blob: 8724fd29d26ef0608e7967eb9016067d64340b3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package query_db
import (
type Database interface {
GetTable(name string) (Table, error)
type Table interface {
// Return a KeyValueStream where all keys start with one
// of the prefixes arguments.
// Note: an empty string prefix (""), matches all keys.
// The prefixes argument will be sorted (low to high).
Scan(prefixes []string) (KeyValueStream, error)
type KeyValueStream interface {
// Advance stages an element so the client can retrieve it
// with KeyValue. Advance returns true iff there is an
// element to retrieve. The client must call Advance before
// calling KeyValue. The client must call Cancel if it does
// not iterate through all elements (i.e. until Advance
// returns false). Advance may block if an element is not
// immediately available.
Advance() bool
// KeyValue returns the element that was staged by Advance.
// KeyValue may panic if Advance returned false or was not
// called at all. KeyValue does not block.
KeyValue() (string, *vdl.Value)
// Err returns a non-nil error iff the stream encountered
// any errors. Err does not block.
Err() error
// Cancel notifies the stream provider that it can stop
// producing elements. The client must call Cancel if it does
// not iterate through all elements (i.e. until Advance
// returns false). Cancel is idempotent and can be called
// concurrently with a goroutine that is iterating via
// Advance/Value. Cancel causes Advance to subsequently
// return false. Cancel does not block.