blob: 3ae96ac03baa77f5180854d61696c7143d56082c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package query_checker_test
import (
_ ""
type mockDB struct {
ctx *context.T
func (db *mockDB) GetContext() *context.T {
return db.ctx
type customerTable struct {
type invoiceTable struct {
func init() {
var shutdown v23.Shutdown
db.ctx, shutdown = test.V23Init()
defer shutdown()
func (t invoiceTable) Scan(prefixes []string) (query_db.KeyValueStream, error) {
return nil, errors.New("unimplemented")
func (t customerTable) Scan(prefixes []string) (query_db.KeyValueStream, error) {
return nil, errors.New("unimplemented")
func (db *mockDB) GetTable(table string) (query_db.Table, error) {
if table == "Customer" {
var t customerTable
return t, nil
} else if table == "Invoice" {
var t invoiceTable
return t, nil
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("No such table: %s", table))
var db mockDB
type checkSelectTest struct {
query string
type keyPrefixesTest struct {
query string
keyPrefixes []string
type regularExpressionsTest struct {
query string
regex string
matches []string
nonMatches []string
type parseSelectErrorTest struct {
query string
err error
func TestQueryChecker(t *testing.T) {
basic := []checkSelectTest{
{"select k, v from Customer"},
{"select k, from Customer"},
{"select k, from Customer limit 200"},
{"select k, from Customer offset 100"},
{"select k, from Customer where k = \"foo\""},
{"select v from Customer where t = \"Foo.Bar\""},
{"select k, v from Customer where t = \"Foo.Bar\" and k like \"abc%\" limit 100 offset 200"},
{"select v from Customer where v.A = true"},
{"select v from Customer where v.A <> true"},
{"select v from Customer where false = v.A"},
{"select v from Customer where false = false"},
{"select v from Customer where true = true"},
{"select v from Customer where false = true"},
{"select v from Customer where true = false"},
{"select v from Customer where false <> true"},
{"select v from Customer where v.ZipCode is nil"},
{"select v from Customer where v.ZipCode Is Nil"},
{"select v from Customer where v.ZipCode is not nil"},
{"select v from Customer where v.ZipCode IS NOT NIL"},
for _, test := range basic {
s, syntaxErr := query_parser.Parse(&db, test.query)
if syntaxErr != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; unexpected error: got %v, want nil", test.query, syntaxErr)
err := query_checker.Check(&db, s)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want: nil", test.query, err)
func TestKeyPrefixes(t *testing.T) {
basic := []keyPrefixesTest{
"select k, v from Customer",
"select k, v from Customer where t = \"Foo.Bar\" and k like \"abc%\" limit 100 offset 200",
"select k, v from Customer where k = \"Foo.Bar\" and k like \"abc%\" limit 100 offset 200",
[]string{"Foo.Bar", "abc"},
"select k, v from Customer where k = \"Foo.Bar\" or k like \"Foo\" or k like \"abc%\" limit 100 offset 200",
[]string{"Foo", "abc"},
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"Foo\\%Bar\" or k like \"abc%\" limit 100 offset 200",
[]string{"Foo%Bar", "abc"},
"select k, v from Customer where k like \"Foo\\\\%Bar\" or k like \"abc%\" limit 100 offset 200",
[]string{"Foo\\", "abc"},
for _, test := range basic {
s, syntaxErr := query_parser.Parse(&db, test.query)
if syntaxErr != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; unexpected error: got %v, want nil", test.query, syntaxErr)
err := query_checker.Check(&db, s)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want: nil", test.query, err)
switch sel := (*s).(type) {
case query_parser.SelectStatement:
prefixes := query_checker.CompileKeyPrefixes(sel.Where)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.keyPrefixes, prefixes) {
t.Errorf("query: %s;\nGOT %v\nWANT %v", test.query, prefixes, test.keyPrefixes)
t.Errorf("query: %s;\nGOT %v\nWANT query_parser.SelectStatement", test.query, *s)
func TestRegularExpressions(t *testing.T) {
basic := []regularExpressionsTest{
"select v from Customer where v like \"abc%\"",
[]string{"abc", "abcd", "abcabc"},
"select v from Customer where v like \"abc_\"",
[]string{"abcd", "abc1"},
[]string{"abc", "xabcd", "abcde"},
"select v from Customer where v like \"abc_efg\"",
[]string{"abc", "xabcd", "abcde", "abcdefgh"},
"select v from Customer where v like \"abc\\\\efg\"",
[]string{"abc\\", "xabc\\efg", "abc\\de", "abc\\defgh"},
"select v from Customer where v like \"abc%def\"",
[]string{"abcdefdef", "abcdef", "abcdefghidef"},
[]string{"abcdefg", "abcdefde"},
"select v from Customer where v like \"[0-9]*abc%def\"",
[]string{"[0-9]*abcdefdef", "[0-9]*abcdef", "[0-9]*abcdefghidef"},
[]string{"0abcdefg", "9abcdefde", "[0-9]abcdefg", "[0-9]abcdefg", "[0-9]abcdefg"},
"select v from Customer where v like \"[0-9]*a\\\\b\\\\c%def\"",
[]string{"[0-9]*a\\b\\cdefdef", "[0-9]*a\\b\\cdef", "[0-9]*a\\b\\cdefghidef"},
[]string{"0a\\b\\cdefg", "9a\\\b\\cdefde", "[0-9]a\\\b\\cdefg", "[0-9]a\\b\\cdefg", "[0-9]a\\b\\cdefg"},
for _, test := range basic {
s, syntaxErr := query_parser.Parse(&db, test.query)
if syntaxErr != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; unexpected error: got %v, want nil", test.query, syntaxErr)
err := query_checker.Check(&db, s)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want: nil", test.query, err)
switch sel := (*s).(type) {
case query_parser.SelectStatement:
// We know there is exactly one like expression and operand2 contains
// a regex and compiled regex.
if sel.Where.Expr.Operand2.Regex != test.regex {
t.Errorf("query: %s;\nGOT %s\nWANT %s", test.query, sel.Where.Expr.Operand2.Regex, test.regex)
regexp := sel.Where.Expr.Operand2.CompRegex
// Make sure all matches actually match
for _, m := range test.matches {
if !regexp.MatchString(m) {
t.Errorf("query: %s;Expected match: %s; \nGOT false\nWANT true", test.query, m)
// Make sure all nonMatches actually don't match
for _, n := range test.nonMatches {
if regexp.MatchString(n) {
t.Errorf("query: %s;Expected nonMatch: %s; \nGOT true\nWANT false", test.query, n)
func TestQueryCheckerErrors(t *testing.T) {
basic := []parseSelectErrorTest{
{"select a from Customer", syncql.NewErrInvalidSelectField(db.GetContext(), 7)},
{"select v from Bob", syncql.NewErrTableCantAccess(db.GetContext(), 14, "Bob", errors.New("No such table: Bob"))},
{"select k.a from Customer", syncql.NewErrDotNotationDisallowedForKey(db.GetContext(), 9)},
{"select k from Customer where t.a = \"Foo.Bar\"", syncql.NewErrDotNotationDisallowedForType(db.GetContext(), 31)},
{"select v from Customer where a=1", syncql.NewErrBadFieldInWhere(db.GetContext(), 29)},
{"select v from Customer limit 0", syncql.NewErrLimitMustBeGe0(db.GetContext(), 29)},
{"select v.z from Customer where t = 2", syncql.NewErrTypeExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 31)},
{"select v.z from Customer where t <> \"foo\"", syncql.NewErrTypeExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 31)},
{"select v.z from Customer where t < \"foo\"", syncql.NewErrTypeExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 31)},
{"select v.z from Customer where t <= \"foo\"", syncql.NewErrTypeExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 31)},
{"select v.z from Customer where t > \"foo\"", syncql.NewErrTypeExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 31)},
{"select v.z from Customer where t >= \"foo\"", syncql.NewErrTypeExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 31)},
{"select v.z from Customer where \"foo\" = t", syncql.NewErrTypeExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 31)},
{"select v.z from Customer where v.x like v.y", syncql.NewErrLikeExpressionsRequireRhsString(db.GetContext(), 31)},
{"select v.z from Customer where k = v.y", syncql.NewErrKeyExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 31)},
{"select v.z from Customer where k <> v.y", syncql.NewErrKeyExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 31)},
{"select v.z from Customer where k < v.y", syncql.NewErrKeyExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 31)},
{"select v.z from Customer where k <= v.y", syncql.NewErrKeyExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 31)},
{"select v.z from Customer where k > v.y", syncql.NewErrKeyExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 31)},
{"select v.z from Customer where k >= v.y", syncql.NewErrKeyExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 31)},
{"select v.z from Customer where \"abc%\" = k", syncql.NewErrKeyExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 31)},
{"select v from Customer where t = \"Foo.Bar\" and k >= \"100\" and k < \"200\" and > 50 and <= 1000 and v.baz <> -20.7", syncql.NewErrKeyExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 47)},
{"select v.z from Customer where k like \"a\\bc%\"", syncql.NewErrInvalidEscapedChar(db.GetContext(), 38)},
{"select v from Customer where v.A > false", syncql.NewErrBoolInvalidExpression(db.GetContext(), 33)},
{"select v from Customer where true <= v.A", syncql.NewErrBoolInvalidExpression(db.GetContext(), 34)},
{"select v from Customer where Now() < Date(\"2015/07/22\")", syncql.NewErrFunctionsNotYetSupported(db.GetContext(), 29)},
{"select v from Customer where Foo(\"2015/07/22\", true, 3.14157) = true", syncql.NewErrFunctionsNotYetSupported(db.GetContext(), 29)},
{"select v from Customer where t is nil", syncql.NewErrTypeExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 29)},
{"select v from Customer where k is nil", syncql.NewErrKeyExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 29)},
{"select v from Customer where nil is v.ZipCode", syncql.NewErrIsIsNotRequireLhsValue(db.GetContext(), 29)},
{"select v from Customer where v.ZipCode is \"94303\"", syncql.NewErrIsIsNotRequireRhsNil(db.GetContext(), 42)},
{"select v from Customer where v.ZipCode is 94303", syncql.NewErrIsIsNotRequireRhsNil(db.GetContext(), 42)},
{"select v from Customer where v.ZipCode is true", syncql.NewErrIsIsNotRequireRhsNil(db.GetContext(), 42)},
{"select v from Customer where v.ZipCode is 943.03", syncql.NewErrIsIsNotRequireRhsNil(db.GetContext(), 42)},
{"select v from Customer where t is not nil", syncql.NewErrTypeExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 29)},
{"select v from Customer where k is not nil", syncql.NewErrKeyExpressionForm(db.GetContext(), 29)},
{"select v from Customer where nil is not v.ZipCode", syncql.NewErrIsIsNotRequireLhsValue(db.GetContext(), 29)},
{"select v from Customer where v.ZipCode is not \"94303\"", syncql.NewErrIsIsNotRequireRhsNil(db.GetContext(), 46)},
{"select v from Customer where v.ZipCode is not 94303", syncql.NewErrIsIsNotRequireRhsNil(db.GetContext(), 46)},
{"select v from Customer where v.ZipCode is not true", syncql.NewErrIsIsNotRequireRhsNil(db.GetContext(), 46)},
{"select v from Customer where v.ZipCode is not 943.03", syncql.NewErrIsIsNotRequireRhsNil(db.GetContext(), 46)},
for _, test := range basic {
s, syntaxErr := query_parser.Parse(&db, test.query)
if syntaxErr != nil {
t.Errorf("query: %s; unexpected error: got %v, want nil", test.query, syntaxErr)
} else {
err := query_checker.Check(&db, s)
// Test both that the IDs compare and the text compares (since the offset needs to match).
if verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrorID(test.err) || err.Error() != test.err.Error() {
t.Errorf("query: %s; got %v, want %v", test.query, err, test.err)