestExecErrors(t *testing.T) {
basic := []execSelectErrorTest{
"select a from Customer",
query.Error(7, "Select field must be 'k' or 'v[{.<ident>}...]'."),
"select v from Unknown",
// The following error text is dependent on implementation of Database.
query.Error(14, "No such table: Unknown."),
"select v from Customer offset -1",
// The following error text is dependent on implementation of Database.
query.Error(30, "Expected positive integer literal., found '-'."),
for _, test := range basic {
_, err := query.Exec(db, test.query)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, test.err) {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want %v", test.query, err, test.err)