blob: ae9bee066cd52f520759536e2582a3524ca16c94 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, Viktor Dakalov. All rights reserved. Use of this source code
// is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:dlog/dlog.dart';
main() {
var json = JSON.decode('{"name": "Nikolay", "age": 21, "roles": ["admin", "developer"]}');
test("Output", (){
var debug = new Json(data: json, title: "Json simple"),
output = [
'Json simple',
' name: "Nikolay",',
' age: 21,',
' roles: [',
' 0: "admin",',
' 1: "developer"',
' ]',
'}', ''];
expect(debug.toString(), output.join(debug.endOfLineUnicode));
test("Max string length", (){
var debug = new Json(data: json, title: "Json simple"),
output = [
'Json simple',
' name: "Nikol...",',
' age: 21,',
' roles: [',
' 0: "admin",',
' 1: "devel..."',
' ]',
'}', ''];
debug.maxStringLen = 5;
expect(debug.toString(), output.join(debug.endOfLineUnicode));
test("Custom parser", (){
var debug = new Json(data: json, title: "Json simple"),
output = [
'Json simple',
' name: "Nikolay",',
' age: <int> 21,',
' roles: [',
' 0: "admin",',
' 1: "developer"',
' ]',
'}', ''];
debug.parsers["int"] = (int num) => "<int> $num" ;
expect(debug.toString(), output.join(debug.endOfLineUnicode));