blob: f9666fabcba418fb9104c39daed159220cabd40d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package nosql defines the client API for the NoSQL part of Syncbase.
package nosql
import (
wire ""
// TODO(sadovsky): Document the access control policy for every method where
// it's not obvious.
// DatabaseHandle is the set of methods that work both with and without a batch.
// It allows clients to pass the handle to helper methods that are
// batch-agnostic.
type DatabaseHandle interface {
// Table returns the Table with the given name.
// relativeName must not contain slashes.
Table(relativeName string) Table
// ListTables returns a list of all Table names.
ListTables(ctx *context.T) ([]string, error)
type BatchOptions wire.BatchOptions
// Database represents a collection of Tables. Batches, queries, sync, watch,
// etc. all operate at the Database level.
// TODO(sadovsky): Add Watch method.
type Database interface {
// Name returns the relative name of this Database.
Name() string
// FullName returns the full name (object name) of this Database.
FullName() string
// Create creates this Database.
// If perms is nil, we inherit (copy) the App perms.
Create(ctx *context.T, perms access.Permissions) error
// Delete deletes this Database.
Delete(ctx *context.T) error
// Create creates the specified Table.
// If perms is nil, we inherit (copy) the Database perms.
// relativeName must not contain slashes.
CreateTable(ctx *context.T, relativeName string, perms access.Permissions) error
// DeleteTable deletes the specified Table.
DeleteTable(ctx *context.T, relativeName string) error
// BeginBatch creates a new batch. Instead of calling this function directly,
// clients are recommended to use the RunInBatch() helper function, which
// detects "concurrent batch" errors and handles retries internally.
// Default concurrency semantics:
// - Reads inside a batch see a consistent snapshot, taken during
// BeginBatch(), and will not see the effect of writes inside the batch.
// - Commit() may fail with ErrConcurrentBatch, indicating that after
// BeginBatch() but before Commit(), some concurrent routine wrote to a key
// that matches a key or row-range read inside this batch. (Writes inside a
// batch cannot cause that batch's Commit() to fail.)
// - Other methods (e.g. Get) will never fail with error ErrConcurrentBatch,
// even if it is known that Commit() will fail with this error.
// Concurrency semantics can be configured using BatchOptions.
// TODO(sadovsky): Maybe use varargs for options.
BeginBatch(ctx *context.T, opts BatchOptions) (BatchDatabase, error)
// SetPermissions and GetPermissions are included from the AccessController
// interface.
// BatchDatabase is a handle to a set of reads and writes to the database that
// should be considered an atomic unit. See BeginBatch() for concurrency
// semantics.
// TODO(sadovsky): If/when needed, add a CommitWillFail() method so that clients
// can avoid doing extra work inside a doomed batch.
type BatchDatabase interface {
// Commit persists the pending changes to the database.
Commit(ctx *context.T) error
// Abort notifies the server that any pending changes can be discarded.
// It is not strictly required, but it may allow the server to release locks
// or other resources sooner than if it was not called.
Abort(ctx *context.T)
// PrefixPermissions represents a pair of (prefix, perms).
type PrefixPermissions struct {
Prefix PrefixRange
Perms access.Permissions
// Table represents a collection of Rows.
// TODO(sadovsky): Currently we provide Get/Put/Delete methods on both Table and
// Row, because we're not sure which will feel more natural. Eventually, we'll
// need to pick one.
type Table interface {
// Name returns the relative name of this Table.
Name() string
// FullName returns the full name (object name) of this Table.
FullName() string
// Row returns the Row with the given primary key.
Row(key string) Row
// Get stores the value for the given primary key in value. If value's type
// does not match the stored type, Get will return an error. Expected usage:
// var val mytype
// if err := table.Get(ctx, key, &val); err != nil {
// return err
// }
Get(ctx *context.T, key string, value interface{}) error
// Put writes the given value to this Table. The value's primary key field
// must be set.
// TODO(kash): Can VOM handle everything that satisfies interface{}?
// Need to talk to Todd.
// TODO(sadovsky): Maybe distinguish insert from update (and also offer
// upsert) so that last-one-wins can have deletes trump updates.
Put(ctx *context.T, key string, value interface{}) error
// Delete deletes all rows in the given range. If the last row that is covered
// by a prefix from SetPermissions is deleted, that (prefix, perms) pair is
// removed.
// See helpers nosql.Prefix(), nosql.Range(), nosql.SingleRow().
// TODO(sadovsky): Automatic GC interacts poorly with sync. Revisit this API.
Delete(ctx *context.T, r RowRange) error
// Scan returns all rows in the given range. The returned stream reads from a
// consistent snapshot taken at the time of the Scan RPC.
// See helpers nosql.Prefix(), nosql.Range(), nosql.SingleRow().
// TODO(sadovsky): Stop returning error.
Scan(ctx *context.T, r RowRange) (Stream, error)
// SetPermissions sets the permissions for all current and future rows with
// the given prefix. If the prefix overlaps with an existing prefix, the
// longest prefix that matches a row applies. For example:
// SetPermissions(ctx, Prefix("a/b"), perms1)
// SetPermissions(ctx, Prefix("a/b/c"), perms2)
// The permissions for row "a/b/1" are perms1, and the permissions for row
// "a/b/c/1" are perms2.
// SetPermissions will fail if called with a prefix that does not match any
// rows.
SetPermissions(ctx *context.T, prefix PrefixRange, perms access.Permissions) error
// GetPermissions returns an array of (prefix, perms) pairs. The array is
// sorted from longest prefix to shortest, so element zero is the one that
// applies to the row with the given key. The last element is always the
// prefix "" which represents the table's permissions -- the array will always
// have at least one element.
GetPermissions(ctx *context.T, key string) ([]PrefixPermissions, error)
// DeletePermissions deletes the permissions for the specified prefix. Any
// rows covered by this prefix will use the next longest prefix's permissions
// (see the array returned by GetPermissions).
DeletePermissions(ctx *context.T, prefix PrefixRange) error
// Row represents a single row in a Table.
type Row interface {
// Key returns the primary key for this Row.
Key() string
// FullName returns the full name (object name) of this Row.
FullName() string
// Get returns the value for this Row.
Get(ctx *context.T, value interface{}) error
// Put writes the given value for this Row.
Put(ctx *context.T, value interface{}) error
// Delete deletes this Row.
Delete(ctx *context.T) error
// Stream is an interface for iterating through a collection of key-value pairs.
type Stream interface {
// Advance stages an element so the client can retrieve it with Key or Value.
// Advance returns true iff there is an element to retrieve. The client must
// call Advance before calling Key or Value. The client must call Cancel if it
// does not iterate through all elements (i.e. until Advance returns false).
// Advance may block if an element is not immediately available.
Advance() bool
// Key returns the key of the element that was staged by Advance.
// Key may panic if Advance returned false or was not called at all.
// Key does not block.
Key() string
// Value returns the value of the element that was staged by Advance, or an
// error if the value could not be decoded.
// Value may panic if Advance returned false or was not called at all.
// Value does not block.
Value(value interface{}) error
// Err returns a non-nil error iff the stream encountered any errors. Err does
// not block.
Err() error
// Cancel notifies the stream provider that it can stop producing elements.
// The client must call Cancel if it does not iterate through all elements
// (i.e. until Advance returns false). Cancel is idempotent and can be called
// concurrently with a goroutine that is iterating via Advance/Key/Value.
// Cancel causes Advance to subsequently return false. Cancel does not block.