blob: 7b89b22b5b9cb9be2b4fa27abfb3f3c913e0833a [file] [log] [blame]
package gatt
import (
type device struct {
conn xpc.XPC
role int // 1: peripheralManager (server), 0: centralManager (client)
reqc chan message
rspc chan message
// Only used in client/centralManager implementation
plist map[string]*peripheral
plistmu *sync.Mutex
// Only used in server/peripheralManager implementation
attrN int
attrs map[int]*attr
subscribers map[string]*central
func NewDevice(opts ...Option) (Device, error) {
d := &device{
reqc: make(chan message),
rspc: make(chan message),
plist: map[string]*peripheral{},
plistmu: &sync.Mutex{},
attrN: 1,
attrs: make(map[int]*attr),
subscribers: make(map[string]*central),
d.conn = xpc.XpcConnect("", d)
return d, nil
func (d *device) Init(f func(Device, State)) error {
go d.loop()
rsp := d.sendReq(1, xpc.Dict{
"kCBMsgArgName": fmt.Sprintf("gopher-%v", time.Now().Unix()),
"kCBMsgArgOptions": xpc.Dict{"kCBInitOptionShowPowerAlert": 1},
"kCBMsgArgType": 1,
d.stateChanged = f
go d.stateChanged(d, State(rsp.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgState")))
return nil
func (d *device) AdvertiseNameAndServices(name string, ss []UUID) error {
us := uuidSlice(ss)
rsp := d.sendReq(8, xpc.Dict{
"kCBAdvDataLocalName": name,
"kCBAdvDataServiceUUIDs": us},
if res := rsp.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgResult"); res != 0 {
return errors.New("FIXME: Advertise error")
return nil
func (d *device) AdvertiseIBeaconData(data []byte) error {
var utsname xpc.Utsname
var rsp xpc.Dict
if utsname.Release >= "14." {
l := len(data)
buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{byte(l + 5), 0xFF, 0x4C, 0x00, 0x02, byte(l)})
rsp = d.sendReq(8, xpc.Dict{"kCBAdvDataAppleMfgData": buf.Bytes()})
} else {
rsp = d.sendReq(8, xpc.Dict{"kCBAdvDataAppleBeaconKey": data})
if res := rsp.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgResult"); res != 0 {
return errors.New("FIXME: Advertise error")
return nil
func (d *device) AdvertiseIBeacon(u UUID, major, minor uint16, pwr int8) error {
b := make([]byte, 21)
copy(b, reverse(u.b)) // Big endian
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b[16:], major) // Big endian
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b[18:], minor) // Big endian
b[20] = uint8(pwr) // Measured Tx Power
return d.AdvertiseIBeaconData(b)
func (d *device) StopAdvertising() error {
rsp := d.sendReq(9, nil)
if res := rsp.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgResult"); res != 0 {
return errors.New("FIXME: Stop Advertise error")
return nil
func (d *device) RemoveAllServices() error {
d.sendCmd(12, nil)
return nil
func (d *device) AddService(s *Service) error {
if s.uuid.Equal(attrGAPUUID) || s.uuid.Equal(attrGATTUUID) {
// skip GATT and GAP services
return nil
xs := xpc.Dict{
"kCBMsgArgAttributeID": d.attrN,
"kCBMsgArgAttributeIDs": []int{},
"kCBMsgArgCharacteristics": nil,
"kCBMsgArgType": 1, // 1 => primary, 0 => excluded
"kCBMsgArgUUID": reverse(s.uuid.b),
xcs := xpc.Array{}
for _, c := range s.Characteristics() {
props := 0
perm := 0
if c.props&CharRead != 0 {
props |= 0x02
if CharRead& != 0 {
perm |= 0x04
} else {
perm |= 0x01
if c.props&CharWriteNR != 0 {
props |= 0x04
if != 0 {
perm |= 0x08
} else {
perm |= 0x02
if c.props&CharWrite != 0 {
props |= 0x08
if != 0 {
perm |= 0x08
} else {
perm |= 0x02
if c.props&CharNotify != 0 {
if != 0 {
props |= 0x100
} else {
props |= 0x10
if c.props&CharIndicate != 0 {
if != 0 {
props |= 0x200
} else {
props |= 0x20
xc := xpc.Dict{
"kCBMsgArgAttributeID": d.attrN,
"kCBMsgArgUUID": reverse(c.uuid.b),
"kCBMsgArgAttributePermissions": perm,
"kCBMsgArgCharacteristicProperties": props,
"kCBMsgArgData": c.value,
d.attrs[d.attrN] = &attr{h: uint16(d.attrN), value: c.value, pvt: c}
xds := xpc.Array{}
for _, d := range c.Descriptors() {
if d.uuid.Equal(attrClientCharacteristicConfigUUID) {
// skip CCCD
xd := xpc.Dict{
"kCBMsgArgData": d.value,
"kCBMsgArgUUID": reverse(d.uuid.b),
xds = append(xds, xd)
xc["kCBMsgArgDescriptors"] = xds
xcs = append(xcs, xc)
xs["kCBMsgArgCharacteristics"] = xcs
rsp := d.sendReq(10, xs)
if res := rsp.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgResult"); res != 0 {
return errors.New("FIXME: Add Srvice error")
return nil
func (d *device) SetServices(ss []*Service) error {
for _, s := range ss {
return nil
func (d *device) Scan(ss []UUID, dup bool) {
args := xpc.Dict{
"kCBMsgArgUUIDs": uuidSlice(ss),
"kCBMsgArgOptions": xpc.Dict{
"kCBScanOptionAllowDuplicates": map[bool]int{true: 1, false: 0}[dup],
d.sendCmd(29, args)
func (d *device) StopScanning() {
d.sendCmd(30, nil)
func (d *device) Connect(p Peripheral) {
pp := p.(*peripheral)
d.plist[] = pp
"kCBMsgArgOptions": xpc.Dict{
"kCBConnectOptionNotifyOnDisconnection": 1,
func (d *device) respondToRequest(id int, args xpc.Dict) {
switch id {
case 19: // ReadRequest
u := UUID{args.MustGetUUID("kCBMsgArgDeviceUUID")}
t := args.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgTransactionID")
a := args.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgAttributeID")
o := args.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgOffset")
attr := d.attrs[a]
v := attr.value
if v == nil {
c := newCentral(d, u)
req := &ReadRequest{
Request: Request{Central: c},
Cap: int(c.mtu - 1),
Offset: o,
rsp := newResponseWriter(int(c.mtu - 1))
if c, ok := attr.pvt.(*Characteristic); ok {
c.rhandler.ServeRead(rsp, req)
v = rsp.bytes()
d.sendCmd(13, xpc.Dict{
"kCBMsgArgAttributeID": a,
"kCBMsgArgData": v,
"kCBMsgArgTransactionID": t,
"kCBMsgArgResult": 0,
case 20: // WriteRequest
u := UUID{args.MustGetUUID("kCBMsgArgDeviceUUID")}
t := args.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgTransactionID")
a := 0
noRsp := false
xxws := args.MustGetArray("kCBMsgArgATTWrites")
for _, xxw := range xxws {
xw := xxw.(xpc.Dict)
if a == 0 {
a = xw.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgAttributeID")
o := xw.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgOffset")
i := xw.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgIgnoreResponse")
b := xw.MustGetBytes("kCBMsgArgData")
_ = o
attr := d.attrs[a]
c := newCentral(d, u)
r := Request{Central: c}
attr.pvt.(*Characteristic).whandler.ServeWrite(r, b)
if i == 1 {
noRsp = true
if noRsp {
d.sendCmd(13, xpc.Dict{
"kCBMsgArgAttributeID": a,
"kCBMsgArgData": nil,
"kCBMsgArgTransactionID": t,
"kCBMsgArgResult": 0,
case 21: // subscribed
u := UUID{args.MustGetUUID("kCBMsgArgDeviceUUID")}
a := args.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgAttributeID")
attr := d.attrs[a]
c := newCentral(d, u)
d.subscribers[u.String()] = c
c.startNotify(attr, c.mtu)
case 22: // unubscribed
u := UUID{args.MustGetUUID("kCBMsgArgDeviceUUID")}
a := args.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgAttributeID")
attr := d.attrs[a]
if c := d.subscribers[u.String()]; c != nil {
case 23: // notificationSent
func (d *device) CancelConnection(p Peripheral) {
d.sendCmd(32, xpc.Dict{"kCBMsgArgDeviceUUID": p.(*peripheral).id})
// process device events and asynchronous errors
// (implements XpcEventHandler)
func (d *device) HandleXpcEvent(event xpc.Dict, err error) {
if err != nil {
log.Println("error:", err)
id := event.MustGetInt("kCBMsgId")
args := event.MustGetDict("kCBMsgArgs")
//log.Printf(">> %d, %v", id, args)
switch id {
case // device event
6, // StateChanged
16, // AdvertisingStarted
17, // AdvertisingStopped
18: // ServiceAdded
d.rspc <- message{id: id, args: args}
19, // ReadRequest
20, // WriteRequest
21, // Subscribe
22, // Unubscribe
23: // Confirmation
d.respondToRequest(id, args)
case 37: // PeripheralDiscovered
xa := args.MustGetDict("kCBMsgArgAdvertisementData")
if len(xa) == 0 {
u := UUID{args.MustGetUUID("kCBMsgArgDeviceUUID")}
a := &Advertisement{
LocalName: xa.GetString("kCBAdvDataLocalName", args.GetString("kCBMsgArgName", "")),
TxPowerLevel: xa.GetInt("kCBAdvDataTxPowerLevel", 0),
ManufacturerData: xa.GetBytes("kCBAdvDataManufacturerData", nil),
rssi := args.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgRssi")
if xu, ok := xa["kCBAdvDataServiceUUIDs"]; ok {
for _, xs := range xu.(xpc.Array) {
s := UUID{reverse(xs.([]byte))}
a.Services = append(a.Services, s)
if xsds, ok := xa["kCBAdvDataServiceData"]; ok {
xsd := xsds.(xpc.Array)
for i := 0; i < len(xsd); i += 2 {
sd := ServiceData{
UUID: UUID{xsd[i].([]byte)},
Data: xsd[i+1].([]byte),
a.ServiceData = append(a.ServiceData, sd)
if d.peripheralDiscovered != nil {
go d.peripheralDiscovered(&peripheral{id: xpc.UUID(u.b), d: d}, a, rssi)
case 38: // PeripheralConnected
u := UUID{args.MustGetUUID("kCBMsgArgDeviceUUID")}
p := &peripheral{
id: xpc.UUID(u.b),
d: d,
reqc: make(chan message),
rspc: make(chan message),
quitc: make(chan struct{}),
sub: newSubscriber(),
d.plist[u.String()] = p
go p.loop()
if d.peripheralConnected != nil {
go d.peripheralConnected(p, nil)
case 40: // PeripheralDisconnected
u := UUID{args.MustGetUUID("kCBMsgArgDeviceUUID")}
p := d.plist[u.String()]
delete(d.plist, u.String())
if d.peripheralDisconnected != nil {
d.peripheralDisconnected(p, nil) // TODO: Get Result as error?
case // Peripheral events
54, // RSSIRead
55, // ServiceDiscovered
62, // IncludedServiceDiscovered
63, // CharacteristicsDiscovered
70, // CharacteristicRead
71, // CharacteristicWritten
73, // NotifyValueSet
75, // DescriptorsDiscovered
78, // DescriptorRead
79: // DescriptorWritten
u := UUID{args.MustGetUUID("kCBMsgArgDeviceUUID")}
p := d.plist[u.String()]
p.rspc <- message{id: id, args: args}
log.Printf("Unhandled event: %#v", event)
func (d *device) sendReq(id int, args xpc.Dict) xpc.Dict {
m := message{id: id, args: args, rspc: make(chan xpc.Dict)}
d.reqc <- m
return <-m.rspc
func (d *device) sendCmd(id int, args xpc.Dict) {
d.reqc <- message{id: id, args: args}
func (d *device) loop() {
for req := range d.reqc {
d.sendCBMsg(, req.args)
if req.rspc == nil {
m := <-d.rspc
req.rspc <- m.args
func (d *device) sendCBMsg(id int, args xpc.Dict) {
// log.Printf("<< %d, %v", id, args)
d.conn.Send(xpc.Dict{"kCBMsgId": id, "kCBMsgArgs": args}, false)