blob: 4a04b0436009ff8d4ceeee3522c5889b97b30516 [file] [log] [blame]
package gatt
// This file includes constants from the BLE spec.
var (
attrGAPUUID = UUID16(0x1800)
attrGATTUUID = UUID16(0x1801)
attrPrimaryServiceUUID = UUID16(0x2800)
attrSecondaryServiceUUID = UUID16(0x2801)
attrIncludeUUID = UUID16(0x2802)
attrCharacteristicUUID = UUID16(0x2803)
attrClientCharacteristicConfigUUID = UUID16(0x2902)
attrServerCharacteristicConfigUUID = UUID16(0x2903)
attrDeviceNameUUID = UUID16(0x2A00)
attrAppearanceUUID = UUID16(0x2A01)
attrPeripheralPrivacyUUID = UUID16(0x2A02)
attrReconnectionAddrUUID = UUID16(0x2A03)
attrPeferredParamsUUID = UUID16(0x2A04)
attrServiceChangedUUID = UUID16(0x2A05)
const (
gattCCCNotifyFlag = 0x0001
gattCCCIndicateFlag = 0x0002
const (
attOpError = 0x01
attOpMtuReq = 0x02
attOpMtuRsp = 0x03
attOpFindInfoReq = 0x04
attOpFindInfoRsp = 0x05
attOpFindByTypeValueReq = 0x06
attOpFindByTypeValueRsp = 0x07
attOpReadByTypeReq = 0x08
attOpReadByTypeRsp = 0x09
attOpReadReq = 0x0a
attOpReadRsp = 0x0b
attOpReadBlobReq = 0x0c
attOpReadBlobRsp = 0x0d
attOpReadMultiReq = 0x0e
attOpReadMultiRsp = 0x0f
attOpReadByGroupReq = 0x10
attOpReadByGroupRsp = 0x11
attOpWriteReq = 0x12
attOpWriteRsp = 0x13
attOpWriteCmd = 0x52
attOpPrepWriteReq = 0x16
attOpPrepWriteRsp = 0x17
attOpExecWriteReq = 0x18
attOpExecWriteRsp = 0x19
attOpHandleNotify = 0x1b
attOpHandleInd = 0x1d
attOpHandleCnf = 0x1e
attOpSignedWriteCmd = 0xd2
type attEcode byte
const (
attEcodeSuccess attEcode = 0x00 // Success
attEcodeInvalidHandle attEcode = 0x01 // The attribute handle given was not valid on this server.
attEcodeReadNotPerm attEcode = 0x02 // The attribute cannot be read.
attEcodeWriteNotPerm attEcode = 0x03 // The attribute cannot be written.
attEcodeInvalidPDU attEcode = 0x04 // The attribute PDU was invalid.
attEcodeAuthentication attEcode = 0x05 // The attribute requires authentication before it can be read or written.
attEcodeReqNotSupp attEcode = 0x06 // Attribute server does not support the request received from the client.
attEcodeInvalidOffset attEcode = 0x07 // Offset specified was past the end of the attribute.
attEcodeAuthorization attEcode = 0x08 // The attribute requires authorization before it can be read or written.
attEcodePrepQueueFull attEcode = 0x09 // Too many prepare writes have been queued.
attEcodeAttrNotFound attEcode = 0x0a // No attribute found within the given attribute handle range.
attEcodeAttrNotLong attEcode = 0x0b // The attribute cannot be read or written using the Read Blob Request.
attEcodeInsuffEncrKeySize attEcode = 0x0c // The Encryption Key Size used for encrypting this link is insufficient.
attEcodeInvalAttrValueLen attEcode = 0x0d // The attribute value length is invalid for the operation.
attEcodeUnlikely attEcode = 0x0e // The attribute request that was requested has encountered an error that was unlikely, and therefore could not be completed as requested.
attEcodeInsuffEnc attEcode = 0x0f // The attribute requires encryption before it can be read or written.
attEcodeUnsuppGrpType attEcode = 0x10 // The attribute type is not a supported grouping attribute as defined by a higher layer specification.
attEcodeInsuffResources attEcode = 0x11 // Insufficient Resources to complete the request.
func (a attEcode) Error() string {
switch i := int(a); {
case i < 0x11:
return attEcodeName[a]
case i >= 0x12 && i <= 0x7F: // Reserved for future use
return "reserved error code"
case i >= 0x80 && i <= 0x9F: // Application Error, defined by higher level
return "reserved error code"
case i >= 0xA0 && i <= 0xDF: // Reserved for future use
return "reserved error code"
case i >= 0xE0 && i <= 0xFF: // Common profile and service error codes
return "profile or service error"
default: // can't happen, just make compiler happy
return "unkown error"
var attEcodeName = map[attEcode]string{
attEcodeSuccess: "success",
attEcodeInvalidHandle: "invalid handle",
attEcodeReadNotPerm: "read not permitted",
attEcodeWriteNotPerm: "write not permitted",
attEcodeInvalidPDU: "invalid PDU",
attEcodeAuthentication: "insufficient authentication",
attEcodeReqNotSupp: "request not supported",
attEcodeInvalidOffset: "invalid offset",
attEcodeAuthorization: "insufficient authorization",
attEcodePrepQueueFull: "prepare queue full",
attEcodeAttrNotFound: "attribute not found",
attEcodeAttrNotLong: "attribute not long",
attEcodeInsuffEncrKeySize: "insufficient encryption key size",
attEcodeInvalAttrValueLen: "invalid attribute value length",
attEcodeUnlikely: "unlikely error",
attEcodeInsuffEnc: "insufficient encryption",
attEcodeUnsuppGrpType: "unsupported group type",
attEcodeInsuffResources: "insufficient resources",
func attErrorRsp(op byte, h uint16, s attEcode) []byte {
return attErr{opcode: op, attr: h, status: s}.Marshal()
// attRspFor maps from att request
// codes to att response codes.
var attRspFor = map[byte]byte{
attOpMtuReq: attOpMtuRsp,
attOpFindInfoReq: attOpFindInfoRsp,
attOpFindByTypeValueReq: attOpFindByTypeValueRsp,
attOpReadByTypeReq: attOpReadByTypeRsp,
attOpReadReq: attOpReadRsp,
attOpReadBlobReq: attOpReadBlobRsp,
attOpReadMultiReq: attOpReadMultiRsp,
attOpReadByGroupReq: attOpReadByGroupRsp,
attOpWriteReq: attOpWriteRsp,
attOpPrepWriteReq: attOpPrepWriteRsp,
attOpExecWriteReq: attOpExecWriteRsp,
type attErr struct {
opcode uint8
attr uint16
status attEcode
// TODO: Reformulate in a way that lets the caller avoid allocs.
// Accept a []byte? Write directly to an io.Writer?
func (e attErr) Marshal() []byte {
// little-endian encoding for attr
return []byte{attOpError, e.opcode, byte(e.attr), byte(e.attr >> 8), byte(e.status)}