blob: 18790b9172b2a8982822bb1eca70498ad0242f8b [file] [log] [blame]
import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
import 'my_button.dart';
import 'dart:sky' as sky;
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math.dart' as vector_math;
class HelloWorldApp extends App {
int counter = 0;
String debug = '';
int counter2 = 0;
// String debug2 = '';
// Accumulators for the current scroll.
double dx = 0.0;
double dy = 0.0;
Transform makeTransform() {
return new Transform(
child: new MyButton(
child: new Text('Engage'),
onPressed: _handleOnPressedCallback,
onScrollStart: _handleOnScrollStartCallback,
onScrollUpdate: _handleOnScrollUpdateCallback
transform: new vector_math.Matrix4.identity().translate(-dx, dy)
void _handleOnPressedCallback(sky.Event e) {
setState(() {
sky.GestureEvent ge = e as sky.GestureEvent;
debug = '(${ge.x.toStringAsFixed(3)}, ${ge.y.toStringAsFixed(3)})';//ge.toString();
void _handleOnScrollStartCallback(sky.Event e) {
setState(() {
//dx = 0.0;
//dy = 0.0;
//sky.GestureEvent ge = e as sky.GestureEvent;
//debug2 = '${ge.x} ${ge.y}';
// The field names were found from here:
//'${ge.x} ${ge.y}';
//'${ge.dx} ${ge.dy}'; I didn't see this on scroll either though... T_T
//'${ge.velocityX} ${ge.velocityY}'; Is this for fling?
void _handleOnScrollUpdateCallback(sky.Event e) {
setState(() {
sky.GestureEvent ge = e as sky.GestureEvent;
dx += ge.dx;
dy += ge.dy;
// debug3 = '${ge.dx} ${ge.dy}'; // Was this one for scroll update then?
// The field names were found from here:
//'${ge.x} ${ge.y}';
//'${ge.dx} ${ge.dy}'; I didn't see this on scroll either though... T_T
//'${ge.velocityX} ${ge.velocityY}'; Is this for fling?
//this.rt.transform.translate(ge.dx, ge.dy);
//this.translate(dx, dy);
Widget build() {
return new Center(child: new Block([
new Center(child: new Text('Hello, world!')),
new Center(child: new Text('Tap #${counter}: ${debug}')),
new Center(child: new Text('Scroll #${counter2}: (${dx.toStringAsFixed(3)}, ${dy.toStringAsFixed(3)})')),
new Center(child: new Text('We did it!')),
new Center(child: new MyToolBar()),
void main() {
runApp(new HelloWorldApp());
/*import 'package:sky/widgets/basic.dart';
class DemoApp extends App {
Widget build() {
return new Center(child: new MyToolBar());
void main() {
runApp(new DemoApp());
class MyToolBar extends Component {
Widget build() {
return new Container(
decoration: const BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: const Color(0xFF00FFFF)
height: 56.0,
padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
child: new Flex([
new NetworkImage(src: 'menu.png', width: 25.0, height: 25.0),
new Flexible(child: new Text('My awesome toolbar')),
new NetworkImage(src: 'search.png', width: 25.0, height: 25.0),
// A component must build its widget in order to be a Widget.
// Widgets, however, just are what they are.
// Everything extends off Widget, but some are Component and some aren't, like
// the RenderObjectWrapper's. How do they manage to draw themselves? syncChild is the thing that is generally called.
// sky/widgets/basic.dart has all of these...
// So if I want to position something on my own... I could use Padding/Center in terms of widgets.
// But which one takes a Point or Offset?
// Hm... So I think we want to just position, we could use a Container or Transform
// Transform uses a matrix4 which is really inconvenient...
// new Matrix4.identity().scale? .rotate? .translate?
// RenderTransform works too instead of Transform. I guess.