blob: f9618d93c0b26068df3582cc0e5592df33c28f35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package nosql
import (
wire ""
// TODO(jlodhia): extract this test (along with the crtest helpers) to
// nosql_test, or alternatively, move the crtest helper to an internal dir.
// Client Code
// Client constants
const (
TaskIdPrefix = "task:"
ListIdPrefix = "list:"
List1 = "list:1"
Task1 = "task:1:1"
Task2 = "task:1:2"
HintListDelete = "ListDelete"
HintTextEdit = "TaskTextEdit"
HintDone = "TaskDoneToggle"
HintTaskDelete = "TaskDelete"
HintTaskAdd = "TaskAdd"
TextNew = "EditedText"
// Client data structures
type Task struct {
Text string
Done bool
DoneTs int64
ListId string
type List struct {
Name string
TaskCount int16
DoneCount int16
// Client conflict reolution impl
type ConflictResolverImpl struct {
func (ri *ConflictResolverImpl) OnConflict(ctx *context.T, conflict *Conflict) Resolution {
taskRows := findRowsByType(conflict, TaskIdPrefix)
result := ri.handleTasks(ctx, taskRows)
listRows := findRowsByType(conflict, ListIdPrefix)
ri.handleLists(ctx, listRows, result)
return Resolution{ResultSet: result}
// handleTasks does a merge of fields within each task under conflict.
// It handles conflict on fields as follows:
// Text: Last writer wins
// Done: Depends on DoneTs
// DoneTs: The side that is not equal to ancestor and is the lower of the two
// wins. This means that if a user marks a task done on one device
// and then later marks the same task done on another device that has
// not synced yet, the done timestamp that is selected will be from the
// former action.
func (ri *ConflictResolverImpl) handleTasks(ctx *context.T, tasks []ConflictRow) map[string]ResolvedRow {
result := map[string]ResolvedRow{}
for _, t := range tasks {
if isRowAdded(t) {
result[t.Key] = handleRowAdd(t)
if isRowDeleted(t) {
result[t.Key] = ResolvedRow{Key: t.Key, Result: nil}
var localTask, remoteTask, ancestorTask, resolvedTask Task
// prime the reolved task with local version for simplicity.
resolvedTask = localTask
// check field text for conflict
if localTask.Text != remoteTask.Text {
if remoteTask.Text != ancestorTask.Text {
if (localTask.Text == ancestorTask.Text) || (t.RemoteValue.WriteTs.After(t.LocalValue.WriteTs)) {
resolvedTask.Text = remoteTask.Text
// check field done for conflict
if localTask.DoneTs != remoteTask.DoneTs {
if remoteTask.DoneTs != ancestorTask.DoneTs {
if (localTask.DoneTs == ancestorTask.DoneTs) || (remoteTask.DoneTs < localTask.DoneTs) {
resolvedTask.DoneTs = remoteTask.DoneTs
resolvedTask.Done = remoteTask.Done
resValue, _ := NewValue(ctx, &resolvedTask)
result[t.Key] = ResolvedRow{Key: t.Key, Result: resValue}
return result
// handleLists does a merge of fields within each list under conflict. If a list
// is deleted, it looks at the resolution map, finds all tasks that belong to
// the list and changes the resolution to delete for those tasks.
// It handles conflict on fields as follows:
// Name: Last writer wins
// TaskCount: Add both counts and subtract the ancestor count.
// DoneCount: Add both counts and subtract the ancestor count.
// NOTE: The above counters are resolved in a naive way for simplicity of this
// test. There are many other ways to represent the counters in a more correct
// way.
func (ri *ConflictResolverImpl) handleLists(ctx *context.T, lists []ConflictRow, resolution map[string]ResolvedRow) {
for _, l := range lists {
if isRowAdded(l) {
resolution[l.Key] = handleRowAdd(l)
if isRowDeleted(l) {
resolution[l.Key] = ResolvedRow{Key: l.Key, Result: nil}
deleteTasksForList(resolution, l.Key)
var localList, remoteList, ancestorList, resolvedList List
// prime the reolved task with local version for simplicity.
resolvedList = localList
// check field Name for conflict
if localList.Name != remoteList.Name {
if remoteList.Name != ancestorList.Name {
if (localList.Name == ancestorList.Name) || (l.RemoteValue.WriteTs.After(l.LocalValue.WriteTs)) {
resolvedList.Name = remoteList.Name
// check field TaskCount for conflict
if localList.TaskCount != remoteList.TaskCount {
if remoteList.TaskCount != ancestorList.TaskCount {
if localList.TaskCount == ancestorList.TaskCount {
resolvedList.TaskCount = remoteList.TaskCount
} else {
resolvedList.TaskCount = localList.TaskCount + remoteList.TaskCount - ancestorList.TaskCount
// check field DoneCount for conflict
if localList.DoneCount != remoteList.DoneCount {
if remoteList.DoneCount != ancestorList.DoneCount {
if localList.DoneCount == ancestorList.DoneCount {
resolvedList.DoneCount = remoteList.DoneCount
} else {
resolvedList.DoneCount = localList.DoneCount + remoteList.DoneCount - ancestorList.DoneCount
resValue, _ := NewValue(ctx, &resolvedList)
resolution[l.Key] = ResolvedRow{Key: l.Key, Result: resValue}
func deleteTasksForList(resolution map[string]ResolvedRow, listKey string) {
// find key prefix for tasks belonging to list
taskKeyPrefix := strings.Replace(listKey, ListIdPrefix, TaskIdPrefix, 1) + ":"
for k, v := range resolution {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, taskKeyPrefix) {
v.Result = nil
resolution[k] = v
func handleRowAdd(r ConflictRow) ResolvedRow {
var resolvedTask *Value
// first one to add wins
if r.RemoteValue == nil {
resolvedTask = r.LocalValue
} else if r.LocalValue == nil {
resolvedTask = r.RemoteValue
} else if r.LocalValue.WriteTs.Before(r.RemoteValue.WriteTs) {
resolvedTask = r.LocalValue
} else {
resolvedTask = r.RemoteValue
return ResolvedRow{Key: r.Key, Result: resolvedTask}
func isRowDeleted(r ConflictRow) bool {
return r.AncestorValue != nil &&
(r.LocalValue == nil || r.RemoteValue == nil)
func isRowAdded(r ConflictRow) bool {
return r.AncestorValue == nil &&
(r.LocalValue != nil || r.RemoteValue != nil)
func findRowsByType(conflict *Conflict, typePrefix string) []ConflictRow {
rows := []ConflictRow{}
if conflict.WriteSet != nil {
for k, v := range conflict.WriteSet.ByKey {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, typePrefix) {
rows = append(rows, v)
return rows
// Tests
func TestConflictResolutionSingleObject(t *testing.T) {
mockConflit, expResult := simpleConflictStream(t)
RunTest(t, mockConflit, expResult, false)
func TestConflictResolutionAddDelete(t *testing.T) {
mockConflit, expResult := addDeleteConflictStream(t)
RunTest(t, mockConflit, expResult, true)
func TestConflictResolutionIntersectingConflicts(t *testing.T) {
mockConflict, expResult := twoIntersectingBatchesConflictStream(t)
RunTest(t, mockConflict, expResult, true)
func TestConflictResolutionListDelete(t *testing.T) {
mockConflit, expResult := listDeleteConflictsWithTaskAdd(t)
RunTest(t, mockConflit, expResult, true)
func RunTest(t *testing.T, mockConflit []wire.ConflictInfo, expResult map[string]wire.ResolutionInfo, singleBatch bool) {
db := NewDatabase("parentName", "db1", getSchema(&ConflictResolverImpl{}))
advance := func(st *crtestutil.State) bool {
if st.ValIndex >= len(mockConflit) {
st.IsBlocked = true
defer st.Mu.Unlock()
st.IsBlocked = false
st.Val = mockConflit[st.ValIndex]
return true
st := &crtestutil.State{}
crStream := &crtestutil.CrStreamImpl{
C: &crtestutil.ConflictStreamImpl{St: st, AdvanceFn: advance},
R: &crtestutil.ResolutionStreamImpl{St: st},
db.c = crtestutil.MockDbClient(db.c, crStream)
db.crState.reconnectWaitTime = 10 * time.Millisecond
ctx, _ := context.RootContext()
st.Mu.Lock() // causes Advance() to block
for i := 0; i < 100 && (len(st.Result) != len(expResult)); i++ {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) // wait till Advance() call is blocked
if len(st.Result) != len(expResult) {
t.Errorf("\n Unexpected number of results. Expected: %d, actual: %d", len(expResult), len(st.Result))
for i, result := range st.Result {
compareResult(t, expResult[result.Key], result)
if singleBatch {
if result.Continued != (i < len(st.Result)-1) {
t.Error("\nUnexpected value for continued in single batch")
} else {
if result.Continued != false {
t.Error("\nUnexpected value for continued in multi batch")
// Test helpers to create test data
// Consider a database with a list List1 with two tasks Task1, Task2. The
// following helper methods create conflicts with these three objects in various
// ways.
// simpleConflictStream prepares a conflict stream with two conflicts, one
// each for Task1 and Task2. No batch is involved and Task1 is independent of
// Task2. Assume that List does not get updated for these task updates.
// Local syncbase changes Text field for Task1 and marks Task2 done.
// Remote syncbase marks Task1 done and Task2 done.
// Expected result is a merge for Task1 and Task2.
func simpleConflictStream(t *testing.T) ([]wire.ConflictInfo, map[string]wire.ResolutionInfo) {
// Conflict for task1
row1 := makeRowInfo(Task1,
encode(&Task{"OriginalText", false, -1, List1}), 1, // ancestor
encode(&Task{TextNew, false, -1, List1}), 3, // local
encode(&Task{"OriginalText", true, 20, List1}), 2) // remote
c1 := makeConflictInfo(row1, false)
// Expected result
r1 := makeResolution(Task1, encode(&Task{TextNew, true, 20, List1}), wire.ValueSelectionOther)
// Conflict for task2
row2 := makeRowInfo(Task2,
encode(&Task{"Text1", false, -1, List1}), 1, // ancestor
encode(&Task{"Text1", true, 100, List1}), 3, // local
encode(&Task{"Text1", true, 20, List1}), 2) // remote
c2 := makeConflictInfo(row2, false)
// Expected result
r2 := makeResolution(Task2, encode(&Task{"Text1", true, 20, List1}),
wire.ValueSelectionOther) // for simplicity the test resolver does not optimize
respMap := map[string]wire.ResolutionInfo{}
respMap[r1.Key] = r1
respMap[r2.Key] = r2
return []wire.ConflictInfo{c1, c2}, respMap
// addDeleteConflictStream prepares a conflict stream with one conflict
// containing Task1, Task2 and List1. List contains a task count and hence
// addition and deletion of task leads to update to the list.
// Local syncbase deletes Task1 and updates List1 in a batch.
// Remote syncbase adds Task2 and updates List1 in a batch.
// Expected result is Task1 gets deleted, Task2 gets added and List1 shows
// the correct taskcount after the two operations.
func addDeleteConflictStream(t *testing.T) ([]wire.ConflictInfo, map[string]wire.ResolutionInfo) {
// Batch1 is local and contains task1 and list1
b1 := makeConflictBatch(1, HintTaskDelete, wire.BatchSourceLocal, true)
// Batch2 is remote and contains task2 and list1
b2 := makeConflictBatch(2, HintTaskAdd, wire.BatchSourceRemote, true)
// Deletion for task1 on local syncbase
row1 := makeRowInfo(Task1,
encode(&Task{"TaskToBeRemoved", false, -1, List1}), 1, // ancestor
nil, -1, // local
encode(&Task{"TaskToBeRemoved", false, -1, List1}), 1) // remote
row1.BatchIds = []uint16{1}
c1 := makeConflictInfo(row1, true)
// Expected result
r1 := makeResolution(Task1, nil, wire.ValueSelectionOther)
// Addition for task2 on remote syncbase
row2 := makeRowInfo(Task2,
nil, -1, // ancestor value
nil, -1, // local value
encode(&Task{"AddedTask", false, -1, List1}), 2) // remote value
row2.BatchIds = []uint16{2}
c2 := makeConflictInfo(row2, true)
// Expected result
r2 := makeResolution(Task2, encode(&Task{"AddedTask", false, -1, List1}), wire.ValueSelectionRemote)
// Update to List on both sided on filed TaskCount
listName := "Groceries"
row3 := makeRowInfo(List1,
encode(&List{listName, 8, 0}), 25, // ancestor value
encode(&List{listName, 7, 0}), 33, // local value
encode(&List{listName, 9, 0}), 44) // remote value
row3.BatchIds = []uint16{1, 2}
c3 := makeConflictInfo(row3, false)
// Expected result
r3 := makeResolution(List1, encode(&List{listName, 8, 0}), wire.ValueSelectionOther)
respMap := map[string]wire.ResolutionInfo{}
respMap[r1.Key] = r1
respMap[r2.Key] = r2
respMap[r3.Key] = r3
return []wire.ConflictInfo{b1, b2, c1, c2, c3}, respMap
// twoIntersectingBatchesConflictStream prepares a conflict stream with one
// conflict containing Task1, Task2 and List1. Here we assume that List keeps
// a count of done tasks.
// Local syncbase marks Task1 done and updates done count on List1. Later it
// it also marks Task2 done and updates done count on List1.
// Remote syncbase updates field Text on Task1 followed by an update to field
// Text on Task2 (not in a batch).
// Expected result is a merge for Task1 and Task2 and Local version of List1
// being accepted.
func twoIntersectingBatchesConflictStream(t *testing.T) ([]wire.ConflictInfo, map[string]wire.ResolutionInfo) {
// Batch1 is local and contains task1 and list1
b1 := makeConflictBatch(1, HintDone, wire.BatchSourceLocal, true)
// Batch2 is local and contains task2 and list1
b2 := makeConflictBatch(2, HintDone, wire.BatchSourceLocal, true)
// Batch3 is remote and contains task1
b3 := makeConflictBatch(3, HintTextEdit, wire.BatchSourceRemote, true)
// Batch4 is remote and contains task2
b4 := makeConflictBatch(4, HintTextEdit, wire.BatchSourceRemote, true)
// For task1, mark done on local and edit text on remote
row1 := makeRowInfo(Task1,
encode(&Task{"TaskOrig", false, -1, List1}), 1, // ancestor
encode(&Task{"TaskOrig", true, 204, List1}), 5, // local
encode(&Task{"TaskEdit", false, -1, List1}), 3) // remote
row1.BatchIds = []uint16{1, 3}
c1 := makeConflictInfo(row1, true)
// Expected result
r1 := makeResolution(Task1, encode(&Task{"TaskEdit", true, 204, List1}), wire.ValueSelectionOther)
// For task2, mark done on local and edit text on remote
row2 := makeRowInfo(Task2,
encode(&Task{"TaskOrig", false, -1, List1}), 2, // ancestor
encode(&Task{"TaskOrig", true, 204, List1}), 5, // local
encode(&Task{"TaskEdit", false, -1, List1}), 3) // remote
row2.BatchIds = []uint16{2, 4}
c2 := makeConflictInfo(row2, true)
// Expected result
r2 := makeResolution(Task2, encode(&Task{"TaskEdit", true, 204, List1}), wire.ValueSelectionOther)
// Update to List on Local for updating TaskDoneCount
listName := "Groceries"
row3 := makeRowInfo(List1,
encode(&List{listName, 8, 0}), 1, // ancestor value
encode(&List{listName, 8, 2}), 5, // local value
encode(&List{listName, 8, 0}), 3) // remote value
row3.BatchIds = []uint16{1, 2}
c3 := makeConflictInfo(row3, false)
// Expected result
r3 := makeResolution(List1, encode(&List{listName, 8, 2}), wire.ValueSelectionOther)
respMap := map[string]wire.ResolutionInfo{}
respMap[r1.Key] = r1
respMap[r2.Key] = r2
respMap[r3.Key] = r3
return []wire.ConflictInfo{b1, b2, b3, b4, c1, c2, c3}, respMap
// listDeleteConflictsWithTaskAdd prepares a conflict stream with one
// conflict containing Task1, Task2 and List1. Assume Task2 does not exist yet.
// Local syncbase deletes List1 and Task1 as a batch.
// Remote syncbase adds Task2 along with an update to List1 as a batch.
// Expected result is deletion of List1, Task1 and Task2.
func listDeleteConflictsWithTaskAdd(t *testing.T) ([]wire.ConflictInfo, map[string]wire.ResolutionInfo) {
// Batch1 is local and contains task1 and list1
b1 := makeConflictBatch(1, HintListDelete, wire.BatchSourceLocal, true)
// Batch2 is remote and contains task2 and list1
b2 := makeConflictBatch(2, HintTaskAdd, wire.BatchSourceRemote, true)
// Delition for list1 on local syncbase
listName := "Groceries"
row0 := makeRowInfo(List1,
encode(&List{listName, 1, 0}), 1, // ancestor value
nil, 5, // local value
encode(&List{listName, 2, 0}), 3) // remote value
row0.BatchIds = []uint16{1, 2}
c0 := makeConflictInfo(row0, true)
// Expected result
r0 := makeResolution(List1, nil, wire.ValueSelectionOther)
// Deletion for task1 on local syncbase along with list1
row1 := makeRowInfo(Task1,
encode(&Task{"TaskToBeRemoved", false, -1, List1}), 1, // ancestor
nil, -1, // local
encode(&Task{"TaskToBeRemoved", false, -1, List1}), 1) // remote
row1.BatchIds = []uint16{1}
c1 := makeConflictInfo(row1, true)
// Expected result
r1 := makeResolution(Task1, nil, wire.ValueSelectionOther)
// Addition for task2 on remote syncbase
row2 := makeRowInfo(Task2,
nil, -1, // ancestor value
nil, -1, // local value
encode(&Task{"AddedTask", false, -1, List1}), 2) // remote value
row2.BatchIds = []uint16{2}
c2 := makeConflictInfo(row2, false)
// Expected result
r2 := makeResolution(Task2, nil, wire.ValueSelectionOther)
respMap := map[string]wire.ResolutionInfo{}
respMap[r0.Key] = r0
respMap[r1.Key] = r1
respMap[r2.Key] = r2
return []wire.ConflictInfo{b1, b2, c0, c1, c2}, respMap
func makeResolution(key string, result []byte, selection wire.ValueSelection) wire.ResolutionInfo {
r := wire.ResolutionInfo{}
r.Key = key
if result != nil {
r.Result = &wire.Value{
Bytes: result,
WriteTs: -1,
r.Selection = selection
return r
func makeConflictBatch(id uint16, hint string, source wire.BatchSource, continued bool) wire.ConflictInfo {
batch := wire.BatchInfo{Id: id, Hint: hint, Source: source}
return wire.ConflictInfo{Data: wire.ConflictDataBatch{Value: batch}, Continued: continued}
func makeConflictInfo(row wire.RowInfo, continued bool) wire.ConflictInfo {
return wire.ConflictInfo{
Data: wire.ConflictDataRow{Value: row},
Continued: continued,
func makeRowInfo(key string, ancestor []byte, ats int64, local []byte, lts int64, remote []byte, rts int64) wire.RowInfo {
op := wire.RowOp{}
op.Key = key
if ancestor != nil {
op.AncestorValue = &wire.Value{
Bytes: ancestor,
WriteTs: ats,
if local != nil {
op.LocalValue = &wire.Value{
Bytes: local,
WriteTs: lts,
if remote != nil {
op.RemoteValue = &wire.Value{
Bytes: remote,
WriteTs: rts,
return wire.RowInfo{
Op: wire.OperationWrite{Value: op},
func compareResult(t *testing.T, expected wire.ResolutionInfo, actual wire.ResolutionInfo) {
if actual.Key != expected.Key {
t.Error("Key does not match")
if actual.Selection != expected.Selection {
t.Errorf("Key: %s", expected.Key)
t.Errorf("Expected selection: %v, actual selection: %v", expected.Selection, actual.Selection)
if (expected.Result == nil) && (actual.Result != nil) {
t.Errorf("Key: %s", expected.Key)
t.Error("Result expected to be nil but found non nil")
if expected.Result != nil {
if actual.Result == nil {
t.Errorf("Key: %s", expected.Key)
t.Error("Result found nil")
if bytes.Compare(actual.Result.Bytes, expected.Result.Bytes) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Key: %s", expected.Key)
t.Error("Result bytes do not match")
func encode(value interface{}) []byte {
v, _ := vom.Encode(value)
return v