blob: 3a811b9f2240eaefe32304e38069e03b44174efb [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
// Time when the test was run
var runTime time.Time
const (
version = "1.2.2"
// gotest regular expressions
// === RUN TestAdd
gt_startRE = "^=== RUN:?[[:space:]]+([a-zA-Z_][^[:space:]]*)"
// --- PASS: TestSub (0.00 seconds)
// --- FAIL: TestSubFail (0.00 seconds)
// --- SKIP: TestSubSkip (0.00 seconds)
gt_endRE = "^--- (PASS|FAIL|SKIP):[[:space:]]+([a-zA-Z_][^[:space:]]*) \\((\\d+(.\\d+)?)"
// FAIL _/home/miki/Projects/goroot/src/xunit 0.004s
// ok _/home/miki/Projects/goroot/src/anotherTest 0.000s
gt_suiteRE = "^(ok|FAIL)[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(\\d+.\\d+)"
// ? alipay [no test files]
gt_noFiles = "^\\?.*\\[no test files\\]$"
// FAIL node/config [build failed]
gt_buildFailed = `^FAIL.*\[(build|setup) failed\]$`
// gocheck regular expressions
// START: mmath_test.go:16: MySuite.TestAdd
gc_startRE = "START: [^:]+:[^:]+: ([A-Za-z_][[:word:]]*).([A-Za-z_][[:word:]]*)"
// PASS: mmath_test.go:16: MySuite.TestAdd 0.000s
// FAIL: mmath_test.go:35: MySuite.TestDiv
gc_endRE = "(PASS|FAIL|SKIP|PANIC|MISS): [^:]+:[^:]+: ([A-Za-z_][[:word:]]*).([A-Za-z_][[:word:]]*)[[:space:]]?([0-9]+.[0-9]+)?"
// FAIL go2xunit/demo-gocheck 0.008s
// ok go2xunit/demo-gocheck 0.008s
gc_suiteRE = "^(ok|FAIL)[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]+(\\d+.\\d+)"
var (
failOnRace = false
type Test struct {
Name, Time, Message string
Failed bool
Skipped bool
Passed bool
type Suite struct {
Name string
Time string
Status string
Tests []*Test
type SuiteStack struct {
nodes []*Suite
count int
// Push adds a node to the stack.
func (s *SuiteStack) Push(n *Suite) {
s.nodes = append(s.nodes[:s.count], n)
// Pop removes and returns a node from the stack in last to first order.
func (s *SuiteStack) Pop() *Suite {
if s.count == 0 {
return nil
return s.nodes[s.count]
type TestResults struct {
Suites []*Suite
Assembly string
RunDate string
RunTime string
Time string
Total int
Passed int
Failed int
Skipped int
// calculate grand total for all suites
func (r *TestResults) calcTotals() {
totalTime, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(r.Time, 64)
for _, suite := range r.Suites {
r.Passed += suite.NumPassed()
r.Failed += suite.NumFailed()
r.Skipped += suite.NumSkipped()
suiteTime, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(suite.Time, 64)
totalTime += suiteTime
r.Time = fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", totalTime)
r.Total = r.Passed + r.Skipped + r.Failed
func (suite *Suite) NumFailed() int {
count := 0
for _, test := range suite.Tests {
if test.Failed {
return count
func (suite *Suite) NumSkipped() int {
count := 0
for _, test := range suite.Tests {
if test.Skipped {
return count
// Number of passed tests in the suite
func (suite *Suite) NumPassed() int {
count := 0
for _, test := range suite.Tests {
if test.Passed {
return count
// Number of tests in the suite
func (suite *Suite) Count() int {
return len(suite.Tests)
func hasDatarace(lines []string) bool {
has_datarace := regexp.MustCompile("^WARNING: DATA RACE$").MatchString
for _, line := range lines {
if has_datarace(line) {
return true
return false
type LineScanner struct {
lnum int
func NewLineScanner(r io.Reader) *LineScanner {
scan := bufio.NewScanner(r)
return &LineScanner{scan, 0}
func (ls *LineScanner) Scan() bool {
val := ls.Scanner.Scan()
return val
func (ls *LineScanner) Line() int {
return ls.lnum
func gt_Parse(rd io.Reader) ([]*Suite, error) {
find_start := regexp.MustCompile(gt_startRE).FindStringSubmatch
find_end := regexp.MustCompile(gt_endRE).FindStringSubmatch
find_suite := regexp.MustCompile(gt_suiteRE).FindStringSubmatch
is_nofiles := regexp.MustCompile(gt_noFiles).MatchString
is_buildFailed := regexp.MustCompile(gt_buildFailed).MatchString
is_exit := regexp.MustCompile("^exit status -?\\d+").MatchString
suites := []*Suite{}
var curTest *Test
var curSuite *Suite
var out []string
suiteStack := SuiteStack{}
// Handles a test that ended with a panic.
handlePanic := func() {
curTest.Failed = true
curTest.Skipped = false
curTest.Time = "N/A"
curSuite.Tests = append(curSuite.Tests, curTest)
curTest = nil
// Appends output to the last test.
appendError := func() error {
if len(out) > 0 && curSuite != nil && len(curSuite.Tests) > 0 {
message := strings.Join(out, "\n")
if curSuite.Tests[len(curSuite.Tests)-1].Message == "" {
curSuite.Tests[len(curSuite.Tests)-1].Message = message
} else {
curSuite.Tests[len(curSuite.Tests)-1].Message += "\n" + message
out = []string{}
return nil
scanner := NewLineScanner(rd)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
// TODO: Only outside a suite/test, report as empty suite?
if is_nofiles(line) {
if is_buildFailed(line) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%d: package build failed: %s", scanner.Line(), line)
if curSuite == nil {
curSuite = &Suite{}
tokens := find_start(line)
if tokens != nil {
if curTest != nil {
// This occurs when the last test ended with a panic.
if suiteStack.count == 0 {
curSuite = &Suite{Name: curTest.Name}
} else {
if e := appendError(); e != nil {
return nil, e
curTest = &Test{
Name: tokens[1],
tokens = find_end(line)
if tokens != nil {
if curTest == nil {
if suiteStack.count > 0 {
prevSuite := suiteStack.Pop()
suites = append(suites, curSuite)
curSuite = prevSuite
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%d: orphan end test: %s", scanner.Line(), scanner.Text())
if tokens[2] != curTest.Name {
err := fmt.Errorf("%d: name mismatch (%s != %s) (try disabling parallel mode): %s", scanner.Line(), tokens[2], curTest.Name, scanner.Text())
return nil, err
curTest.Failed = (tokens[1] == "FAIL") || (failOnRace && hasDatarace(out))
curTest.Skipped = (tokens[1] == "SKIP")
curTest.Passed = (tokens[1] == "PASS")
curTest.Time = tokens[3]
curTest.Message = strings.Join(out, "\n")
curSuite.Tests = append(curSuite.Tests, curTest)
curTest = nil
out = []string{}
tokens = find_suite(line)
if tokens != nil {
if curTest != nil {
// This occurs when the last test ended with a panic.
if e := appendError(); e != nil {
return nil, e
curSuite.Name = tokens[2]
curSuite.Time = tokens[3]
suites = append(suites, curSuite)
curSuite = nil
if is_exit(line) || (line == "FAIL") || (line == "PASS") {
out = append(out, line)
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return suites, nil
// gc_Parse parses output of "go test -gocheck.vv", returns a list of tests
// See data/gocheck.out for an example
func gc_Parse(rd io.Reader) ([]*Suite, error) {
find_start := regexp.MustCompile(gc_startRE).FindStringSubmatch
find_end := regexp.MustCompile(gc_endRE).FindStringSubmatch
find_suite := regexp.MustCompile(gc_suiteRE).FindStringSubmatch
scanner := NewLineScanner(rd)
var suites = make([]*Suite, 0)
var suiteName string
var suite *Suite
var testName string
var out []string
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
tokens := find_start(line)
if len(tokens) > 0 {
if tokens[2] == "SetUpTest" || tokens[2] == "TearDownTest" {
if testName != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%d: start in middle\n", scanner.Line())
suiteName = tokens[1]
testName = tokens[2]
out = []string{}
tokens = find_end(line)
if len(tokens) > 0 {
if tokens[3] == "SetUpTest" || tokens[3] == "TearDownTest" {
if testName == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%d: orphan end", scanner.Line())
if (tokens[2] != suiteName) || (tokens[3] != testName) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%d: suite/name mismatch", scanner.Line())
test := &Test{Name: testName}
test.Message = strings.Join(out, "\n")
test.Time = tokens[4]
test.Failed = (tokens[1] == "FAIL") || (tokens[1] == "PANIC")
test.Passed = (tokens[1] == "PASS")
test.Skipped = (tokens[1] == "SKIP" || tokens[1] == "MISS")
if suite == nil || suite.Name != suiteName {
suite = &Suite{Name: suiteName}
suites = append(suites, suite)
suite.Tests = append(suite.Tests, test)
testName = ""
suiteName = ""
out = []string{}
// last "suite" is test summary
tokens = find_suite(line)
if tokens != nil {
if suite == nil {
suite = &Suite{Name: tokens[2], Status: tokens[1], Time: tokens[3]}
suites = append(suites, suite)
} else {
suite.Status = tokens[1]
suite.Time = tokens[3]
testName = ""
suiteName = ""
out = []string{}
if testName != "" {
out = append(out, line)
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return suites, nil
func hasFailures(suites []*Suite) bool {
for _, suite := range suites {
if suite.NumFailed() > 0 {
return true
return false
const (
xmlDeclaration = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>`
xunitTemplate string = `
{{range $suite := .Suites}} <testsuite name="{{.Name}}" tests="{{.Count}}" errors="0" failures="{{.NumFailed}}" skip="{{.NumSkipped}}">
{{range $test := $suite.Tests}} <testcase classname="{{$suite.Name}}" name="{{$test.Name}}" time="{{$test.Time}}">
{{if $test.Skipped }} <skipped/> {{end}}
{{if $test.Failed }} <failure type="go.error" message="error">
</failure>{{end}} </testcase>
{{end}} </testsuite>
multiTemplate string = `
<testsuites>` + xunitTemplate + `</testsuites>
xunitNetTemplate string = `
<assembly name="{{.Assembly}}"
run-date="{{.RunDate}}" run-time="{{.RunTime}}"
{{range $suite := .Suites}}
<class time="{{.Time}}" name="{{.Name}}"
{{range $test := $suite.Tests}}
<test name="{{$test.Name}}"
result={{if $test.Skipped }}"Skip"{{else if $test.Failed }}"Fail"{{else if $test.Passed }}"Pass"{{end}}
{{if $test.Failed }} <failure exception-type="go.error">
// writeXML exits xunit XML of tests to out
func writeXML(suites []*Suite, out io.Writer, xmlTemplate string) {
testsResult := TestResults{
Suites: suites,
Assembly: suites[len(suites)-1].Name,
RunDate: runTime.Format("2006-01-02"),
RunTime: fmt.Sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", runTime.Hour(), runTime.Minute(), runTime.Second()),
t := template.New("test template")
t, err := t.Parse(xmlDeclaration + xmlTemplate)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error in parse %v\n", err)
err = t.Execute(out, testsResult)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error in execute %v\n", err)
// getInput return input io.File from file name, if file name is - it will
// return os.Stdin
func getInput(filename string) (*os.File, error) {
if filename == "-" || filename == "" {
return os.Stdin, nil
return os.Open(filename)
// getInput return output io.File from file name, if file name is - it will
// return os.Stdout
func getOutput(filename string) (*os.File, error) {
if filename == "-" || filename == "" {
return os.Stdout, nil
return os.Create(filename)
// getIO returns input and output streams from file names
func getIO(inputFile, outputFile string) (io.Reader, io.Writer, error) {
input, err := getInput(inputFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("can't open %s for reading: %s", inputFile, err)
output, err := getOutput(outputFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("can't open %s for writing: %s", outputFile, err)
return input, output, nil
// set test execution time from file date
func setRunTimeFrom(file *os.File) {
statinfo, err := file.Stat()
runTime = statinfo.ModTime()
func checkFatal(err error) {
if err != nil {
func main() {
inputFile := flag.String("input", "", "input file (default to stdin)")
outputFile := flag.String("output", "", "output file (default to stdout)")
fail := flag.Bool("fail", false, "fail (non zero exit) if any test failed")
showVersion := flag.Bool("version", false, "print version and exit")
bamboo := flag.Bool("bamboo", false, "xml compatible with Atlassian's Bamboo")
xunitnet := flag.Bool("xunitnet", false, "xml compatible with")
is_gocheck := flag.Bool("gocheck", false, "parse gocheck output")
flag.BoolVar(&failOnRace, "fail-on-race", false, "mark test as failing if it exposes a data race")
if *showVersion {
fmt.Printf("go2xunit %s\n", version)
// No time ... prefix for error messages
if flag.NArg() > 0 {
log.Fatalf("error: %s does not take parameters (did you mean -input?)", os.Args[0])
if *bamboo && *xunitnet {
log.Fatalf("error: -bamboo and -xunitnet are mutually exclusive")
input, output, err := getIO(*inputFile, *outputFile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: %s", err)
var parse func(rd io.Reader) ([]*Suite, error)
if *is_gocheck {
parse = gc_Parse
} else {
parse = gt_Parse
suites, err := parse(input)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: %s", err)
if len(suites) == 0 {
log.Fatalf("error: no tests found")
xmlTemplate := xunitTemplate
if *xunitnet {
xmlTemplate = xunitNetTemplate
} else if *bamboo || (len(suites) > 1) {
xmlTemplate = multiTemplate
writeXML(suites, output, xmlTemplate)
if *fail && hasFailures(suites) {