blob: 22d1d403931f03d187622365360ee9ca2952cbcb [file] [log] [blame]
package com.smartcodeltd.jenkinsci.plugins.buildmonitor.viewmodel;
class Duration {//todo: extract the Duration class, or move it to a BuildView class
private final long duration;
private final static long MILLISECOND = 1;
private final static long SECONDS = 1000 * MILLISECOND;
private final static long MINUTES = 60 * SECONDS;
private final static long HOURS = 60 * MINUTES;
public Duration(long milliseconds) {
this.duration = milliseconds;
public long hours() {
return duration / HOURS;
public long minutes() {
return (duration - (hours() * HOURS)) / MINUTES;
public long seconds() {
return (duration - (hours() * HOURS) - (minutes() * MINUTES)) / SECONDS;
public boolean greaterThan(Duration otherDuration) {
return duration > otherDuration.toLong();
public String toString() {
String formatted;
formatted = hours() > 0 ? hours() + "h " : "";
formatted += minutes() > 0 ? minutes() + "m " : "";
formatted += seconds() + "s";
return formatted;
private long toLong() {
return duration;