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* GIDSignIn.h
* Google Sign-In iOS SDK
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Use of this SDK is subject to the Google APIs Terms of Service:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@class GIDGoogleUser;
@class GIDSignIn;
// The error domain for NSErrors returned by the Google Identity SDK.
extern NSString *const kGIDSignInErrorDomain;
// A list of potential error codes returned from the Google Identity SDK.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, GIDSignInErrorCode) {
// Indicates an unknown error has occured.
kGIDSignInErrorCodeUnknown = -1,
// Indicates a problem reading or writing to the application keychain.
kGIDSignInErrorCodeKeychain = -2,
// Indicates no appropriate applications are installed on the user's device which can handle
// sign-in. This code will only ever be returned if using webview and switching to browser have
// both been disabled.
kGIDSignInErrorCodeNoSignInHandlersInstalled = -3,
// Indicates there are no auth tokens in the keychain. This error code will be returned by
// signInSilently if the user has never signed in before with the given scopes, or if they have
// since signed out.
kGIDSignInErrorCodeHasNoAuthInKeychain = -4,
// Indicates the user canceled the sign in request.
kGIDSignInErrorCodeCanceled = -5,
// A protocol implemented by the delegate of |GIDSignIn| to receive a refresh token or an error.
@protocol GIDSignInDelegate <NSObject>
// The sign-in flow has finished and was successful if |error| is |nil|.
- (void)signIn:(GIDSignIn *)signIn
didSignInForUser:(GIDGoogleUser *)user
withError:(NSError *)error;
// Finished disconnecting |user| from the app successfully if |error| is |nil|.
- (void)signIn:(GIDSignIn *)signIn
didDisconnectWithUser:(GIDGoogleUser *)user
withError:(NSError *)error;
// A protocol which may be implemented by consumers of |GIDSignIn| to be notified of when
// GIDSignIn has finished dispatching the sign-in request.
// This protocol is useful for developers who implement their own "Sign In with Google" button.
// Because there may be a brief delay between when the call to |signIn| is made, and when the
// app switch occurs, it is best practice to have the UI react to the user's input by displaying
// a spinner or other UI element. The |signInWillDispatch| method should be used to
// stop or hide the spinner.
@protocol GIDSignInUIDelegate <NSObject>
// The sign-in flow has finished selecting how to proceed, and the UI should no longer display
// a spinner or other "please wait" element.
- (void)signInWillDispatch:(GIDSignIn *)signIn error:(NSError *)error;
// If implemented, this method will be invoked when sign in needs to display a view controller.
// The view controller should be displayed modally (via UIViewController's |presentViewController|
// method, and not pushed unto a navigation controller's stack.
- (void)signIn:(GIDSignIn *)signIn presentViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController;
// If implemented, this method will be invoked when sign in needs to dismiss a view controller.
// Typically, this should be implemented by calling |dismissViewController| on the passed
// view controller.
- (void)signIn:(GIDSignIn *)signIn dismissViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController;
// This class signs the user in with Google. It also provides single sign-on via a capable Google
// app if one is installed.
// For reference, please see "Google Sign-In for iOS" at
// Here is sample code to use |GIDSignIn|:
// 1. Get a reference to the |GIDSignIn| shared instance:
// GIDSignIn *signIn = [GIDSignIn sharedInstance];
// 2. Set the OAuth 2.0 scopes you want to request:
// [signIn setScopes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@""]];
// 3. Call [signIn setDelegate:self];
// 4. Set up delegate method |signIn:didSignInForUser:withError:|.
// 5. Call |handleURL| on the shared instance from |application:openUrl:...| in your app delegate.
// 6. Call |signIn| on the shared instance;
@interface GIDSignIn : NSObject
// The authentication object for the current user, or |nil| if there is currently no logged in user.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) GIDGoogleUser *currentUser;
// The object to be notified when authentication is finished.
@property(nonatomic, weak) id<GIDSignInDelegate> delegate;
// The object to be notified when sign in dispatch selection is finished.
@property(nonatomic, weak) id<GIDSignInUIDelegate> uiDelegate;
// The client ID of the app from the Google APIs console. Must set for sign-in to work.
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *clientID;
// The API scopes requested by the app in an array of |NSString|s. The default value is |@[]|.
// This property is optional. If you set it, set it before calling |signIn|.
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSArray *scopes;
// Whether or not to fetch basic profile data after signing in. The data is saved in the
// |GIDGoogleUser.profileData| object.
// Setting the flag will add "email" and "profile" to scopes.
// Defaults to |YES|.
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldFetchBasicProfile;
// Whether or not to switch to Chrome or Safari if no suitable Google apps are installed.
// Defaults to |YES|.
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL allowsSignInWithBrowser;
// Whether or not to support sign-in via a web view.
// Defaults to |YES|.
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL allowsSignInWithWebView;
// The language for sign-in, in the form of ISO 639-1 language code optionally followed by a dash
// and ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 region code, such as |@"it"| or |@"pt-PT"|. Only set if different from
// system default.
// This property is optional. If you set it, set it before calling |signIn|.
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *language;
// The login hint to the authorization server, for example the user's ID, or email address,
// to be prefilled if possible.
// This property is optional. If you set it, set it before calling |signIn|.
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *loginHint;
// The client ID of the home web server. This will be returned as the |audience| property of the
// OpenID Connect ID token. For more info on the ID token:
// This property is optional. If you set it, set it before calling |signIn|.
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *serverClientID;
// The OpenID2 realm of the home web server. This allows Google to include the user's OpenID
// Identifier in the OpenID Connect ID token.
// This property is optional. If you set it, set it before calling |signIn|.
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *openIDRealm;
// The Google Apps domain to which users must belong to sign in. To verify, check |GIDGoogleUser|'s
// |hostedDomain| property.
// This property is optional. If you set it, set it before calling |signIn|.
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *hostedDomain;
// Returns a shared |GIDSignIn| instance.
+ (GIDSignIn *)sharedInstance;
// This method should be called from your |UIApplicationDelegate|'s
// |application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation|. Returns |YES| if |GIDSignIn| handled this
// URL.
- (BOOL)handleURL:(NSURL *)url
sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
// Checks whether the user has either currently signed in or has previous authentication saved in
// keychain.
- (BOOL)hasAuthInKeychain;
// Attempts to sign in a previously authenticated user without interaction. The delegate will be
// called at the end of this process indicating success or failure.
- (void)signInSilently;
// Starts the sign-in process. The delegate will be called at the end of this process. Note that
// this method should not be called when the app is starting up, (e.g in
// application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:). Instead use the |signInSilently| method.
- (void)signIn;
// Marks current user as being in the signed out state.
- (void)signOut;
// Disconnects the current user from the app and revokes previous authentication. If the operation
// succeeds, the OAuth 2.0 token is also removed from keychain.
- (void)disconnect;
// DEPRECATED: this method always calls back with |NO| on iOS 9 or above. Do not use this method.
// Checks if a Google app to handle sign in requests is installed on the user's device on iOS 8 or
// below.
- (void)checkGoogleSignInAppInstalled:(void (^)(BOOL isInstalled))callback
DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("This method always calls back with |NO| on iOS 9 or above.");