blob: c0df9fd38cd2b68bf721f9dcc720e39077356cef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package query_checker performs a semantic check on an AST produced
// by the query_parser package.
// For the foreseeasble future, only SelectStatements are supported.
// The following clauses are checked sequentially,
// SelectClause
// FromClause
// WhereClause (optional)
// LimitClause (optional)
// ResultsOffsetClause (optional)
package query_checker
import (
type SemanticError struct {
Msg string
Off int64
func (e *SemanticError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[Off:%d] %s", e.Off, e.Msg)
func Error(offset int64, msg string) *SemanticError {
return &SemanticError{msg, offset}
func Check(db query_db.Database, s *query_parser.Statement) *SemanticError {
switch sel := (*s).(type) {
case query_parser.SelectStatement:
return checkSelectStatement(db, &sel)
return Error((*s).Offset(), "Cannot semantically check statement, unknown type.")
func checkSelectStatement(db query_db.Database, s *query_parser.SelectStatement) *SemanticError {
if err := checkSelectClause(s.Select); err != nil {
return err
if err := checkFromClause(db, s.From); err != nil {
return err
if err := checkWhereClause(s.Where); err != nil {
return err
if err := checkLimitClause(s.Limit); err != nil {
return err
if err := checkResultsOffsetClause(s.ResultsOffset); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Check select clause. Fields can be 'k' and v[{.<ident>}...]
func checkSelectClause(s *query_parser.SelectClause) *SemanticError {
for _, c := range s.Columns {
switch c.Segments[0].Value {
case "k":
if len(c.Segments) > 1 {
return Error(c.Segments[1].Off, "Dot notation may not be used on a key (string) field.")
case "v":
// Nothing to check.
return Error(c.Segments[0].Off, "Select field must be 'k' or 'v[{.<ident>}...]'.")
return nil
// Check from clause. Table must exist in the database.
func checkFromClause(db query_db.Database, f *query_parser.FromClause) *SemanticError {
var err error
f.Table.DBTable, err = db.GetTable(f.Table.Name)
if err != nil {
return Error(f.Table.Off, err.Error())
return nil
// Check where clause.
func checkWhereClause(w *query_parser.WhereClause) *SemanticError {
if w == nil {
return nil
return checkExpression(w.Expr)
func checkExpression(e *query_parser.Expression) *SemanticError {
if err := checkOperand(e.Operand1); err != nil {
return err
if err := checkOperand(e.Operand2); err != nil {
return err
// Like expressions require operand2 to be a string literal that must be validated.
if e.Operator.Type == query_parser.Like {
if e.Operand2.Type != query_parser.TypLiteral {
return Error(e.Off, "Like expressions require right operand of type <string-literal>.")
prefix, err := computePrefix(e.Operand2.Off, e.Operand2.Literal)
if err != nil {
return err
e.Operand2.Prefix = prefix
// Compute the regular expression now to to check for errors.
// Save the regex (testing) and the compiled regex (for later use in evaluation).
regex, compRegex, err := computeRegex(e.Operand2.Off, e.Operand2.Literal)
if err != nil {
return err
e.Operand2.Regex = regex
e.Operand2.CompRegex = compRegex
// type as an operand must be the first operand, the operator must be = and the 2nd operand must be string literal.
if (IsType(e.Operand1) && (e.Operator.Type != query_parser.Equal || e.Operand2.Type != query_parser.TypLiteral)) || IsType(e.Operand2) {
return Error(e.Off, "Type expressions must be 't = <string-literal>'.")
// k as an operand must be the first operand, the operator must be like or = and the 2nd operand must be a string literal.
if (IsKey(e.Operand1) && ((e.Operator.Type != query_parser.Equal && e.Operator.Type != query_parser.Like) || e.Operand2.Type != query_parser.TypLiteral)) || IsKey(e.Operand2) {
return Error(e.Off, "Key (i.e., 'k') expressions must be of form 'k like|= <string-literal>'.")
// If either operand is a bool, only = and <> operators are allowed.
if (e.Operand1.Type == query_parser.TypBool || e.Operand2.Type == query_parser.TypBool) && e.Operator.Type != query_parser.Equal && e.Operator.Type != query_parser.NotEqual {
return Error(e.Operator.Off, "Boolean operands may only be used in equals and not equals expressions.")
return nil
func checkOperand(o *query_parser.Operand) *SemanticError {
switch o.Type {
case query_parser.TypExpr:
return checkExpression(o.Expr)
case query_parser.TypField:
switch o.Column.Segments[0].Value {
case "k":
if len(o.Column.Segments) > 1 {
return Error(o.Column.Segments[1].Off, "Dot notation may not be used on a key (string) field.")
case "v":
case "t":
if len(o.Column.Segments) > 1 {
return Error(o.Column.Segments[1].Off, "Dot notation may not be used with type.")
return Error(o.Column.Segments[0].Off, "Where field must be 'k', 'v[{.<ident>}...]' or 't'.")
return nil
return nil
// Only include up to (but not including) a wildcard character ('%', '_').
func computePrefix(off int64, s string) (string, *SemanticError) {
if strings.Index(s, "%") == -1 && strings.Index(s, "_") == -1 && strings.Index(s, "\\") == -1 {
return s, nil
var s2 string
escapedChar := false
for _, c := range s {
if escapedChar {
switch c {
case '\\':
s2 += string(c)
case '%':
s2 += string(c)
case '_':
s2 += string(c)
return "", Error(off, "Expected '\\', '%' or '_' after '\\'.")
escapedChar = false
} else {
if c == '%' || c == '_' {
return s2, nil
} else if c == '\\' {
escapedChar = true
} else {
s2 += string(c)
if escapedChar {
return "", Error(off, "Expected '\\', '%' or '_' after '\\'")
return s2, nil
// Convert Like expression to a regex. That is, convert:
// % to .*?
// _ to .
// Escape everything that would be incorrectly interpreted as a regex.
// Note: \% and \_ are used to escape % and _, respectively.
func computeRegex(off int64, s string) (string, *regexp.Regexp, *SemanticError) {
// Escape everything, this will escape too much as like wildcards can
// also be escaped by a backslash (\%, \_, \\).
escaped := regexp.QuoteMeta(s)
// Change all unescaped '%' chars to ".*?" and all unescaped '_' chars to '.'.
var buf bytes.Buffer
backslash_level := 0
for _, c := range escaped {
switch backslash_level {
case 0:
switch c {
case '%':
case '_':
case '\\':
case 1:
switch c {
case '\\':
// backslashes become double backslashes because of the
// QuoteMeta above. Let's see what's next.
// In this case, QuoteMeta is escaping a regex character. We
// need to honor the escape (e.g., \*, \[, \]).
backslash_level = 0
case 2:
switch c {
case '\\':
// We've hit a third backslash.
// Write out the first \ (escaped as \\).
// Set backslash_level to 1 since we've encountered
// another backslash and need to see what follows.
backslash_level = 1
// The user wrote \% or \_.
// It was escaped by QuoteMeta to \\% or \\_.
// Since the % or _ was escaped, just write it so regex can
// treat it like any character.
backslash_level = 0
regex := buf.String()
compRegex, err := regexp.Compile(regex)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, Error(off, err.Error())
return regex, compRegex, nil
func IsLogicalOperator(o *query_parser.BinaryOperator) bool {
return o.Type == query_parser.And || o.Type == query_parser.Or
func IsField(o *query_parser.Operand) bool {
return o.Type == query_parser.TypField
func IsKey(o *query_parser.Operand) bool {
return IsField(o) && IsKeyField(o.Column)
func IsType(o *query_parser.Operand) bool {
return IsField(o) && IsTypeField(o.Column)
func IsKeyField(f *query_parser.Field) bool {
return strings.ToLower(f.Segments[0].Value) == "k"
func IsValueField(f *query_parser.Field) bool {
return strings.ToLower(f.Segments[0].Value) == "v"
func IsTypeField(f *query_parser.Field) bool {
return strings.ToLower(f.Segments[0].Value) == "t"
func IsExpr(o *query_parser.Operand) bool {
return o.Type == query_parser.TypExpr
// Compile a list of key prefixes to fetch with scan. Prefixes are returned in sorted order
// and do not overlap (e.g., prefixes of "ab" and "abc" would be combined as "ab").
// A single empty string (array len of 1) is returned if all keys are to be fetched.
// Used by query package. In query_checker package so prefixes can be tested.
func CompileKeyPrefixes(where *query_parser.WhereClause) []string {
if where == nil {
return []string{""}
} else {
// Collect all key string literal operands.
p := collectKeyPrefixes(where.Expr)
// Sort
// Elminate overlaps
var p2 []string
for i, s := range p {
if i != 0 && strings.HasPrefix(s, p[i-1]) {
p2 = append(p2, s)
return p2
// Collect all operand2 string literals where operand1 of the expression is ident "k".
func collectKeyPrefixes(expr *query_parser.Expression) []string {
var prefixes []string
if IsKey(expr.Operand1) {
if expr.Operator.Type == query_parser.Like {
prefixes = append(prefixes, expr.Operand2.Prefix)
} else { // OpEqual
prefixes = append(prefixes, expr.Operand2.Literal)
return prefixes
if IsExpr(expr.Operand1) {
for _, p := range collectKeyPrefixes(expr.Operand1.Expr) {
prefixes = append(prefixes, p)
if IsExpr(expr.Operand2) {
for _, p := range collectKeyPrefixes(expr.Operand2.Expr) {
prefixes = append(prefixes, p)
return prefixes
// Check limit clause. Limit must be >= 1.
// Note: The parser will not allow negative numbers here.
func checkLimitClause(l *query_parser.LimitClause) *SemanticError {
if l == nil {
return nil
if l.Limit.Value < 1 {
return Error(l.Limit.Off, "Limit must be > 0.")
return nil
// Check results offset clause. Offset must be >= 0.
// Note: The parser will not allow negative numbers here, so this check is presently superfluous.
func checkResultsOffsetClause(o *query_parser.ResultsOffsetClause) *SemanticError {
if o == nil {
return nil
if o.ResultsOffset.Value < 0 {
return Error(o.ResultsOffset.Off, "Offset must be >= 0.")
return nil