blob: 4a41e17020355ef557f62b5c8364e55358d3f1c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vsync
import (
// Tests for sync state management and storage in Syncbase.
// TestReserveGenAndPos tests reserving generation numbers and log positions in a
// Database log.
func TestReserveGenAndPos(t *testing.T) {
svc := createService(t)
s := svc.sync
var wantGen, wantPos uint64 = 1, 0
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
gotGen, gotPos := s.reserveGenAndPosInternal("mockapp", "mockdb", 5, 10)
if gotGen != wantGen || gotPos != wantPos {
t.Fatalf("reserveGenAndPosInternal failed, gotGen %v wantGen %v, gotPos %v wantPos %v", gotGen, wantGen, gotPos, wantPos)
wantGen += 5
wantPos += 10
name := appDbName("mockapp", "mockdb")
if s.syncState[name].gen != wantGen || s.syncState[name].pos != wantPos {
t.Fatalf("reserveGenAndPosInternal failed, gotGen %v wantGen %v, gotPos %v wantPos %v", s.syncState[name].gen, wantGen, s.syncState[name].pos, wantPos)
// TestPutGetDbSyncState tests setting and getting sync metadata.
func TestPutGetDbSyncState(t *testing.T) {
svc := createService(t)
st := svc.St()
checkDbSyncState(t, st, false, nil)
gv := interfaces.GenVector{
"mocktbl/foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{
1: 2, 3: 4, 5: 6,
tx := st.NewTransaction()
wantSt := &dbSyncState{Gen: 40, GenVec: gv}
if err := putDbSyncState(nil, tx, wantSt); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("putDbSyncState failed, err %v", err)
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot commit putting db sync state, err %v", err)
checkDbSyncState(t, st, true, wantSt)
// TestPutGetDelLogRec tests setting, getting, and deleting a log record.
func TestPutGetDelLogRec(t *testing.T) {
svc := createService(t)
st := svc.St()
var id uint64 = 10
var gen uint64 = 100
checkLogRec(t, st, id, gen, false, nil)
tx := st.NewTransaction()
wantRec := &localLogRec{
Metadata: interfaces.LogRecMetadata{
Id: id,
Gen: gen,
RecType: interfaces.NodeRec,
ObjId: "foo",
CurVers: "3",
Parents: []string{"1", "2"},
UpdTime: time.Now().UTC(),
Delete: false,
BatchId: 10000,
BatchCount: 1,
Pos: 10,
if err := putLogRec(nil, tx, wantRec); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("putLogRec(%d:%d) failed err %v", id, gen, err)
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot commit putting log rec, err %v", err)
checkLogRec(t, st, id, gen, true, wantRec)
tx = st.NewTransaction()
if err := delLogRec(nil, tx, id, gen); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("delLogRec(%d:%d) failed err %v", id, gen, err)
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot commit deleting log rec, err %v", err)
checkLogRec(t, st, id, gen, false, nil)
// TestDiffPrefixGenVectors tests diffing prefix gen vectors.
func TestDiffPrefixGenVectors(t *testing.T) {
svc := createService(t)
s := svc.sync = 10 //responder. Initiator is id 11.
tests := []struct {
respPVec, initPVec interfaces.PrefixGenVector
genDiffIn genRangeVector
genDiffWant genRangeVector
{ // responder and initiator are at identical vectors.
respPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 1, 11: 10, 12: 20, 13: 2},
initPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 1, 11: 10, 12: 20, 13: 2},
genDiffIn: make(genRangeVector),
{ // responder and initiator are at identical vectors.
respPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 0},
initPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 0},
genDiffIn: make(genRangeVector),
{ // responder has no updates.
respPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 0},
initPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 11: 10, 12: 20, 13: 8},
genDiffIn: make(genRangeVector),
{ // responder and initiator have no updates.
respPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 0},
initPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 0},
genDiffIn: make(genRangeVector),
{ // responder is staler than initiator.
respPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 1, 11: 10, 12: 20, 13: 2},
initPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 1, 11: 10, 12: 20, 13: 8, 14: 5},
genDiffIn: make(genRangeVector),
{ // responder is more up-to-date than initiator for local updates.
respPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 11: 10, 12: 20, 13: 2},
initPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 1, 11: 10, 12: 20, 13: 2},
genDiffIn: make(genRangeVector),
genDiffWant: genRangeVector{10: &genRange{min: 2, max: 5}},
{ // responder is fresher than initiator for local updates and one device.
respPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 11: 10, 12: 22, 13: 2},
initPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 1, 11: 10, 12: 20, 13: 2, 14: 40},
genDiffIn: make(genRangeVector),
genDiffWant: genRangeVector{
10: &genRange{min: 2, max: 5},
12: &genRange{min: 21, max: 22},
{ // responder is fresher than initiator in all but one device.
respPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 1, 11: 2, 12: 3, 13: 4},
initPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 0, 11: 2, 12: 0},
genDiffIn: make(genRangeVector),
genDiffWant: genRangeVector{
10: &genRange{min: 1, max: 1},
12: &genRange{min: 1, max: 3},
13: &genRange{min: 1, max: 4},
{ // initiator has no updates.
respPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 1, 11: 2, 12: 3, 13: 4},
initPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{},
genDiffIn: make(genRangeVector),
genDiffWant: genRangeVector{
10: &genRange{min: 1, max: 1},
11: &genRange{min: 1, max: 2},
12: &genRange{min: 1, max: 3},
13: &genRange{min: 1, max: 4},
{ // initiator has no updates, pre-existing diff.
respPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 1, 11: 2, 12: 3, 13: 4},
initPVec: interfaces.PrefixGenVector{13: 1},
genDiffIn: genRangeVector{
10: &genRange{min: 5, max: 20},
13: &genRange{min: 1, max: 3},
genDiffWant: genRangeVector{
10: &genRange{min: 1, max: 20},
11: &genRange{min: 1, max: 2},
12: &genRange{min: 1, max: 3},
13: &genRange{min: 1, max: 4},
for _, test := range tests {
want := test.genDiffWant
got := test.genDiffIn
s.diffPrefixGenVectors(test.respPVec, test.initPVec, got)
checkEqualDevRanges(t, got, want)
// TestSendDeltas tests the computation of the delta bound (computeDeltaBound)
// and if the log records on the wire are correctly ordered.
func TestSendDeltas(t *testing.T) {
appName := "mockapp"
dbName := "mockdb"
tests := []struct {
respVec, initVec, outVec interfaces.GenVector
respGen uint64
genDiff genRangeVector
keyPfxs []string
{ // Identical prefixes, local and remote updates.
respVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 8},
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 10},
initVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5},
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5},
respGen: 5,
outVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 8},
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 10},
genDiff: genRangeVector{
10: &genRange{min: 1, max: 5},
12: &genRange{min: 1, max: 10},
keyPfxs: []string{"baz", "wombat", "f", "foo", "foobar", ""},
{ // Identical prefixes, local and remote updates.
respVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"bar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 20},
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 8},
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 10},
initVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5},
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5, 12: 10},
"bar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 11: 5, 12: 5},
respGen: 5,
outVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 8},
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 10},
"bar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 20},
genDiff: genRangeVector{
10: &genRange{min: 1, max: 5},
12: &genRange{min: 1, max: 20},
keyPfxs: []string{"baz", "wombat", "f", "foo", "foobar", "bar", "barbaz", ""},
{ // Non-identical prefixes, local only updates.
initVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5},
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5},
respGen: 5,
outVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5},
genDiff: genRangeVector{
10: &genRange{min: 1, max: 5},
keyPfxs: []string{"baz", "wombat", "f", "foo", "foobar", "", "fo", "fooxyz"},
{ // Non-identical prefixes, local and remote updates.
respVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"f": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 5, 13: 5},
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 10, 13: 10},
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 20, 13: 20},
initVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5, 12: 1},
respGen: 5,
outVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 10, 13: 10},
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 20, 13: 20},
genDiff: genRangeVector{
10: &genRange{min: 1, max: 5},
12: &genRange{min: 2, max: 20},
13: &genRange{min: 1, max: 20},
keyPfxs: []string{"baz", "wombat", "f", "foo", "foobar", "", "fo", "fooxyz"},
{ // Non-identical prefixes, local and remote updates.
respVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 20, 13: 20},
initVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5, 12: 1},
respGen: 5,
outVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5},
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 20, 13: 20},
genDiff: genRangeVector{
10: &genRange{min: 1, max: 5},
12: &genRange{min: 2, max: 20},
13: &genRange{min: 1, max: 20},
keyPfxs: []string{"baz", "wombat", "f", "foo", "foobar", "", "fo", "fooxyz"},
{ // Non-identical prefixes, local and remote updates.
respVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"f": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 20, 13: 20},
initVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5, 12: 1},
respGen: 5,
outVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 20, 13: 20},
genDiff: genRangeVector{
10: &genRange{min: 1, max: 5},
12: &genRange{min: 2, max: 20},
13: &genRange{min: 1, max: 20},
keyPfxs: []string{"baz", "wombat", "f", "foo", "foobar", "", "fo", "fooxyz"},
{ // Non-identical interleaving prefixes.
respVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"f": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 20, 13: 10},
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 30, 13: 20},
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 40, 13: 30},
initVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"fo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5, 12: 1},
"foob": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5, 12: 10},
"foobarxyz": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5, 12: 20},
respGen: 5,
outVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"fo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 20, 13: 10},
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 30, 13: 20},
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 40, 13: 30},
genDiff: genRangeVector{
10: &genRange{min: 1, max: 5},
12: &genRange{min: 2, max: 40},
13: &genRange{min: 1, max: 30},
keyPfxs: []string{"baz", "wombat", "f", "foo", "foobar", "", "fo", "foob", "foobarxyz", "fooxyz"},
{ // Non-identical interleaving prefixes.
respVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"fo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 20, 13: 10},
"foob": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 30, 13: 20},
"foobarxyz": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 40, 13: 30},
initVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"f": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5, 12: 1},
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5, 12: 10},
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5, 12: 20},
respGen: 5,
outVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"f": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5},
"fo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 20, 13: 10},
"foob": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 30, 13: 20},
"foobarxyz": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 40, 13: 30},
genDiff: genRangeVector{
10: &genRange{min: 1, max: 5},
12: &genRange{min: 2, max: 40},
13: &genRange{min: 1, max: 30},
keyPfxs: []string{"baz", "wombat", "f", "foo", "foobar", "", "fo", "foob", "foobarxyz", "fooxyz"},
{ // Non-identical sibling prefixes.
respVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 20, 13: 10},
"foobarabc": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 40, 13: 30},
"foobarxyz": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 30, 13: 20},
initVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5, 12: 1},
respGen: 5,
outVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 20, 13: 10},
"foobarabc": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 40, 13: 30},
"foobarxyz": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 30, 13: 20},
genDiff: genRangeVector{
10: &genRange{min: 1, max: 5},
12: &genRange{min: 2, max: 40},
13: &genRange{min: 1, max: 30},
keyPfxs: []string{"baz", "wombat", "f", "foo", "foobar", "", "foobarabc", "foobarxyz", "foobar123", "fooxyz"},
{ // Non-identical prefixes, local and remote updates.
respVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"barbaz": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 18},
"f": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 30, 13: 5},
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{12: 30, 13: 8},
initVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5, 12: 5},
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{11: 5, 12: 5},
"bar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 11: 5, 12: 5},
respGen: 5,
outVec: interfaces.GenVector{
"foo": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 30, 13: 5},
"foobar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 30, 13: 8},
"bar": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5},
"barbaz": interfaces.PrefixGenVector{10: 5, 12: 18},
genDiff: genRangeVector{
10: &genRange{min: 1, max: 5},
12: &genRange{min: 6, max: 30},
13: &genRange{min: 1, max: 8},
keyPfxs: []string{"baz", "wombat", "f", "foo", "foobar", "bar", "barbaz", ""},
for i, test := range tests {
svc := createService(t)
s := svc.sync = 10 //responder.
wantDiff, wantVec := test.genDiff, test.outVec
s.syncState[appDbName(appName, dbName)] = &dbSyncStateInMem{gen: test.respGen, genvec: test.respVec}
gotDiff, gotVec, err := s.computeDeltaBound(nil, appName, dbName, test.initVec)
if err != nil || !reflect.DeepEqual(gotVec, wantVec) {
t.Fatalf("computeDeltaBound failed (I: %v), (R: %v, %v), got %v, want %v err %v", test.initVec, test.respGen, test.respVec, gotVec, wantVec, err)
checkEqualDevRanges(t, gotDiff, wantDiff)
// Insert some log records to bootstrap testing below.
tRng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(i)))
var wantRecs []*localLogRec
st := svc.St()
tx := st.NewTransaction()
objKeyPfxs := test.keyPfxs
j := 0
for id, r := range wantDiff {
pos := uint64(tRng.Intn(50) + 100*j)
for k := r.min; k <= r.max; k++ {
opfx := objKeyPfxs[tRng.Intn(len(objKeyPfxs))]
// Create holes in the log records.
if opfx == "" {
okey := fmt.Sprintf("%s~%x", opfx, tRng.Int())
vers := fmt.Sprintf("%x", tRng.Int())
rec := &localLogRec{
Metadata: interfaces.LogRecMetadata{Id: id, Gen: k, ObjId: okey, CurVers: vers, UpdTime: time.Now().UTC()},
Pos: pos + k,
if err := putLogRec(nil, tx, rec); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("putLogRec(%d:%d) failed rec %v err %v", id, k, rec, err)
initPfxs := extractAndSortPrefixes(test.initVec)
if !filterLogRec(rec, test.initVec, initPfxs) {
wantRecs = append(wantRecs, rec)
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot commit putting log rec, err %v", err)
ts := &logRecStreamTest{}
gotVec, err = s.sendDeltasPerDatabase(nil, nil, appName, dbName, test.initVec, ts)
if err != nil || !reflect.DeepEqual(gotVec, wantVec) {
t.Fatalf("sendDeltasPerDatabase failed (I: %v), (R: %v, %v), got %v, want %v err %v", test.initVec, test.respGen, test.respVec, gotVec, wantVec, err)
ts.diffLogRecs(t, wantRecs)
// Helpers
// TODO(hpucha): Look into using
// for getting the stack trace. Right now cannot import the package due to a
// cycle.
type logRecStreamTest struct {
gotRecs []*localLogRec
func (s *logRecStreamTest) Send(rec interfaces.LogRec) {
s.gotRecs = append(s.gotRecs, &localLogRec{Metadata: rec.Metadata})
func (s *logRecStreamTest) diffLogRecs(t *testing.T, wantRecs []*localLogRec) {
if len(s.gotRecs) != len(wantRecs) {
t.Fatalf("diffLogRecMetadata failed, gotLen %v, wantLen %v\n", len(s.gotRecs), len(wantRecs))
for i, rec := range s.gotRecs {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(rec.Metadata, wantRecs[i].Metadata) {
t.Fatalf("diffLogRecMetadata failed, i %v, got %v, want %v\n", i, rec.Metadata, wantRecs[i].Metadata)
func checkDbSyncState(t *testing.T, st store.StoreReader, exists bool, wantSt *dbSyncState) {
gotSt, err := getDbSyncState(nil, st)
if (!exists && err == nil) || (exists && err != nil) {
t.Fatalf("getDbSyncState failed, exists %v err %v", exists, err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotSt, wantSt) {
t.Fatalf("getDbSyncState() failed, got %v, want %v", gotSt, wantSt)
func checkLogRec(t *testing.T, st store.StoreReader, id, gen uint64, exists bool, wantRec *localLogRec) {
gotRec, err := getLogRec(nil, st, id, gen)
if (!exists && err == nil) || (exists && err != nil) {
t.Fatalf("getLogRec(%d:%d) failed, exists %v err %v", id, gen, exists, err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotRec, wantRec) {
t.Fatalf("getLogRec(%d:%d) failed, got %v, want %v", id, gen, gotRec, wantRec)
if hasLogRec(st, id, gen) != exists {
t.Fatalf("hasLogRec(%d:%d) failed, want %v", id, gen, exists)
func checkEqualDevRanges(t *testing.T, s1, s2 genRangeVector) {
if len(s1) != len(s2) {
t.Fatalf("len(s1): %v != len(s2): %v", len(s1), len(s2))
for d1, r1 := range s1 {
if r2, ok := s2[d1]; !ok || !reflect.DeepEqual(r1, r2) {
t.Fatalf("Dev %v: r1 %v != r2 %v", d1, r1, r2)