blob: bb385e0028b7cdea59d2a584575f1685408ac930 [file] [log] [blame]
SHELL := /bin/bash -euo pipefail
PWD := $(shell pwd)
V23_GOPATH := $(shell echo `v23 run env | grep GOPATH | cut -d\= -f2`)
DART_FILES := $(shell find $(PWD)/dart -name *.dart ! -name *.part.dart)
GO_FILES := $(shell find go/src -name "*.go")
V23_GO_FILES := $(shell find $(V23_ROOT) -name "*.go")
ifndef MOJO_DIR
$(error MOJO_DIR is not set: $(MOJO_DIR))
# TODO(nlacasse): Serve mojo resources over HTTP so they are accessible to
# Android. Currently everything is served off the local filesystem, which
# will not work on Android. Until then, Android support is disabled.
$(error Android is currently not supported.)
# Configure compiler and linker for Android.
GO_BIN := $(MOJO_DIR)/src/third_party/go/tool/android_arm/bin/go
GO_FLAGS := -tags=mojo -ldflags=-shared
MOJO_BUILD_DIR := $(MOJO_DIR)/src/out/android_Debug
MOJO_FLAGS := --android
MOJO_SHARED_LIB := $(PWD)/gen/lib/android/libsystem_thunk.a
# Configure compiler and linker for Linux.
GO_BIN := $(MOJO_DIR)/src/third_party/go/tool/linux_amd64/bin/go
GO_FLAGS := -tags=mojo -ldflags=-shared -buildmode=c-shared
MOJO_BUILD_DIR := $(MOJO_DIR)/src/out/Debug
MOJO_SHARED_LIB := $(PWD)/gen/lib/linux_amd64/libsystem_thunk.a
# Compiles a Go program and links against the Mojo C shared library.
# $1 is input filename.
# $2 is output filename.
# See $(MOJO_DIR)/mojo/go/ for description of arguments to (aka
# MOJO_GOPATH must be exported so it can be picked up by MOGO_BIN.
export MOJO_GOPATH := $(V23_GOPATH):$(PWD)/gen/go:$(PWD)/go:$(MOJO_BUILD_DIR)/gen/go
MOGO_BIN := $(MOJO_DIR)/src/mojo/go/
mkdir -p $(dir $2)
$(GO_BIN) \
$(shell mktemp -d) \
$(PWD)/$(2) \
$(MOJO_DIR)/src \
$(PWD)/gen \
"-I$(MOJO_DIR)/src" \
"-L$(dir $(MOJO_SHARED_LIB)) -lsystem_thunk" \
build $(GO_FLAGS) $1
# Generates go bindings from .mojom file.
# $1 is input filename.
# $2 is output directory.
# $3 is language (go, dart, ...).
MOJOM_BIN := $(MOJO_DIR)/src/mojo/public/tools/bindings/
define MOJOM_GEN
mkdir -p $2
$(MOJOM_BIN) $1 -d . -o $2 -g $3
all: test
# Builds the shared library that Mojo services must be linked with.
ifeq ($(wildcard $(MOJO_BUILD_DIR)),)
$(error ERROR: $(MOJO_BUILD_DIR) does not exist. Please see for instructions on compiling Mojo resources.)
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
ar rcs $@ $(MOJO_BUILD_DIR)/obj/mojo/public/platform/native/system.system_thunks.o
.PHONY: gen-mojom
# TODO(nlacasse): The echo_client and echo_server are currently used to test
# compilation and mojom binding generation. We should remove them once they
# are no longer needed.
gen-mojom: dart/lib/gen/dart-pkg/mojom/lib/mojo/echo.mojom.dart gen/go/src/mojom/echo/echo.mojom.go
gen-mojom: dart/lib/gen/dart-pkg/mojom/lib/mojo/syncbase.mojom.dart gen/go/src/mojom/syncbase/syncbase.mojom.go
dart/lib/gen/dart-pkg/mojom/lib/mojo/echo.mojom.dart: mojom/echo.mojom
$(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,dart/lib/gen,dart)
# TODO(nlacasse): Figure out why mojom_bindings_generator creates these bad
# symlinks on dart files.
rm -f dart/lib/gen/mojom/echo.mojom.dart
dart/lib/gen/dart-pkg/mojom/lib/mojo/syncbase.mojom.dart: mojom/syncbase.mojom
$(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,dart/lib/gen,dart)
# TODO(nlacasse): Figure out why mojom_bindings_generator creates these bad
# symlinks on dart files.
rm -f dart/lib/gen/mojom/syncbase.mojom.dart
gen/go/src/mojom/echo/echo.mojom.go: mojom/echo.mojom
$(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,gen,go)
gofmt -w $@
gen/go/src/mojom/syncbase/syncbase.mojom.go: mojom/syncbase.mojom
$(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,gen,go)
gofmt -w $@
gen/mojo/echo_server.mojo: $(GO_FILES) gen-mojom $(MOJO_SHARED_LIB)
$(call MOGO_BUILD,$(PWD)/go/src/echo_server.go,$@)
gen/mojo/syncbase_server.mojo: $(GO_FILES) $(V23_GO_FILES) gen-mojom $(MOJO_SHARED_LIB)
$(call MOGO_BUILD,,$@)
# Check that the dart-style is being met. Note: Comments are ignored when
# checking whitespace.
.PHONY: check-fmt
dartfmt -n $(DART_FILES)
# Lint src and test files with dartanalyzer. This takes a few seconds.
.PHONY: dartanalyzer
dartanalyzer: dart/packages gen-mojom
# TODO(nlacasse): Fix dart mojom binding generator so it does not produce
# files that violate dartanalyzer. For now, we use "grep -v" to hide all
# warnings from *.mojom.dart files.
cd dart && dartanalyzer bin/*.dart lib/*.dart test/*.dart | grep -v '\.mojom\.dart'
# Installs dart dependencies.
dart/packages: dart/pubspec.yaml
cd dart && pub get
# TODO(nlacasse): Remove this task and dart/bin/syncbase.dart when the tests
# are stable enough to reliably test syncbase.
.PHONY: run-syncbase-app
run-syncbase-app: gen/mojo/syncbase_server.mojo gen-mojom dart/packages
$(MOJO_DIR)/src/mojo/devtools/common/mojo_run $(MOJO_FLAGS) -v --enable-multiprocess $(PWD)/dart/bin/syncbase.dart
.PHONY: test
test: dart/packages gen-mojom gen/mojo/echo_server.mojo
# TODO(nlacasse): These tests sometimes hang. I suspect some connection is
# not getting closed properly. More debugging is necessary.
# TODO(nlacasse): We should be passing "--enable-multiprocess" here, since
# that is usually needed for Go Mojo services. However, using that flag
# causes the test runner to crash on exit with "Connection error to the
# shell". The tests somehow run and pass without that flag, so maybe it's
# not necessary?
$(MOJO_DIR)/src/mojo/devtools/common/mojo_test $(MOJO_FLAGS) -v --shell-path $(MOJO_DIR)/src/out/Debug/mojo_shell tests
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf gen
rm -rf dart/{lib/gen,packages,.packages,pubspec.lock}