blob: e6c04156a9f5ecb06b6f1c26e2bf849b86f3b375 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package nosql
import (
// BatchOptions configures a batch.
// TODO(sadovsky): Add more options, e.g. to configure isolation, timeouts,
// whether to track the read set and/or write set, etc.
// TODO(sadovsky): Maybe add a DefaultBatchOptions() function that initializes
// BatchOptions with our desired defaults. Clients would be encouraged to
// initialize their BatchOptions object using that function and then modify it
// to their liking.
type BatchOptions struct {
// Arbitrary string, typically used to describe the intent behind a batch.
// Hints are surfaced to clients during conflict resolution.
// TODO(sadovsky): Use "any" here?
Hint string
// ReadOnly specifies whether the batch should allow writes.
// If ReadOnly is set to true, Abort() should be used to release any resources
// associated with this batch (though it is not strictly required), and
// Commit() will always fail.
ReadOnly bool
// PrefixPermissions represents a pair of (prefix, perms).
type PrefixPermissions struct {
Prefix string
Perms access.Permissions
// KeyValue is a key-value pair.
type KeyValue struct {
Key string
Value []byte
// SyncGroupSpec contains the specification for a SyncGroup.
type SyncGroupSpec struct {
// Human readable description.
Description string
// Permissions for the SyncGroup.
Perms access.Permissions
// SyncGroup prefixes (relative to the database). Prefixes
// must take the form "<tableName>/<rowKeyPrefix>" where
// tableName is non-empty.
Prefixes []string
// Mount tables at which to advertise this SyncGroup. These
// are the mount tables used for rendezvous in addition to the
// one in the neighborhood. Typically, we will have only one
// entry. However, an array allows mount tables to be changed
// over time.
// TODO(hpucha): Figure out a convention for
// advertising SyncGroups in the mount table.
MountTables []string
// Option to change the privacy of the SyncGroup. Configures
// whether blobs in a SyncGroup can be served to clients
// holding blobrefs obtained from other SyncGroups.
IsPrivate bool
// SyncGroupMemberInfo contains per-member metadata.
type SyncGroupMemberInfo struct {
SyncPriority byte
// ResolverType defines the possible conflict resolution policies.
// A Conflict is defined as presence of two independent sets of updates
// originating from the same version of an object. Syncbase
// uses version vectors to determine sequence of changes to a given row. Hence
// if device A updates a row with key "foo" from version V3 to V4, then syncs
// with device B which further updates the same row from version V4 to V5 and
// then V5 is synced back to device A, device A will see V5 as a forward
// progression of "foo" and not a conflict with V3 of "foo". But in the
// meantime if device A had already updated "foo" again from version V4 to
// version V6 then there is a conflict between V5 and V6 with V4 being the
// common ancestor.
type ResolverType enum {
// LastWins is a policy which resolves a conflict between two writes by
// choosing the version which has the greatest timestamp.
// For example, if device A created V6 at time T1 and device B created V5 at
// time T2 where timestamp T2 > T1, then V5 will be accepted as the
// resolution of the conflict.
// Syncbase maintains an internal clock for creating write timestamps. This
// clock is kept up to date via regular synchronization with NTP and with
// other syncbases. As long as the syncbase has access to an NTP server
// directly or indirectly via another syncbase, the internal clock will
// track NTP time and correct any skews suffered by the local system clock.
// AppResolves is a policy which allows an App to handle resolution of a
// conflict on its own. In order to receive the conflicts, the app needs to
// register a conflict resolution stream using
// Database.StartConflictResolver().
// Defer is a policy that allows an instance of an App to outsource its
// conflict resolution to some other instance, typically a more capable
// instance (in terms of resources, knowledge or permissions) such as a
// cloud or admin instance.
// SchemaMetadata maintains metadata related to the schema of a given database.
// There is one SchemaMetadata per database.
type SchemaMetadata struct {
// Non negative Schema version number. Should be increased with every schema change
// (e.g. adding fields to structs) that cannot be handled by previous
// versions of the app.
Version int64
Policy CrPolicy
// For a given row with a conflict, all rules are matched against the row.
// If no rules match the row, we default to "LastWins". If multiple
// rules match the row, ties are broken as follows:
// 1. If one match has a longer prefix than the other, take that one.
// 2. Else, if only one match specifies a type, take that one.
// 3. Else, the two matches are identical; take the last one in the Rules array.
type CrPolicy struct {
Rules []CrRule
// CrRule provides a filter and the type of resolution to perform for a row
// under conflict that passes the filter.
type CrRule struct {
// TableName is the name of the table that this rule applies to.
TableName string
// KeyPrefix represents the set of keys within the given table for which
// this policy applies. TableName must not be empty if this field is set.
KeyPrefix string
// Type includes the full package path for the value type for which this
// policy applies.
Type string
// Policy for resolving conflict.
Resolver ResolverType
// BlobRef is a reference to a blob.
type BlobRef string
const (
NullBlobRef = BlobRef("")
// FetchState represents the state transitions of a blob fetch.
type FetchState enum {
Pending // Fetch request is queued.
Locating // Blob discovery is in progress to find a source for the blob.
Fetching // Blob transfer is in progress.
Done // Blob is locally cached.
// FetchStatus describes the progress of an asynchronous blob fetch.
type FetchStatus struct {
State FetchState // State of the blob fetch request.
Received uint64 // Total number of bytes received.
Total uint64 // Blob size.
// ResumeMarker is a pointer in the database event log.
type ResumeMarker string
// TablePrefixRange describes a prefix range in a table.
type TablePrefixRange struct {
Table string
Prefix string
// WatchRequest specifies which rows should be watched and a starting point
// in the database event log from which to receive updates.
type WatchRequest struct {
// Ranges specifies the subset of the database for which the client wants
// updates.
Ranges []TablePrefixRange
// ResumeMarker is the starting point in the database event log from which
// to receive updates.
ResumeMarker ResumeMarker
// ChangeType describes the type of the row change: Put or Delete.
// TODO(rogulenko): Consider adding the Shell type.
type ChangeType enum {
// Change is the new value for a watched entity.
type Change struct {
// Table is the name of the table that contains the changed row.
Table string
// Row is the key of the changed row.
Row string
// ChangeType describes the type of the change. If the ChangeType equals to
// Put, then the row exists in the table and the Value contains the new
// value for this row. If the state equals to Delete, then the row was
// removed from the table.
ChangeType ChangeType
// Value is the new value for the row if the state equals to Put,
// otherwise the Value is nil.
Value []byte
// ResumeMarker provides a compact representation of all the messages
// that have been received by the caller for the given Watch call.
// This marker can be provided in the Request message to allow the caller
// to resume the stream watching at a specific point without fetching the
// initial state.
ResumeMarker ResumeMarker
// FromSync indicates whether the change came from sync. If FromSync is
// false, then the change originated from the local device.
FromSync bool
// If true, this Change is followed by more Changes that are in the
// same batch as this Change.
Continued bool