blob: 5d2481ce67065e94cc25d9f62a77de259494d040 [file] [log] [blame]
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mdns
// Helper routines for creating/manipulating dns messages.
import (
// Create a new (unpacked) dns message and initialize the fields.
func newDnsMsg(id uint16, response, authoritative bool) *dns.Msg {
msg := new(dns.Msg)
msg.ID = id
msg.Response = response
msg.Authoritative = authoritative
msg.Question = make([]dns.Question, 0)
msg.Answer = make([]dns.RR, 0, 0)
msg.NS = make([]dns.RR, 0, 0)
msg.Extra = make([]dns.RR, 0, 0)
return msg
// Returns an A or AAAA RR, whichever is appropriate for the passed in address.
func NewAddressRR(name string, class uint16, ttl uint32, ip net.IP) dns.RR {
var rr dns.RR
if v4 := ip.To4(); v4 != nil {
rra := new(dns.RR_A)
rra.A = (uint32(v4[0]) << 24) | (uint32(v4[1]) << 16) | (uint32(v4[2]) << 8) | uint32(v4[3])
rra.Header().Rrtype = dns.TypeA
rr = rra
} else {
rraaaa := new(dns.RR_AAAA)
copy(rraaaa.AAAA[:], ip)
rraaaa.Header().Rrtype = dns.TypeAAAA
rr = rraaaa
rr.Header().Name = name
rr.Header().Class = class
rr.Header().Ttl = ttl
return rr
// Returns a SRV RR.
func NewSrvRR(name string, class uint16, ttl uint32, target string, port, priority, weight uint16) dns.RR {
return &dns.RR_SRV{dns.RR_Header{name, dns.TypeSRV, class, ttl, 0}, priority, weight, port, target}
// Returns a TXT RR. This is a limited TXT RR that can contain only one string
func NewTxtRR(name string, class uint16, ttl uint32, txt []string) dns.RR {
if txt == nil {
txt = []string{""}
return &dns.RR_TXT{dns.RR_Header{name, dns.TypeTXT, class, ttl, 0}, txt}
// Returns a PTR RR.
func NewPtrRR(name string, class uint16, ttl uint32, ptr string) dns.RR {
return &dns.RR_PTR{dns.RR_Header{name, dns.TypePTR, class, ttl, 0}, ptr}
// Convert an A RR into a net.IP
func AtoIP(rr *dns.RR_A) net.IP {
ip := make([]byte, 4)
ip[0] = byte(rr.A >> 24)
ip[1] = byte(rr.A >> 16)
ip[2] = byte(rr.A >> 8)
ip[3] = byte(rr.A)
return ip
// Convert an AAAA RR into a net.IP
func AAAAtoIP(rr *dns.RR_AAAA) net.IP {
ip := make([]byte, 16)
copy(ip, rr.AAAA[:])
return ip