blob: 1ee5fe432ce68a41c7e028d4122aa2bcd8208b44 [file] [log] [blame]
// +build
package main
import (
func main() {
d, err := gatt.NewDevice(option.DefaultServerOptions...)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to open device, err: %s", err)
// Register optional handlers.
gatt.CentralConnected(func(c gatt.Central) { fmt.Println("Connect: ", c.ID()) }),
gatt.CentralDisconnected(func(c gatt.Central) { fmt.Println("Disconnect: ", c.ID()) }),
// A mandatory handler for monitoring device state.
onStateChanged := func(d gatt.Device, s gatt.State) {
fmt.Printf("State: %s\n", s)
switch s {
case gatt.StatePoweredOn:
// Setup GAP and GATT services for Linux implementation.
// OS X doesn't export the access of these services.
d.AddService(service.NewGapService("Gopher")) // no effect on OS X
d.AddService(service.NewGattService()) // no effect on OS X
// A simple count service for demo.
s1 := service.NewCountService()
// A fake battery service for demo.
s2 := service.NewBatteryService()
// Advertise device name and service's UUIDs.
d.AdvertiseNameAndServices("Gopher", []gatt.UUID{s1.UUID(), s2.UUID()})
// Advertise as an OpenBeacon iBeacon
d.AdvertiseIBeacon(gatt.MustParseUUID("AA6062F098CA42118EC4193EB73CCEB6"), 1, 2, -59)
select {}